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Chapter 12 Continuous Random Variables and their Probability Distributions.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12 Continuous Random Variables and their Probability Distributions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12 Continuous Random Variables and their Probability Distributions

2 Probability Distributions of a Continuous Random Variable For a continuous random variable X, a probability density function such that

3 Probability Distributions of a Continuous Random Variable For a continuous random variable X, a probability cumulative function:

4 Mean & Standard Deviation of a Continuous Random Variable

5 Continuous Probability Distributions Continuous Uniform Distribution Normal Distribution Exponential Distribution Erlang and Gamma Distributions Weibull Distribution Lognormal Distribution Beta Distribution

6 Continuous Uniform Distribution Probability Density Function Mean Variance

7 Normal Distribution Probability Density Function, with parameter , where -  0 Mean Variance

8 Normal Distribution The curve is symmetric about the mean The mean, median, and mode are equal The tails of the curve extend indefinitely

9 Standard Normal Distribution A normal random variable with parameter  =0, and  =1 Cumulative Distribution: Table II in Appendix A Convert x to z

10 Standard Normal Distribution -6  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1  01  2  3  4  5  6  

11 Exponential Distribution Probability Density Function, with mean, where >0, and x>0 Cumulative probability Mean Variance

12 Exponential Distribution

13 Exponential Distribution Alternate Definition Probability Density Function, with rate, where >0, and x  0 Cumulative probability Mean Variance

14 Exponential Distribution Example An HR department wishes to study the need for hiring new secretaries. It is estimated that the amount of time that a secretary stays in the job can be described as an exponential distribution with a mean of 26 months. The company just hired a new secretary. Calculate the probabilities of the following events: The secretary has to be replaced within the first year. The secretary has to be replaced during the third year. The secretary remains in the position for more than 5 years

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