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19.12.06 STIMULTE 6 Final presentation Urenika Millawithanachchi Assistant Librarian Main Library University of Colombo Colombo 07 Sri Lanka .

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Presentation on theme: "19.12.06 STIMULTE 6 Final presentation Urenika Millawithanachchi Assistant Librarian Main Library University of Colombo Colombo 07 Sri Lanka ."— Presentation transcript:

1 19.12.06 STIMULTE 6 Final presentation Urenika Millawithanachchi Assistant Librarian Main Library University of Colombo Colombo 07 Sri Lanka Email.

2 19.12.06 Summary of the content of the program  Statistics for information science  Library management software  Scientific presentation of information  Citation analysis and research performance  Web information retrieval  Publishing on WWW  Theasurus and ISBD  Library visits

3 19.12.06 Suggestion to improve the program  Pay more attention in reservation of classrooms  Reduce the number of free days  Add more library visits  Some arrangements to work in a library during free days to get more experience

4 19.12.06 Strong points of the program  Social events- Help to learn about the culture, food etc. of the country  Library visits- Help to get real experience

5 19.12.06 Best components of the program  Library management systems 1. ISIS- Library automation 2. Greenstone- Digital library building  Web information retrieval WWW and search engines Information searching techniques

6 19.12.06 Not so good components  Library and information networks  Difficult to concentrate on one subject from morning to evening

7 19.12.06 Recommendations for the home institute  Fully library automation including circulation and acqusitions.  Training programs on web information retrieval for - Library staff - Academic staff - Students

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