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Monitoring Human Development OECD EXPERT GROUP ON SDMX GENEVA 10-11 MAY 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring Human Development OECD EXPERT GROUP ON SDMX GENEVA 10-11 MAY 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring Human Development OECD EXPERT GROUP ON SDMX GENEVA 10-11 MAY 2007

2 Indicators - SDMX Statistical data and metadata exchange (SDMX) ISO/TS 17369:2005 developed by BIS, ECB, EUROSTAT, IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank Sources - DDI/DC Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) and Dublin Core (DC) ISO 15836:2003 Information and documentation Digital Maps - UNGIWG Geographic information metadata ISO 19115:2003 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring EmergencyInfo Digital Map Library

3 Other Databases Integration with Existing Systems System Integration The DevInfo database system is designed to be integrated with existing systems through data exchange mechanisms

4 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring EmergencyInfo Digital Map Library

5 Information on Indicator

6 Information on Area

7 Information on Data Source Type International dataset Publisher UN Statistics Division Title MDG Data set Year 2006 Observation Country Data

8 Customized Tables SAVE and SHARE customized reports Rapid Assessment Regular Situation Reports MDG Reports Poverty Reduction Sector Reports


10 Panel with themes, layers, features, insets

11 L02 States Zoom-in to state level INDIA Population Density

12 751,000 children 50 Point Layer Earthquake Earthquake simulation INDIA

13 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring EmergencyInfo

14 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring Aid Effectiveness EmergencyInfo SDMX SDMX International Data National Data Metadata How is SDMX being implemented using DevInfo database technology?

15 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring Aid Effectiveness EmergencyInfo SDMX Key Family Dimensions Attributes Country Time Frequency Unit Unit Multiplier Topic Stock/Flow Geographic Area Time Period Indicator Subgroup Unit SDMX ModelDevInfo MDGs Data Source -Key Family

16 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring Aid Effectiveness EmergencyInfo SDMX Key Family -Key Family Dimensions Attributes Geographic Area Time Period Indicator Subgroup Unit DevInfo MDGs Data Source Proportion of the population using improved drinking water sources Total Rural Urban Percent 2004 Bangladesh UNSD MDG 2006 Example

17 Geographic Area Time Period Indicator Subgroups Unit Data Source Observation

18 ISSUE 1 Geographic Area Code List Area IDs for geographic areas are standardized and coding handles multiple geographic areas: global, regions, countries, sub-national geographic areas RECOMMENDATION UNGIWG Spatial Database

19 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring Aid Effectiveness EmergencyInfo SDMX Code Lists -Code Lists -Key Family Area IDCountries

20 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring Aid Effectiveness EmergencyInfo SDMX Code Lists -Code Lists -Key Family Area IDSub-national Area ID

21 Time Period Code List Time Periods are standardized to handle a start and end time period. Also, able to specify combinations of years, months, days. RECOMMENDATION - ISSUE 2

22 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring Aid Effectiveness EmergencyInfo SDMX Code Lists -Code Lists -Key Family Time Period YYYY.MM.DD – YYYY.MM.DD

23 MDG Indicator Structural Definitions Rationalized and simplified MDG indicator names: indicators, units, subgroups. Indicator: Unemployment rate Unit: Per cent Subgroups:* Male 15-24 yr Female 15-24 yr Total 15-24 yr Subgroups include sex, location (urban/rural), age groups, other attributes ISSUE 3

24 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring Aid Effectiveness EmergencyInfo SDMX Code Lists -Code Lists -Key Family Indicator Indicators by MDG

25 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring Aid Effectiveness EmergencyInfo SDMX Code Lists -Code Lists -Key Family Unit Units for MDG Indicators

26 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring Aid Effectiveness EmergencyInfo SDMX Code Lists -Code Lists -Key Family Subgroup Subgroups for MDG Indicators

27 Code ListsIndicator Unit Subgroup

28 Code ListsGlobal ID Unit

29 MDG Indicator Structural Definitions

30 Data Sources Metadata on data sources are in DDI XML format: (a)Link from primary data source to secondary/ tertiary data sources (b)Link to nature of data points Country Data (C) Country Adjusted (CA) Estimated (E) Modelled (M) Global monitoring data (G) Non-relevant (N) ISSUE 4

31 The data source should link the user from UNSD (in this example) to the UN agency providing the data and on to the primary data source at country level.

32 Domains The expert working group is working on the creation of MDG domains and establishing methods for updating the related code lists, key families and indicator metadata. This will be very helpful for data exchange at national level. IUS: Linkages to goals, sectors, other classifications. RECOMMENDATION Build on subject matter expertise of the18 UN agencies of MDG expert working group ISSUE 5

33 DomainsSectorIndicator Indicator Metadata

34 MDG SDMX Registry The expert working group will be working on the creation of an MDG SDMX registry at global level. ISSUE 6













47 MDG Data Management The expert working group is working on an SDMX-ML compliant data collection mechanism: From national level to international level (UN agency) From UN agency to UNSD. The information in this spreadsheet will be transformed into an SDMX-ML format. ISSUE 7

48 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring Aid Effectiveness EmergencyInfo SDMX -Key Family -Code Lists -Domains -SDMX-ML Implementation of DevInfo and SDMX to Support Monitoring Millennium Development Goals A Pilot Study with the Southern African Development Community -Pilot -Registry

49 MDG SDMX Registry

50 Zambia Mozambique Malawi MDG SDMX Registry MDG Template National Data

51 Zambia Mozambique Malawi MDG SDMX Registry MDG Template National Data

52 Zambia Mozambique Malawi MDG SDMX Registry Agent MDG Template Regional Data QA

53 MDG Template Regional Data

54 For more information, contact: Mr. Nicolas Pron DevInfo Global Administrator

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