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SFA Monday. Take out old Vocabulary check Record your Comprehension and Vocabulary score. File your test and vocabulary check and read and response Write.

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Presentation on theme: "SFA Monday. Take out old Vocabulary check Record your Comprehension and Vocabulary score. File your test and vocabulary check and read and response Write."— Presentation transcript:

1 SFA Monday

2 Take out old Vocabulary check Record your Comprehension and Vocabulary score. File your test and vocabulary check and read and response Write names on new recording sheet Set a goal for this weeks comprehension

3 Vocabulary Can you pronounce it Do know the definition Can you use it in a sentence

4 Title: Marvin of the Great North Woods Reading Goal: Compare and contrast Team Cooperation Goal: Explain your ideas Genre : Biography Author: Kathryn Lasky

5 My mother manages her own business, and has fifteen people working for her. manages: controls

6 When Mr. Applebaum showed us a pie chart I finally realized what fractions were. realized: understood

7 Don’s fish usually swims slowly around the tank, but when he sprinkles food on the water they get very lively. lively:active

8 The cat became frantic when we pulled out a ball of yarn. frantic:Overly excited

9 Greta’s dog is so shaggy that when she had its hair cut, it looked half as big as before. shaggy: Very hairy

10 Fred didn’t know how to ice skate, so after he ties on the skated he shuffled across the ice in them. shuffled:Walked clumsily

11 Reading Goal: Compare and Contrast Compare: Look for ways things are the same. Contrast: Look for ways things are different.

12 Every night after she finished her chores and her homework, Alicia’s mother let her have a free hour to watch television or read a book of her choice. One Wednesday evening, Alicia finished everything and had to pick television or book. Alicia liked watching television because she could choose from all kinds of programs that were funny, sad, informative, entertaining, or interesting. She liked best the programs about animals, and she also liked programs about ancient history. She liked the fact that the camera let her see animals and faraway places in ways she probably never could herself. Imagine being within ten feet of a lion in Africa, for example! But Alicia also liked reading books. They were just as funny, sad, informative, entertaining, or interesting as television programs. But instead of seeing the pictures and hearing people talk, she had to read the words and use her imagination. Reading books tool a little bit more work than watching television.

13 Alicia thought that reading books was probably better for her brain than watching television, even if she watched educational programs. Because reading took more work, she thought it was like exercise for her brain, television made her feel lazy sometimes. But she still couldn’t choose so she decided to read a book for a half hour and watch television for the other half.

14 Pages TE p. 328 Pages 93-103

15 Let’s predict Page 218 TE P. 329

16 Team Talk Let’s preview the questions on page 83 of your treasure hunt.

17 Partner Read 15 minutes Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you Partner Read p. A:218-B:220 Restate page B:218 and A:220 Read Silently: Page 218-221 Discuss with team words you clarified Find vocabulary words

18 Team Discussion Pass out Team Discussion Cards Discuss answers to team talk questions Write answers to question 1 and 3

19 Class Discussion What are some of the words you clarified? Answer questions 1-4

20 Adventures in Writing 15 min Treasure hunt page 83 Discuss with your table first.

21 Vocabulary Practice Treasure Hunt Page 73

22 Fluency 5 min Pg 72-74, paragraphs 1-6

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