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Published byJulian Pearson Modified over 9 years ago
LAN QoS and WAN MPLS: Status and Plan Dantong Yu and Shawn Mckee DOE Site Visit December 13, 2004
2 Outline Introduction: The MPLS & LAN QoS project and personnel Involved. BNL network configuration. Program goals and details. Proposed primitive infrastructure. Work plans, milestones, schedule. Current status.
3 This project will investigate the integration and use of LAN QoS and MPLS based differentiated network services in the ATLAS data intensive distributed computing environment as a way to manage the network as a critical resource;. The Collaboration includes: Brookhaven National Laboratory (US ATLAS Tier 1, ESNet) USATLAS Group: Bruce Gibbard, Razvan Popescu, Tom Throwe, Dantong Yu, Xin Zhao ITD Networking Group: Scott Bradley, Frank Burstein, Vincent Bonafede Univ. of Michigan [UM] (US ATLAS Network Project Manager, US ATLAS Candidate Tier 2 Center, Internet2, UltraLight Co-PI): Shawn Mckee The External Collaborators from OSCAR (ESNET), Lambda station (FNAL), and DWMI (SLAC) What is Terapaths ?
4 BNL Campus Network and Immediate Update Plan The USATLAS/RHIC Computing Facility is attached to access/distribution layer routers. Campus network consists of Cisco 6509 Series Switches, with Cisco QoS support Cisco PIX 535 Firewall. (1Gbps) Will be replaced by firewall service blade for CISCO 6500 series. (5 Gbps), Dec/14/2004
5 Project Goal and Objectives T The primary goal of this project is to investigate the use of QoS/MPLS technology in the ATLAS data intensive distributed computing environment. In addition we intend to: q Develop expertise in QoS technology and Management which will be important to ATLAS and the LHC community more generally. q Dedicate fractions of the available bandwidth via QoS supported by existing network infrastructure to ATLAS Tier 1 data movement and RHIC data replications to assure adequate throughput and limit their disruptive impact upon each other. q Enhance technical contact between the ATLAS tier 1 at BNL and its network partners including the Tier 0 center at CERN, potential ATLAS Tier 2’s and other members of the Grid3+ (OSG-0) community of which it is a part.
6 Proposed Prototype/Primitive Infrastructure GridFtp & SRM LAN/MPLS ESnet Network resource manager MPLS requests Traffic Identification TCP syn/fin packages, addresses, port # Grid AA Network Usage Policy Translator Bandwidth Requests & Releases OSCARS IN(E)GRESS Monitoring Direct Bandwidth Requests SE Second/Third year LAN QoS M10 LAN QoS requests
7 Overall Work Plans Terapaths envisions a multiple year program to deliver a high- performance, QoS enabled network infrastructure for ATLAS/LHC computing. Each year will determine the following year(s)’s direction. Phase I: Establish Initial Functionality (08/04 ~ 09/30). z Help to steer the direction of the following two phases. Phase II:Establish Prototype Production Service (10/05 ~ 07/06). Depends on the success of Phase 1. Phase III:Establish Full Production Service, Extend Scope and Increase Functionality (08/06 ~ 07/07). z The level of service and its scope will depends on the available project funding and some additional resources. z Broaden deployment and capability to Tier2s, partners.
8 Goal: Have LAN QoS up and running with manual configuration, integrate with WAN’s MPLS PATH to provide End-to-end QoS (Oct/01~March/31: 6 months) Milestone 1 and work items: (Jan/10/2005) Enable LAN QoS inside BNL campus network along the path from GridFtp servers and SRM into the boarder routers. Identify QoS capabilities associated with LAN infrastructure. (ITD) Study hardware-dependent QoS techniques, options for LAN QoS. (ITD, UM) Initial deployment on testbed (non-production) routers to prove the concepts. (ITD,UM) Configure local production network to enable QoS for pre-selected traffics. (ITD) Milestone 2 and work items: (Jan/31/2005) Test and verify MPLS paths between BNL and LBL, SLAC (network monitoring project), FNAL. Meet regularly with OSCAR, remote collaborators to request MPLS path setup. (BNL ATLAS, UM, OSCAR) Send Traffic to MPLS paths provided by OSCAR. (BNL teams) Test and verify MPLS path between BNL and UM (BNL, OSCAR, AND UM). (March/30/2004)
9 6 months goal, milestones and work items Milestone 3 and work items: (Jan/31/2005) Set up network monitoring tools provided by DWMI, install other monitoring tools when necessary. Work with Les to attain and deploy the PingER and DWMI tools. (BNL and SLAC) Install host monitoring tools, such as ganglia and network equipment monitoring tools. (BNL ATLAS and UM) Milestone 4 and work items: (Jan/31/2005) Integrate the LAN QoS with MPLS paths offered by OSCAR. Verify LAN QoS capability by injecting regular traffic and prioritized traffic in LAN. (BNL ATLAS and ITD) Verify WAN MPLS bandwidth provisioning (BNL ATLAS and UM) Do integration test and document experience. (BNL ATLAS and UM) Create a simple LAN QoS and MPLS request system based on email exchanges: email list, conference. (BNL ATLAS and OSCAR)
10 6 months goal, milestones and work items Milestone 5 and work items: (Feb/28/2005) Verify the impact between prioritized traffic and best effort traffic. Learn the effectiveness and efficiency of MPLS/LAN QoS and its impact to overall network performance Create best effort traffic between BNL and CERN to fill up bottleneck bandwidth for prescribed periods. (BNL ATLAS) Inject prioritized traffic between BNL and FNAL and monitor the traffic behavior. (BNL ATLAS and ITD) Test and verify different LAN QoS technologies/policies in different time periods. (BNL ATLAS, ITD and UM) Milestone 6 and work items: (March/31/2005) Add more applications into MPLS/LAN QoS projects Add part of USATLAS/RHIC production data transfer into LAN/MPLS paths. (BNL ATLAS, ITD, OSCAR, RHIC)
11 Goal: Automate the MPLS/LAN QoS setup and raise aware of managing end-to-end network resource (April/01~Sep/31/05, 12 months) Milestone 1: Document any lesson/experience learned from this project. (April/30/2005) Decide whether LAN QoS/MPLS is useful to LHC physics. (BNL ATLAS, UM) Build LAN QoS/MPLS expertise in BNL: LAN QoS & MPLS setup, configuration, maintenance and removal. (BNL ATLAS, ITD, UM) Milestone 2: Implement automatic/manual QoS request system. (May/31/2005) Traffic Identification: capture TCP syn/fin packages and register to the pending request queue. (BNL ATLAS, UM). Dynamic generation of QoS requests in the midst of network traffic. (BNL ATLAS, SLAC) Create Web interface for manually inputting QoS requests. (BNL ATLAS). Interface into QoS scheduling System. (BNL ATLAS, UM).
12 12 Months goal, milestones and work items Milestone 3: Implement simple bandwidth scheduling system. (June/30/2005) Implement first come, first serve for LAN bandwidth. (BNL ATLAS) Implement interface into OSCAR MPLS scheduler. (BNL ATLAS, ESNet) Information collector for DWMI. (BNL ATLAS and SLAC) Milestone 4: Implement automatic LAN QoS configuration systems. (June/30/2005) Evaluate/Deploy vendor provided LAN management system software (BNL ITD, UM) Map LAN QoS requests onto network control commands (BNL ITD, UM)
13 12 Months goal, milestones and work items Milestone 5: System Integration, test, validation and deployment. (August/31/2005) System integration onto available testbed equipment. (BNL, UM) Test and Verify with synthetic traffic. (BNL) Deploy the system into BNL production equipment (BNL, UM). Milestone 6: Design a remote surveillance video demo to monitor BNL and FNAL SC2005 booths and home institutes and utilize WAN MPLS and LAN QoS. (BNL, FNAL) (Sep/31/2005) Configure LAN QoS and MPLS paths between BNL and FNAL. (BNL, FNAL, Esnet) Exchange video and audio streams between these two sites. (BNL, FNAL) Generate physics event histogram from data stored at remote peers. (BNL, FNAL) Compare with NON-QoS scenario and document the difference.
14 Establish Prototype Production Service (year 2) T Integrate Grid data transfer (GridFtp) into LAN QoS/MPLS enabled network service. T Effectively couple these network/data transfer services with storage resources managed by SRM, have GridFtp/SRM functionality in “beta”. T Incorporate the resulting system into the ATLAS grid middleware. T Build tools to provide basic authentication, authorization and access control – Depends on funding, Rely on leveraging. T Supply client interfaces which make this service available in a manner transparent to any details of the underlying QoS/MPLS traffic engineering T Leverage MPLS paths/VO level network monitoring services with DWMI project to be developed at SLAC.
15 Extend Scope and Increase Functionality of Prototype Service (year 3) T Inter-network domain MPLS establishment, dynamically creating, adjusting of sub-partitioning MPLS paths to meet time constrained network requirements. q Create site level network resource manager for multiple VOs vying for limited WAN resource. q Provide dynamic bandwidth re-adjusting based resource usage policy and path utilization status collected from network monitoring (DWMI). q Leverage dynamic MPLS establishing services provided by OSCARS: the ESnet On-Demand Secure Circuits and Advance Reservation System. q Create user interface/web services for LHC data transfer applications to request network resource in advance. Goal: to broaden deployment and capability to tier 1 and tier 2 sites, create services which will be honored/adopted by CERN ATLAS/LHC Tier 0.
16 Status (Testbed and Labeling) A LAN QoS simulation testbed is being created in a private network environment: consists of four hosts and two CISCO switches (same models as production infrastructure) Evaluated mechanisms to assign different “cos” to GridFtp data transfers initiated by different VOs. LAN: source IP addresses and port numbers determine DSCP bits WAN MPLS: Use IP addresses, port # & DSCP bits for assign MPLS labels at border router. TEnable QoS: “mls qos” TClassify the packets at the receiving ports, 3/1 and 3/9. q Interface fa3/1: Mls qos cos 5 q Interface fa3/9: Mls qos cos 0 TBandwidth Policing: Fair queue tos 5 60 Fair queue tos 0 Class-map match-any green Match ip precedence 0 Class-map match-any red Match ip precedence 5 60% 40% 3/1 3/9
17 Status (Production network configuration) LAN packets from ftp servers (aftpexp01~04) and port (21,000~22,000) to FNAL CMS subnet were marked to class 4 and EF at three Cisco switches/routers. Working on bandwidth allocation/policing for the marked traffic. WAN A MPLS path was manually created between the BNL ESNet router to Esnet POP to STARLight. (November/18/2004) Traffic with correct source, destination ip addresses is correctly labeled and tunneled. Bandwidth allocation is 50mbps, but policer does not correctly police the traffic.
18 Status (MPLS traffic verification) Qualified pair of hosts: [dtyu@aftpexp03 ~]$ /usr/sbin/traceroute traceroute to 1 ( 2 ( 3 amon ( 4 ( 5 ( MPLS Label=515776 CoS=5 TTL=1 S=0 6 ( MPLS Label=501968 CoS=5 TTL=1 S=0 7 ( 9 ( 10 ( Un-qualified pair of hosts: [ dtyu@stargrid01 ~]$ /usr/sbin/traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets 1 ( 2 ( 3 ( 4 ( 5 ( 6 ( 7 ( 8 ( 9 ( 10 ( 11 ( [dtyu@aftpexp04 ~]$ iperf -c -p 21000 -w 1MB -P 40 -t 100 -i 5 [SUM] 0.0-102.4 sec 3.08 GBytes 259 Mbits/sec (much higher than allocated the 50mbps bandwidth)
19 Status ( Create best effort traffic between BNL and CERN to fill up bottleneck bandwidth for prescribed periods) BNL participate into CERN Tier 0, tier 1 service challenge. Prototype the data movement services that will be needed by LHC Meet the required performance and reliability. Network, Disk to disk file transfer. Reliable file transfer service. Mass storage to mass storage file transfer. Accomplished Deploy and tune the four Ftp servers on INTEL based commodity PCs with SCSI drives, tune the kernel, local disk file systems. Disk to disk file transfer between BNL and CERN GridFtp servers with GridFtp tools. 75MB/second writing to BNL disks and 80MB/second reading from BNL disk per host Two servers filled up the network bottleneck 99%, went beyond OC 12 connection. Sustained the data transfer rate for more than 12 hours. Stopped because of potential for disrupting other users. BNL’s service challenge is scheduled during Christmas week.
20 Network Traffic Monitoring for “Robust Service Challenge”
21 Status (Network Monitoring Tools Deployment) Deployed ganglia based host monitoring tools. Requested ITD to evaluate Cisco proprietary network managing tools: such as COPS. Have been working with SLAC DWMI team to deploy network monitoring tools. q IEPM_BW software is being installed on a machine outside the firewall with 100MBits interface, 50% installation was completed. SLAC team provides helps with the system installation. (Xin Zhao, Connie Logg)
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