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By: Blake Kent and Juan Chavez..  The dominance of the transportation field by the automobile and trucking industries was assured when Congress passed.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Blake Kent and Juan Chavez..  The dominance of the transportation field by the automobile and trucking industries was assured when Congress passed."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Blake Kent and Juan Chavez.

2  The dominance of the transportation field by the automobile and trucking industries was assured when Congress passed the National Highway Act in 1958.  America already had 1.68 million miles of surfaced road in 1950

3  Cost of gas was $.20 per gallon!  Do to the low fuel prices they could make cars any size, with any size motor.  They were not worried about fuel running out or global warming.

4  By the 1950’s the automobile industry was thriving.  The biggest companies are Ford, Dodge, Buick, Pontiac, Plymouth, Chevrolet, and Studebaker

5  Car models are cars, trucks, and vans.  Each model has something that makes it different from the rest. They also have different options for each one. 

6  Drive-ins became popular in the late 1950’s, with some 4,000 drive-ins across the U.S.  In the early 1950’s the drive thru was born with McDonalds.  This is when drive thru’s became popular with most people.

7  The Diner’s Club issued the first credit card in 1950, following in 1958 is when American Express issued theirs.  People bought large items such as cars, and paid it in installment plans over a period of time.  Debt nationally went from $73 billion to $179 billion.

8  During the 1950’s is when people finally started leaving cities because of cars they could make the drive to work everyday.  As more an more people moved away the suburbs were born.  Work eventually came to the suburbs on its own.

9 By: Blake Kent Juan Cavez

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