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Using the BASIC Stamp Editor program, the Boe-Bot was programmed to be able to accomplish a variety of tasks including: 1.Move at a constant rate of speed.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the BASIC Stamp Editor program, the Boe-Bot was programmed to be able to accomplish a variety of tasks including: 1.Move at a constant rate of speed."— Presentation transcript:


2 Using the BASIC Stamp Editor program, the Boe-Bot was programmed to be able to accomplish a variety of tasks including: 1.Move at a constant rate of speed 2.Detect obstructions using an infrared sensor 3.Adjust its course based on the readings of the infrared sensors in order to navigate through a maze 4.Climb an incline of approximately a 45% grade 5.Stop at the peak of ascent

3 Power supply that operates on 4 AA batteries and The CPU, power supply connection and the bread board

4 Infrared Sensors designed to detect obstacles and send information to the CPU so that the course may be adjusted Servo motor that rotates the IR sensors left and right

5 Rubber coated wheels designed to deliver the traction required to ascend and descend slopes Pivot ball which allows for point turn accuracy Servo motors which operate the wheels

6 Presentation By: Bryan Flynn Cody Vandyke Devon Patterson

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