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AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN AID The Crocodile Hunters Trellace Lawrimore Reno Varghese.

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Presentation on theme: "AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN AID The Crocodile Hunters Trellace Lawrimore Reno Varghese."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN AID The Crocodile Hunters Trellace Lawrimore Reno Varghese

2 History Bretton Woods Conference Australia’s Bloc Political and Economic Power Economic Status Participation in IOs Foreign Policy Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade AusAID

3 The Debate RN and DI modelsNo Consistent TrendsTrade Bermeo 2012 Berthelemy and Tichit 2004 Berthelemy 2006 Peter Carroll

4 Initial Result Average Aid Received

5 Recipient Need Model (GDP per capita)

6 Recipient Need Model (aid per capita)

7 Donor Interest Model Trade Geography DFAT Trans-Pacific Partnership Colonial Indicators

8 Donor Interest Model—Regional Indicator Average Aid Received within Australia’s Region

9 Initial Regression Results VARIABLECOEFFICIENTT-VALUEP>ltl aussieBWI.528***8.030 r_oceania2.348***32.390 lntotalflow.131***18.40 britcolony.348***12.20 aussiecolony.939***3.740 lnpopulation.122***15.450 gdppercapita-0.0004***-14.590 cons3.9045.070 **Statistically significant at the 5% level ***Statistically significant at the 1% level

10 Robustness Test VARIABLEModel 1Model 2Model 3 aussieBWI***8.33***8.15***5.95 r_oceania---***28.76--- lntotalflow***7.16***21.65***8.51 britcolony***14.64***13.71***15.24 aussiecolony***5.72***5.13***7.02 lnpopulation***20.13***13.71***19.29 gdppercapita***-10.41***-15.68***-13.19 cons1.615.07-2.55 Regional Fixed EffectsYesNoYes Year Fixed EffectsNoYes

11 Why is the BWI variable statistically significant?

12 Conclusion Donor InterestTradeBWI Bloc

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