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Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures First steps in Sustainable Procurement at the University of Hertfordshire Michelle Dixon, Environmental Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures First steps in Sustainable Procurement at the University of Hertfordshire Michelle Dixon, Environmental Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures First steps in Sustainable Procurement at the University of Hertfordshire Michelle Dixon, Environmental Advisor

2 Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures The story so far! The EAUC Sustainable Purchasing Project Sustainable Purchasing Policy Sustainable purchasing gap analysis Integrating sustainability into the supplier selection process Risk based analysis Implementing ‘quick wins’ Training and communication Raising the profile - senior management Overcoming challenges CSR questionnaire and Sustainable Purchasing Policy at pre- qualification stage Objectives and targets for sustainable purchasing approved by the Procurement Committee Environment and Purchasing Team Workshop

3 Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures The EAUC Sustainable Purchasing Project Committed the University to a project partnership with Senior Management approval. Guidance, research, analysis, training to adopt more sustainable purchasing practices. An interacting network of project partners.

4 Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures Sustainable Purchasing Policy Signed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor All new contractors must state that they will comply The policy covers Assessment of environmental risks Complying with environmental legislation. Educating and working with key suppliers Favouring more sustainable products - Harmful substances, recycled content, biodegradable, Eco Labels, Reuse and recycling

5 Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures Encourage suppliers to achieve ISO14001 or EMAS. Training and awareness of staff Whole Life Costing Addressing barriers to SME’s and local suppliers Race relations, disability, sex and religion. Environmental credentials and criteria considered in the award of contracts Is it too comprehensive? How can we ensure supplier’s comply? Do we need VC sign off? Sustainable Purchasing Policy

6 Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures Sustainable Purchasing Gap analysis Based on the Flexible Framework Where are we now? Engagement of central Purchasing Team Best practice and areas for improvement Objectives and targets

7 Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures Integrating sustainability CSR questionnaire at pre-qualification stage Tailored sustainability questions for high environmental risk tenders Environmental Criteria – the OJEU purchasing rules

8 Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures Risk based analysis Targeted control and management L/H = MM/H = HH/H = H L/M = LM/M = MH/M = H L/L = LM/L = LH/L = M

9 Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures Some ‘quick wins’ Switch to recycled paper Green energy contract Greening of UH catering e-procurement Procurement of building materials for new buildings Ethical vending Fairtrade range expands Green stationary contract Energy efficient computers

10 Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures Environment and Purchasing websites Staff induction Guidance for devolved purchasers and contract managers Key supplier partnership training session Suppliers exhibition Quarterly and annual OVC reports UH is Your Planet! Training and communication

11 Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures Raising the profile - senior management Mobilising senior management - Are we leading or following? Sustainable Procurement is a crucial part of the sustainability agenda. Key strategic sustainability tool Local community Save money Enhance reputation

12 Environment Team Building Sustainable Futures Challenges Top down as well as bottom up Embedding sustainable purchasing - still marginalised? Effective communication Staff resources and priorities Working within confines of current contracts Measuring progress

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