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Tibetan Mandalas: A cycle With Nature.  Mandalas are created by many cultures throughout the world, but the most familiar are created by Tibetan Buddhist.

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Presentation on theme: "Tibetan Mandalas: A cycle With Nature.  Mandalas are created by many cultures throughout the world, but the most familiar are created by Tibetan Buddhist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tibetan Mandalas: A cycle With Nature

2  Mandalas are created by many cultures throughout the world, but the most familiar are created by Tibetan Buddhist monks.  In tibetan, the art form is called, dul-tson, kyil, khor- which means “mandala of many colored powders.”  The paintings are made of colored sands placed carefully onto flat platforms and can take weeks to months to complete. Sometime the monks may not even stop to sleep!!!

3 Here are some example of mandalas from all different cultures:




7  What do all of these mandalas have in common????

8  Let’s watch the Tibetan Monks in the process of making a mandala:















23  When the mandala is completed, after a brief viewing period, a closing ceremony follows in which the sand painting is dissasembled and carried to the closest river. 

24  Mandalas contain many layers of symbolism.  The outermost layer= the world in its divine form  Innermost level= human map towards enlightenment  Secret level= perfect balance

25  The creation and dissasembling of the mandala is a cycle. When an artist makes temporary artwork from natural materials and then destroys it or lets it be destroyed, it is called EPHEMERAL art.  What does this cycle have to do with nature? AND whay would an artist want to make ephemeral art?

26 Your assignment:  Create a mandala that is somehow symbolic of the universe, the world, your culture, or your life. Think about life cycles and the idea of everything coming “full circle”  Your mandala may be geometric OR organic. It can be straightforward or more abstractly symbolic (as long as you put thought into the cycle and will be able to explain it)

27 Craftsmanship: Student created a well-crafted design showing pride and effort in work. Proper techniques followed; use of ruler evident. Colored/detailed neatly. 54321/0 Completion: Student completed all mandala requirements and design appears complete. Must be either colored or made with lots of detail. 54321/0 Elements and Principles: Geometric shapes measured and drawn correctly and organic shapes drawn neatly. Use of radial balance in design, along with perfect symmetry either in all segments or at least two diagonal segments. 54321/0 Symbolism: Design is symbolic of a cycle of life or is symbolic of the universe and is explained below in at least three sentences. 54321/0 Unity/Harmony: Design demonstrates unity and harmony in style, technique, lines, and shapes used.54321/0 Total Points_____ X4= ______/100



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