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Ozone layer The hole in the ozone layer.

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7 Ozone layer The hole in the ozone layer




11 Desertification沙漠化

12 卫星拍摄到的中国 地图让人震惊! From the photo, we can see most of the land in China is not covered by trees. Desertification is becoming more and more serious.

13 As a result of mankind and technology, natural resources have been seriously affected and natural disasters attack us frequently!

14 Natural resources have been seriously affected by carelessness. Different attitudes towards the problem. Humans are moving towards an important point in the relationship with nature. Humans can only really win by protecting nature.

15 For a long time, our ________ _________have been seriously affected by our ____________. Many people believe that __________ and ________ are destroying nature. People endlessly ____________ Earth’s resources and further damage Earth in many aspects. But if we focus only on ______________ ___________, then people may suffer. Some people think we are only doing what humans have always done, using nature to meet our own _______. Other people argue that such thinking may spell _________, unless we start to look around and understand how a clean environment benefits us all. naturalresources carelessness technologymankind overdevelop environmental conservation needs disaster

16 We are moving towards an important point of understanding in our relationship with nature. After decades of destroying nature and using up Earth’s natural resources, many ___________ nations are now concerned about saving nature rather than developing or destroying it. However, many poorer nations are still using up natural resources at a fast _______ to meet the everyday needs of their people. Often they do not realize that the choices are bad for the environment. It should not be a question of humans ________ and nature ________. developed rate winninglosing

17 Most of the time it turns out that humans are not really ________ when they damage the environment. Humans can only really win by __________ nature. So it is mankind’s ____________ to find solutions that are acceptable for everyone, and everything. profiting protecting responsibility

18 Economic development is the first. Nature protection is the first. Economic development is the first. Nature protection is the first.


20 Nowadays, we are in the age of economic development. Many conveniences have been brought to us by economic development. So I agree with the statement that economic development should be the first. The reasons and examples are chiefly as follows: First of all, due to the improvement of technology, people can enjoy more convenience than ever. Secondly, technology has made our life as comfortable as we can imagine. Thirdly, without economic development, the nature/environment protection will have no conditions.

21 If nature/the environment has not been protected, the economic development cannot keep on. Environment is closely related to our lives, and we cannot overemphasize( 过分强调 ) the importance of environmental protection. 1. Where can we live if our Mother Earth is badly destroyed? 2. Human beings are part of our nature, so we should live in harmony with nature. 3. Destroying nature is actually destroying ourselves, because we depend on nature for survival.

22 4. Good environment can make us live longer. 5. If all the resources are used up, what can we leave for our next generation? So surely at that time they will hate or even curse us. 6. In our country, economic development makes great pressure to the environment and the pollution limits the development of social economy.

23 Do you think the problem of humans winning and nature losing can be settled? If so, can you suggest some solutions to the problems of humans wining and nature losing?

24 We all know that both environment protection and economic development are important. How to cope with the relationship between environment protection and economic development is a big problem to the whole human society. In our country, economic development makes great pressure to the environment and the pollution limits the development of social economy. So the strategy of persistent development( 可持续性 发展策略 ) is the key-way to solve the problem.


26 Para 1: 自然资源 毁灭自然 无休止地过度开发地球资源 工业废物 natural resources destroy nature endlessly overdevelop Earth’s resources industrial waste v. 建造,建设,构造 ; 构想, construction n. constructive adj. 有建设性的 under construction 建桥 故事的构思相当巧妙。 正在修建 construct a bridge The story is skillfully constructed.

27 Para 2: 环境保护 经济发展 满足某人的需要 使得某人受益 观点 economic development meet one’s needs benefit sb points of view argue: v. 争辩,辩论,主张 argue with sb. about /over sth. 因 … 同某人争论 argue for / against sth. 为赞成或反对某事而争辩 argue that… 主张 … argue sb. into / out of doing sth. 说服某人做 / 停止做某事 environmental conservation

28 (1)in favour of: 有利于, 赞同, 支持 大部分人都支持这个候选人. (2)do sb. a favour 帮助某人 请帮一下我的忙. 请帮个忙开一下门. (3)He sent some presents to her with the intention of winning her favour. The majority of the people are in favour of the candidate. Do me a favor,please. 他送礼物给她试图赢得她的偏爱. Please do me the favor to open the door.

29 (1) 他赞成我的建议. He favored my suggestion. (2)favour sb. with sth. 对某人施 … 恩惠 借用一下电话, 好吗 ? Will you favor me with your telephone? (3) 她是父母偏爱的一个孩子. She is a favored child by her parents. The new manager has created a favorable impression. 新经理给人留下很好的印象.

30 point of view : 观点,着眼点 view: n. 观点,看法,见解 辨析: view / opinion / idea view 侧重于对比较广泛、重大或者有关公众问题所 采取的态度,比较固定、系统。全面的见解; opinion 是对某事或某人持有的看法或舆论 idea 是处置某事的计划、判断、理解或对其实现之 可能性进行评测 He holds an opinion opposite to our. 他持有与我们相反的意见。 Do you have any idea of what I’m trying to explain? 你知道我努力要解释的是什么吗? Different social classes hold different political views. 不同的社会阶级有不同的政治观点。

31 辨析: argue/debate/quarrel/discuss argue 指说理, 论证, 侧重摆事实, 试图说服对方, 也可 能是激烈的交换意见, 以以致争吵; debate 指正式的辩论, 交锋 quarrel 指由于对某事不满而生气, 同某人争吵, 吵架 discuss 讨论, 着重指交换意见, 不含说服对方的意思.

32 spell disaster 招致灾难 Delay spells losses. 拖延招致损失。 Those dark clouds spell rain. 那些乌云意味着下雨。 这种寒冷的天气可能会给园艺工人带来灾难. This cold weather could spell trouble for gardeners.

33 Para 3: 数十年的破坏自然 而不是 因为 … 而受到责备 成千上万母的雨林 健康和富庶的生活 decades of destroying nature rather than be blamed for hundreds of thousands of acres of rainforest healthy and productive life

34 rate : n. 比率,速度,地方税,价格 v. 对 … 评价,认为 death rate 以高价出售 postal rates rates and taxes 他工作效率很高。 稳定的速度 死亡率 be sold at a high rate 邮费 地方税和国家税 He works at a high rate. a steady rate

35 developed nations developed: adj. 发达的,成熟的 developing adj. 发展中的 development n. 发展,生长,进化 develop v. 发展,培育,制订,成长 develop one’s mind 开发心智 develop into 发展成为 … develop from sth. 从 … 发展而来

36 Most of the time it turns out that humans are … turn out: 结果是, 证明是 The rumor turns out to be true. 事情真相结果要比我们预料的奇怪. The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected. 传闻后来证明是真的。 It turned out that the truth was stranger than we had expected.

37 turn over turn down turn against turn away turn up 翻转,思考 调小音量,拒绝 反对,背叛 转过脸去,把 … 打发走 调大音量,露面

38 ( 2004 广西) We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn ’ t quite ___ as planned. A.make out B. turn out C. go on D. come up

39 n. 利益, 好处, 利润 This new invention will bring you great profits like a goldmine. 这项新发明会像一座金矿一样给你们带来利润。 vi. 有益, 有利 (from, by) 你可以吸取其他人的经验教训。 You may profit by/from the experience of others. Vt. 有利于 ; 得益于 这对我有什么好处呢 ? What will it profit me?

40 Writer an article about the debate we held today. (about 120 words) Title: Economic development and nature protection


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