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Encountering Conflict Prompt types. Causes of conflict TASK: Brainstorm causes of conflict in general: What causes conflict in our lives?  Clashes of.

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Presentation on theme: "Encountering Conflict Prompt types. Causes of conflict TASK: Brainstorm causes of conflict in general: What causes conflict in our lives?  Clashes of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Encountering Conflict Prompt types

2 Causes of conflict TASK: Brainstorm causes of conflict in general: What causes conflict in our lives?  Clashes of interest in values, ideologies, territory, power, status etc  What are some of the causes of conflict explored in the memoir?  Fear  Differing expectations  Power  Resentment  Lack of understanding of others’ beliefs  Greed  Disagreements  Intolerance  misunderstandings  desire for territory  a perception of injustice,  a need for change

3 Causes of conflict: prompts TASK: Write a detailed plan and a complete written explanation in response to either of the following prompts: Conflict is born of fear. OR Conflicts involve a clash of ideas, interests and expectations.

4 Consequences of conflict  Are there both short-term and long-term consequences of conflict? What are they?  Explore the positive and negative consequences of conflict.  How can individuals best manage the consequences of conflict?  What do the consequences of conflict tell you about its role in human societies?

5 Consequences of conflict: prompts TASK: Write a detailed plan and a complete written explanation in response to either of the following prompts: Conflict challenges our values. OR There are no rules for who will survive conflict and who will be destroyed by it.

6 Response to conflict  What are the various ways in which individuals respond to conflict?  Avoidance – avoid or postpone conflict by ignoring it, changing the subject, etc. Avoidance can be useful as a temporary measure to buy time or as an expedient means of dealing with very minor, non- recurring conflicts. In more severe cases, conflict avoidance can involve severing a relationship or leaving a group.  Collaboration – work together to find a mutually beneficial solution.  Compromise – find a middle ground in which each party is partially satisfied.  Competition – assert one's viewpoint at the potential expense of another.  Accommodation – surrender one's own needs and wishes to accommodate the other party.  Explore the positive and negative responses to conflict.  Why do some people choose to be outsiders in times of conflict?  Why are some people able to make positive changes as a response to encountering conflict, while others are not?  What does this tell you about human nature?

7 Response to conflict: prompts TASK: Write a detailed plan and a complete written explanation in response to either of the following prompts: Conflict may change a person for the better. OR In times of conflict, ordinary people find themselves capable of great things.

8 Resolving Conflict  Are groups able to resolve conflict more effectively than individuals?  Is conflict ever fully resolved?  Is violence ever justified as a response to conflict?  What are the various ways conflict can be resolved?  What are some healthy ways to resolve conflict?  What are some negative ways to resolve conflict?  How is conflict resolved in the film?

9 Resolving conflict: prompts TASK: Write a detailed plan and a complete written explanation in response to either of the following prompts: Conflicts may be difficult to resolve. OR Conflict can only be resolved when both parties are prepared to compromise.

10 Nature of Conflict  What are the different types and levels of conflict?  Is it possible to live in a society without conflict? Or is conflict inevitable?  When analysing conflict, why is it important to explore the cultural/historical/social/economic/religious context of the conflict?  Are those in positions of power more or less likely to incite conflict to get what they want? Do the more powerful always win?  Are there always two valid sides to every conflict?  Taking the long view of human history, does conflict rule, or do consent and harmony? Why?

11 Nature of conflict: prompts TASK: Write a detailed plan and a complete written explanation in response to either of the following prompts: Conflicts is inevitable. OR Conflict can be character-building.

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