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1.From Rough to Final Draft: review final- draft format, ensure all requirements are met, and gauge level of suspense (handout). 2.Allegory Six-Trait Rubric:

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Presentation on theme: "1.From Rough to Final Draft: review final- draft format, ensure all requirements are met, and gauge level of suspense (handout). 2.Allegory Six-Trait Rubric:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1.From Rough to Final Draft: review final- draft format, ensure all requirements are met, and gauge level of suspense (handout). 2.Allegory Six-Trait Rubric: What’s your score? 3.Shoulder Partner Writing Workshop 4.Revise and edit your story + begin final draft AA 1.TURN IN your marked copy of “A Simple Way to Create Suspense.” 2.Final draft due Friday, Dec 14, end of period. 3.Organize your notes and blogs in a binder (due Monday). Topic: Review and Revision Level: Revising, Creating December 13

2 Yesterday, we... o reviewed conventions for formatting dialogue. o wrote or revised dialogue in rough drafts.

3 Today’s Objective Review and revise allegories. Begin final drafting.

4 Final Draft Format (handwritten) 1. Use clean, unripped paper, front side only. 2. Use pen or pencil. 3. Heading: name, date, and period in upper left-hand corner 4. Title: first line of paper, title case 5. Paragraphs: Indent them, don’t skip extra space between. 6. Spacing: Skip every other line, keeping one-inch margins on sides and bottom. 7. Write neatly, legibly, within the lines and margins.

5 Final Draft Format (typewritten) 1. Use clean, unripped paper, front side only. 2. Use 12-point font: Times New Roman 3. Spacing: Double space, from beginning to end, including heading and title. Don’t insert extra space anywhere in the paper. 4. Heading: name, date, and period in upper left-hand corner (This is not a header. Type it only once.) 5. Title: immediately after the heading, centered, in title case 6. Paragraphs: indent, but don’t skip extra space between. 7. Margins: one inch on all sides: top-bottom-left-right

6 Allegory  based on an existing story, situation, or event that is familiar to a wide group of people.  clearly allegorical: at least two levels of meaning + elements that stand for ideas outside the work + a lesson or warning.  a complete story (1): setting, characters, conflict, action, dialogue.  a complete story (2): exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution.  at least 1,000 words.  written as a final draft in academic format (final-draft format).

7 Suspense! How “hungry” will your readers be to find out what happens in your story? In the space provided, quote the sentences from your story that create suspense.

8 Shoulder Partner Writing Workshop 1. Trade allegories with your shoulder partner. 2. Read and mark your shoulder partner’s allegory: oDraw a star in the margin for passages that are well written or appealing. oDraw a smiley for passages that are amusing or entertaining. oUnderline passages that are difficult to understand. 3. On a separate sheet of paper... oComment on the suspense created at the beginning of the story. Is suspense present? How? If not, how could the author (your shoulder partner) increase suspense? (Make specific suggestions.) oProvide one more suggestion for improvement. (Think of the Six Traits.) 4. Return the allegory to its author. Explain your comments. Begin revising your allegory for suspense and other features of a bomb story.

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