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By Aditi Joshi The Normans. The Normans were people from Normandy and they are also descendants from the Vikings. Who were Normans?

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Presentation on theme: "By Aditi Joshi The Normans. The Normans were people from Normandy and they are also descendants from the Vikings. Who were Normans?"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Aditi Joshi The Normans

2 The Normans were people from Normandy and they are also descendants from the Vikings. Who were Normans?

3 1: Books in Normandy were published to tell people how to behave at feasts, one even said not to pass gas, scratch flea bites, or pick your nose while feasting! 2: Nobles ate whales, seals and porpoises! 3: The surname ‘Kid’ was given originally to someone not very sensible, who behaved like a goat! Fun Facts about Normans !

4 The Battle of Hastings This is the battle where the Norman invaders led by William the Conqueror defeated the army of King Harold II, (the second) in 1066 This battle took place in Hastings The legend is that King Harold was killed when he got shot in the eye with a Norman arrow The Battle of Hastings is shown in the Bayeux Tapestry.

5 Bayeux tapestry facts! 1:Why is it called the Bayeux tapestry It is called the Bayeux tapestry because it has been kept in Bayeux,France probably ever since it has been made! 2: how long is the Bayeux tapestry? the Bayeux tapestry is about 50cm tall and 70m tall, it is about the length of 3 swimming pools! It is the longest tapestry in the world! 3:what language is it written in? It is written in Latin because Latin was the main language in the middle ages.

6 Norman food Fire Feast Basic food Bread

7 Norman clothes

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