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Advertising Forms of Persuasion & Advertising Techniques.

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1 Advertising Forms of Persuasion & Advertising Techniques


3 Where do you see/hear advertisements  TV  Radio  Magazine Ads  Billboards  Flyers  Internet

4 Target Market…. Who is the Customer?  The company is trying to reach a certain customer. Age Group Male/Female Student Single/Married Special Interest  Music, Sports, Fashion, Food

5 Types of Advertising  Brand Advertising If you remember the brand name, you will buy that brand @ the store. You start to depend on the quality Usually more expensive – to pay cost of advertising

6 Types of Advertising Brand con’t.  Slogans & Jingles  Catchy tunes &phrases entertain you and help you remember a brand. “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?”

7 Types of Advertising  Informative Designed to Influence you to buy product  They educate/inform you about the product  (Car- Features: breaks, fuel, air bags etc)

8 Types of Advertising  Persuasive Forms of Persuasion  Rational Appeal Uses facts and knowledge  Emotional Appeal Play on emotional desires and needs  (shows a product bringing love or success to someone or something)

9  Positive Appeal An ad that says a product is wonderful  (tells good but not the bad) Types of Advertising: Forms of Persuasion

10  Negative Appeal Negative Appeal An ad that says something is dangerous-arouses your curiosity Types of Advertising: Forms of Persuasion

11  Humor Appeal Humor Appeal Etrade Commercial Meant to stick in your mind (you’re so amused you tell others)

12  Sex Appeal Sex Appeal Cashew Commercials Plays on your desire to be attractive Types of Advertising: Forms of Persuasion

13  Fear Appeal Fear Appeal Reminds you of natural fears, and suggests a product or service will somehow protect you Types of Advertising: Forms of Persuasion

14 Types of Advertising  Comparative Two competing products are used

15 Advertising Techniques  Testimonial Testimonial Shows people saying how good a product is

16 Endorsement A “famous” person saying how good a product is

17 Problem Solving White Strips Provide a solution to some difficulty

18 Advertising Techniques  Scientific Ad Shows favorable results from a test

19 Advertising Techniques  Demonstration Ad Demonstration Ad Shows how a product works

20 Advertising Techniques  Life-Style Ad Life-Style Ad Connects a product with a glamorous way of life

21 Advertising Techniques  Bandwagon Shows lots of people using the product

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