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Allen D. Malony, Sameer S. Shende, Alan Morris, Robert Bell, Kevin Huck, Nick Trebon, Suravee Suthikulpanit, Kai Li, Li Li

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Presentation on theme: "Allen D. Malony, Sameer S. Shende, Alan Morris, Robert Bell, Kevin Huck, Nick Trebon, Suravee Suthikulpanit, Kai Li, Li Li"— Presentation transcript:

1 Allen D. Malony, Sameer S. Shende, Alan Morris, Robert Bell, Kevin Huck, Nick Trebon, Suravee Suthikulpanit, Kai Li, Li Li {malony,sameer,amorris,khuck,ntrebon,suravee} Department of Computer and Information Science Performance Research Laboratory University of Oregon TAU Parallel Performance System

2 DOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC20042 Outline  Motivation  TAU architecture and toolkit  Instrumentation  Measurement  Analysis  Example DOE ASC applications  TAU status  Conclusion

3 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC20043 Problem Domain  ASC defines leading edge parallel systems and software  Large-scale systems and heterogenous platforms  Multi-model, multi-module simulation  Complex, multi-layered software integration  Multi-language programming  Mixed-model parallelism and hybrid parallelism  Complexity challenges performance analysis tools  System diversity requires portable tools  Need for cross-language support  Support different parallel computation models  Operate at scale

4 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC20044 Research Motivation  Tools for parallel performance problem solving  Empirical-based performance optimization process  Performance technology concerns characterization Performance Tuning Performance Diagnosis Performance Experimentation Performance Observation hypotheses properties Instrumentation Measurement Analysis Visualization Performance Technology Experiment management Performance database Performance Technology

5 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC20045 TAU Performance System  Tuning and Analysis Utilities (12+ year project effort)  Performance system framework for HPC systems  Integrated, scalable, flexible, and parallel  Targets a general complex system computation model  Entities: nodes / contexts / threads  Multi-level: system / software / parallelism  Measurement and analysis abstraction  Integrated toolkit for performance instrumentation, measurement, analysis, and visualization  Portable performance profiling and tracing facility  Open software approach with technology integration  University of Oregon, Research Center Jülich, LANL

6 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC20046 TAU Performance System Objectives  Multi-level performance instrumentation  Multi-language automatic source instrumentation  Flexible and configurable performance measurement  Widely-ported parallel performance profiling system  Computer system architectures and operating systems  Different programming languages and compilers  Support for multiple parallel programming paradigms  Multi-threading, message passing, mixed-mode, hybrid  Enable performance mapping across semantic levels  Support for object-oriented and generic programming  Integration in complex software systems and applications

7 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC20047 memory Node VM space Context SMP Threads node memory … … Interconnection Network Inter-node message communication * * physical view model view General Complex System Computation Model  Node: physically distinct shared memory machine  Message passing node interconnection network  Context: distinct virtual memory space within node  Thread: execution threads (user/system) in context

8 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC20048 TAU Performance System Architecture

9 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC20049 TAU Performance System Architecture

10 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200410 TAU Instrumentation Approach  Support for standard program events  Routines and statement-level blocks  Classes and templates  Based on begin/end (paired) event semantics  Support for user-defined events  “User-defined timers” (begin/end semantics)  Atomic events (standard and user-defined)  Selection of event statistics  Support definition of “semantic” entities for mapping  Support for event groups  Instrumentation optimization

11 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200411 TAU Instrumentation Mechanisms  Flexible instrumentation mechanisms at multiple levels  Source code  manual  automatic C, C++, F77/90/95 (Program Database Toolkit (PDT)) OpenMP (directive rewriting (Opari), POMP spec)  Object code  pre-instrumented libraries (e.g., MPI using PMPI)  statically-linked and dynamically-linked  Executable code  dynamic instrumentation (pre-execution) (DyninstAPI)  virtual machine instrumentation (e.g., Java using JVMPI)  TAU_COMPILER to automate instrumentation process

12 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200412 Multi-Level Instrumentation and Mapping  Multiple interfaces  Simultaneously active  Information sharing between interfaces  Selective instrumentation  Within/between levels  Associate performance data with high-level semantic abstractions User-level abstractions problem domain source code object codelibraries instrumentation executable runtime image compiler linkerOS VM instrumentation performance data run preprocessor

13 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200413 TAU Source Instrumentation  Automatic source instrumentation (tau_instrumentor)  Routine entry/exit and class method entry/exit  Block entry/exit and statement level (to be added)  Uses an instrumentation specification file  Include/exclude list for events and files  Uses command line options for group selection  Instrumentation event selection (tau_select)  Automatic generation of instrumentation specification file  Instrumentation language to describe event constraints  Event identity and location  Event performance properties (e.g., overhead analysis)  Create tau_select scripts for performance experiments

14 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200414 Program Database Toolkit (PDT)  Program code analysis framework  Use to develop source-based tools  High-level interface to source code information  Integrated toolkit for source code parsing, database creation, and database query  Commercial grade front-end parsers  Portable IL analyzer, database format, and access API  Open software approach for tool development  Multiple source languages  Implement automatic performance instrumentation tools  tau_instrumentor

15 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200415 Program Database Toolkit (PDT) Application / Library C / C++ parser Fortran parser F77/90/95 C / C++ IL analyzer Fortran IL analyzer Program Database Files IL DUCTAPE PDBhtml SILOON CHASM TAU_instr Program documentation Application component glue C++ / F90/95 interoperability Automatic source instrumentation

16 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200416 PDT Status  Cleanscape Flint parser fully integrated for F90/95  Flint parser is very robust  Produces PDB records for TAU instrumentation  Linux x86, HP Tru64, IBM AIX  Tested on SAGE, POP, ESMF, PET benchmarking codes  C++ and Fortran statement-level information  for/while loops, declarations, initialization, assignment,…  PDB records defined for most constructs  PDT applications  CHASM: C++ / Fortran 90/95 interoperability  CCA: proxy generation, component instrumentation

17 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200417 TAU Performance Measurement  TAU supports profiling and tracing measurement  Robust timing and hardware performance support  Online profile access and sampling  Extension of TAU measurement for multiple counters  User-defined TAU counters and system-level metrics  Integration with trace measurement  Support for memory and callpath profiling  Fully portable parallel performance tracing solution  Hierarchical trace merging and trace translation  Component software monitoring  Online performance profile overhead compensation

18 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200418 TAU Measurement Mechanisms  Performance data sources  High-resolution timer library (real-time / virtual clocks)  General software counter library (user-defined events)  Hardware performance counters  PCL (Performance Counter Library) (ZAM, Germany)  PAPI (Performance API) (UTK, Ptools Consortium)  consistent, abstract, portable API  Organization  Node, context, thread levels  Profile groups for collective events (runtime selective)  Performance data mapping between software levels

19 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200419 TAU Measurement Mechanisms (continued)  Parallel profiling  Function-level, block-level, statement-level  Supports user-defined events  TAU parallel profile data stored during execution  Hardware counts values  Support for multiple counters  Support for callgraph and callpath profiling  Tracing  All profile-level events  Inter-process communication events  Inclusion of counter data in traced events

20 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200420 Performance Analysis and Visualization  Analysis of parallel profile and trace measurement  Parallel profile analysis  ParaProf: parallel profile analysis and presentation  ParaVis: parallel performance data visualization (proto)  Profile generation from trace data  Performance data management framework (PerfDMF)  Parallel trace analysis  Translation to VTF (V3.0) and EPILOG formats  Integration with VNG (Technical University of Dresden)  Online parallel analysis and visualization  Integration with CUBE browser (UTK, FZJ)

21 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200421 ParaProf Framework Architecture  Portable, extensible, and scalable tool for profile analysis  Try to offer “best of breed” capabilities to analysts  Build as profile analysis framework for extensibility

22 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200422 TAU PerfDMF Architecture

23 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200423 Selected Applications of TAU  Center for Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosion  University of Utah, ASCI ASAP Center, C-SAFE  Uintah Computational Framework (UCF) (C++)  Center for Simulation of Dynamic Response of Materials  California Institute of Technology, ASCI ASAP Center  Virtual Testshock Facility (VTF) (Python, Fortran 90)  Earth Systems Modeling Framework (ESMF)  NSF, NOAA, DOE, NASA, …  Instrumentation for ESMF framework and applications  C, C++, and Fortran 95 code modules  MPI wrapper library for MPI calls

24 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200424 Selected Applications of TAU (continued)  Lawrence Livermore National Lab  Hydrodynamics (Miranda)  Radiation diffusion (KULL)  C++ automatic instrumentation, callpath profiling  Sandia National Lab  DOE CCTTSS SciDAC project  Common component architecture (CCA) integration  Combustion code (C++, Fortran 90, GrACE, MPI)  Los Alamos National Lab  Monte Carlo transport (MCNP) (Susan Post)  ASCI Q validation and scaling  SAIC’s Adaptive Grid Eulerian (SAGE) (Jack Horner)  Fortran 90 automatic instrumentation testcase

25 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200425 Component-Based Scientific Applications  How to support performance analysis and tuning process consistent with application development methodology?  Common Component Architecture (CCA) applications  Performance tools should integrate with software  Design performance observation component  Measurement port and measurement interfaces  Build support for application component instrumentation  Interpose a proxy component for each port  Inside proxy, track caller/callee invocations and timings  Automate the process of proxy component creation  using PDT for static analysis of components  include support for selective instrumentation

26 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200426 Flame Reaction-Diffusion (Sandia, J. Ray) CCAFFEINE

27 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200427 Earth Systems Modeling Framework  Coupled modeling with modular software framework  Instrumentation for ESMF framework and applications  PDT automatic instrumentation  Fortran 95 code modules  C / C++ code modules  MPI wrapper library for MPI calls  ESMF Component instrumentation (using CCA)  CCA measurement port manual instrumentation  Proxy generation using PDT and runtime interposition  Significant use of callpath profiling by ESMF team

28 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200428 TAU’s Paraprof Profile Browser (ESMF Data) Callpath profile Global profile

29 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200429 CUBE Browser (UTK, FZJ) (ESMF Data) metric calltree location TAU callpath profile data converted to CUBE form

30 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200430 TAU Traces with Hardware Counters (ESMF)

31 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200431 TAU Traces with User-Defined Counters

32 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200432 Uintah Computational Framework (UCF)  University of Utah, Center for Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions (C-SAFE), DOE ASCI Center  UCF analysis  Scheduling  MPI library  Components  Performance mapping  Use for online and offline visualization  ParaVis tools F 500 processes

33 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200433 Scatterplot Displays (UCF, 500 processes)  Each point coordinate determined by three values: MPI_Reduce MPI_Recv MPI_Waitsome  Min/Max value range  Effective for cluster analysis Relation between MPI_Recv and MPI_Waitsome

34 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200434 Online Unitah Performance Profiling  Demonstration of profiling sampling capability  Multiple profile samples  Each profile taken at major iteration (~ 60 seconds)  Colliding elastic disks C-SAFE application  Test material point method (MPM) code  Executed on 512 processors ASCI Blue Pacific at LLNL  Example  3D bargraph visualization  MPI execution time  Performance mapping  Multiple time steps

35 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200435 Online Unitah Performance Profiling

36 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200436 Miranda Performance Analysis  Miranda is a research hydrodynamics code at LLNL  Fortran 95, MPI  Mostly synchronous  MPI_ALLTOALL on  Np x,y communicators  Some MPI reductions and broadcasts for statistics  Good communications scaling  ACL and MCR Linux cluster  Up to 1728 CPUs  Fixed workload per CPU  Ported to BlueGene/L

37 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200437 Profiling of Miranda on BG/L (Miller, LLNL) 128 Nodes512 Nodes1024 Nodes  Profile code performance (automatic instrumentation)  Scaling studies (problem size, number of processors)  Run on 8K and 16K processors just two week ago!

38 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200438 Fine Grained Profiling via Tracing on Miranda  Use TAU to generate VTF3 traces for Vampir analysis  Combines MPI calls with HW counter information  Detailed code behavior to focus optimization efforts

39 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200439 Max Heap Memory (KB) used for 128 3 problem on 16 processors of ASC Frost at LLNL Memory Usage Analysis in Miranda on BG/L  BG/L will have limited memory per node (512 MB)  Miranda uses TAU to profile memory usage  Streamlines code  Squeeze larger problems on the machine  TAU’s footprint is small  Approximately 60 bytes per event per thread

40 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200440 TAU Performance System Status  Computing platforms (selected)  IBM SP / pSeries, SGI Origin 2K/3K, Cray T3E / SV-1 / X1, HP (Compaq) SC (Tru64), Sun, Hitachi SR8000, NEC SX-5/6, Linux (IA-32/64, Alpha, PPC, PA-RISC, Power, Opteron), Apple (G4/5, OS X), Windows, BG/L  Programming languages  C, C++, Fortran 77/90/95, HPF, Java, OpenMP, Python  Thread libraries  pthreads, SGI sproc, Java,Windows, OpenMP  Compilers (selected)  Intel (KCC, KAP/Pro), PGI, GNU, Fujitsu, Sun, Microsoft, SGI, Cray, IBM (xlc, xlf), HP, NEC, Absoft

41 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200441 Concluding Remarks  Complex ASC parallel systems and software pose challenging performance analysis problems that require robust methodologies and tools  To build more sophisticated performance tools, existing proven performance technology must be utilized  Performance tools must be integrated with software and systems models and technology  Performance engineered software  Function consistently and coherently  TAU performance system offers robust performance technology that can be broadly integrated in next- generation scalable software and systems

42 TAU Parallel Performance SystemDOE NNSA/ASC Presentation, SC200442 Acknowledgements  Department of Energy (DOE)  MICS office  “Performance Technology for Tera-class Parallel Computer Systems: Evolution of the TAU Performance System”  “Performance Analysis of Parallel Component Software”  NNSA/ASC  University of Utah DOE ASCI Level 1 sub-contract  ASCI Level 3 project (LANL, LLNL, SNL)  Research Centre Juelich  John von Neumann Institute for Computing  Dr. Bernd Mohr  Los Alamos National Laboratory

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