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CS 615 User Interface Design - Overview Lecture # 1 Gabriel Spitz 1.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 615 User Interface Design - Overview Lecture # 1 Gabriel Spitz 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 615 User Interface Design - Overview Lecture # 1 Gabriel Spitz 1

2 Lecture Objectives  Instructor  Course objectives  Course outline Gabriel Spitz 2

3 Before we start  Please send me an email to  Include your personal information  Your name (First name, last name)  Student ID  Email address that you could be reached before class for class cancelation information  If you prefer add a phone number for text message Gabriel Spitz 3

4 Who Am I  Gabriel Spitz  BA, Psychology, NYU  MSIE, SUNY Buffalo  Sc.D, Behavioral Sciences, Technion, Israel  Principal Human Factors @ Akamai, Inc  UX Design, Customer Experience, Research,  Previously, LiveData, Aptima, Wang, BBN, MITRE  I am Human Factors Engineer & User Interface Designer (UX) Gabriel Spitz 4

5 Contact Information  Email   Phone  781-572-7695  Office hours  By appointment  If needed M W 7:45-8:15 pm in class  Lectures’ Website  Gabriel Spitz 5

6 Frequently Used Names  Human Factors Engineer  Interface Designer  Interaction Designer/Engineer  Graphical Designer  Usability Engineer  Information Architect  Technical Writer  More… Gabriel Spitz 6

7 Course Objectives – Understand  Understand what is a good UI  Goals and criteria of good UI  Lear how to develop a usable and useful UI  UI design process  Become sensitized to poor UI  UI Design issues Gabriel Spitz 7

8 Why Take This Course?  Software is everywhere  More individuals use software to do their work  Individuals use software for longer and longer portions of their day  User Interface therefore impacts individuals:  Mood  Productivity  Safety Gabriel Spitz 8

9 My Design Objectives  Create a positive and rewarding user experience when using technology  Design technology with users’ work activity in mind  focus on designs that will enable individuals to be:  Productive - Do the work they need to do and beyond  Efficient – Do it in a way that will save them time and effort  Effective – Do it with minimal or no errors  Safe – Do it with no harm  Happy - Gabriel Spitz 9

10 Task vs. Activity Centered Design Gabriel Spitz 10 User Task – Get a Boarding Pass for my flight User Activity – Get home fast and comfortably Is there an earlier flight Is there a better seat Check in luggage Get a Boarding Pass for my flight

11 Course Outline 1/3 Gabriel Spitz 11

12 Course Outline 2/3 Gabriel Spitz 12

13 Course Outline 3/3 Gabriel Spitz 13

14 Course Requirements  Three interface design and evaluation projects (60%)  A Group project - interface design project (40%)  A short midterm (10%)  Class attendance and participation (10%) Gabriel Spitz 14

15 Course Books  Recommended  Garett, J, J., 2003, The Elements of User Experience, User Centered Design for the Web, New Riders publication(Paperback)  Norman, D.A., 2013, The Design Of Everyday Things. New York, NY, Doubleday 2013  Web site  Gabriel Spitz 15

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