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Expectations and requirements for A&R CDM projects: Points of view of some Latin American Countries. IUCN-UNEP-FAO Side Event. SUBSTA 18. Bonn. 040506.

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Presentation on theme: "Expectations and requirements for A&R CDM projects: Points of view of some Latin American Countries. IUCN-UNEP-FAO Side Event. SUBSTA 18. Bonn. 040506."— Presentation transcript:


2 Expectations and requirements for A&R CDM projects: Points of view of some Latin American Countries. IUCN-UNEP-FAO Side Event. SUBSTA 18. Bonn. 040506

3 Some experiences on CDM implementation at national level Building institutional capacities has not been easy. Different interest involved in A&R CDM have to be compatible: public sector, private sector, civil society. It is necessary to increase the capacity of understanding how to develop (good) CDM projects (additionality, baselines, leakage, etc.) No definition of rules adds “ noice ”. Introducing the concept of SD to project assessment is quite a challenge.

4 Main expectancies Rules for A&R CDM projects finished in CoP 9, to start registering projects as soon as possible. Simple and effective rules, commensurate with those already elaborated for energy projects, and adapted to A&R requirements.

5 Views on the process High transaction costs are undesirable barriers for the CDM, and specially affect the groups that more need to be benefited. Procedures to facilitate equity of access to opportunities are necessary. Rules centered in: (a) taking care of the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol. and (b) ensuring contribution to SD.

6 Forests contribution to SD The different dimensions related to SD shall be adequately contemplated and balanced. As in many other cases this is not only a matter of “what” to do but of “how” and ‘’who”. Latin-America is in condition to offer projects with positive impacts in the socioeconomic and environmental aspects. But capacities must continue being developed

7 What capacities are essential at the host country level? 1) Institutional capacities 2) Capacities to prepare projects, establish baselines, involve farmers and communities: (From the idea to the registered project is a “long and winding road”). 3) Financing to help start the project cycle, in particular for small projects. 4) R+D 5) Capacities to asses and monitor Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts in the long term

8 Some ideas and challenges for future cooperation programs. Review national policies and forest programs to improve the consideration of environmental services. Capacity to develop good A&R CDM projects with special attention to: (a) the benefits for the atmosphere (additionality, baselines, leakages, etc.) and (b) contribution to SD in terms of socioeconomic and environmental impacts. Establishing and adjusting national Criteria and Indicators for SD. Capacity building for national verification of baselines by the DNA.

9 Systems for monitoring CDM projects in the different stages of the life cycle. Integration of C and other GHG to forest sustainable management Helping maximise the process of learning by doing in the different countries, specially in the critical starting period (interchange of experiences, systematization of information, key factors of success/failure, etc).

10 Thank you Presentation by Walter Oyhantcabal Ministry of Agriculture-Uruguay Comments are welcomed to:

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