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Evaluation of an Urban Crisis Intervention Service for Persons with a Housing Crisis Karen Parhar and Peter R. Grant University of Saskatchewan.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation of an Urban Crisis Intervention Service for Persons with a Housing Crisis Karen Parhar and Peter R. Grant University of Saskatchewan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of an Urban Crisis Intervention Service for Persons with a Housing Crisis Karen Parhar and Peter R. Grant University of Saskatchewan

2 Abstract The Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service (SCIS) provides aid to persons in need of housing as part of its mandate, but little is known about this population’s perspectives on their housing crisis and its outcomes of initial interview with people in a housing crisis. This paper describes the construction of a database designed to fill this information gap. A questionnaire was developed which Housing Crisis Workers (HCWs) complete after their initial interview. This information from the interviews is combined with information collected from SCIS’s contact records to build the database, which currently is being used to document SCIS’ housing crisis services more efficiently and in more detail then in the past. SCIS records and interviews with 119 persons experiencing a housing crisis are analyzed to demonstrate the utility of this database and to provide recommendations for the future. The results provide a description of the homeless population and factors preventing them from obtaining housing.

3 Introduction The community of Saskatoon is experiencing a shortage of affordable housing in general, and rental housing in particular. Recently, recognition of the affordable housing shortage in Saskatoon and efforts to aid persons in a housing crisis has resulted in the development of a housing crisis intervention by the Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service (SCIS).

4 Introduction The goal of this project is to build a database on persons experiencing a housing crisis which includes their perspective. This database has the potential to be very informative because the data are gathered directly from the person at the time of the crisis. In particular, the information provides a better understanding of the perceptions of the person in crisis about their current housing situation, the factors that led to their situation, the factors preventing them from finding appropriate accommodation, and what they need to do in order to find appropriate housing.

5 Method Procedure The persons in a housing crisis whose information was coded and analyzed for this report were those seen from January 1, 2002 to July 16, 2002. Two of the housing crisis files were removed because they were not directly housing crisis issues, leaving a total of 99 files of persons in a housing crisis to be analyzed. A further twenty persons were aided by the HCWs to find housing after the questionnaire was developed (after May 27, 2002). The Housing Crisis Workers complete the questionnaire after, rather than during an initial in- person or telephone interview. The Housing Crisis Workers (HCWs) were trained to complete the questionnaire following a structured instruction sheet.

6 Method Participants: 119 persons in a housing crisis or individuals acting on behalf of the person in a housing crisis, who contacted the SCIS at least once by telephone or in person and this information either was recorded on the call sheets. Initial interviews/records were used to complete the questionnaires, and further information was only used where necessary. However, the most recently recorded file notes were used to record how the person in housing crisis resolved the situation.

7 Method Measures: A questionnaire was developed to record information about a person’s housing crisis from the initial interview, the call records, and from other information on the person in the MCS records. The questionnaire ensures that these interviews are recorded systematically so as to create an ongoing database on persons with housing crises.

8 Method Measures: The questions in the questionnaire were constructed in order to provide information about how the person perceives their situation, what they believe led to their situation, and what they need to resolve their crisis. The questionnaire included four sections: Background Information, Person in Housing Crisis’ Interview/Perspective, Staff’s Perspective, and Resolving the Housing Crisis.

9 Results: Characteristics of Persons in a Housing Crisis Easy (84%)Difficult (16%)Total (100%) Mean Age394140 Male47%37%45% Female53%63%55% Single37% Divorced/ Separated 24%42%27% Married12%11%12% Easy (84%) Difficult (16%) Total (100%) Mean Age394140 Male47%37%45% Female53%63%55% Single37% Divorced/ Separated 24%42%27% Married12%11%12%

10 RESULTS: Current Housing Situation Housing situation at time of contact with the service:  Absolute homelessness: 47% (n=56)  Relative homelessness: 53% (n=63)  Type of Relative Homelessness:  Housed: 41% (n=26)  Evicted or given notice: 33% (n=21)  Hospital 10% (n=6)  Temporarily Housed 8% (n=5) Number of times housed by service in last 7 months:  More than Once (Difficult): 16% (n=19)  Never or once (Easy): 84% (n=100)

11 Results

12 Results: Current Housing Situation Factors that led to the housing crisis:  Poverty/Financial: 23% (n=27)  Conflict: 17% (n=20)  Assault: 15% (n=18)  Domestic Violence 12% (n=14) Additional factors believed to lead to the housing crisis not mentioned by those in housing crisis: 41% (n=49)  Mental Health 46% (n=18)  Substance Abuse36% (n=14)  Problem Behavior 28% (n=11)

13 Results

14 Results: Barriers to Obtaining Housing Factors stopping them from obtaining housing:  Lack of finances: 49% (n=44)  Lack of transportation:31% (n=28)  Lack of services:16% (n=14)  Lack of knowledge11% (n=10) Additional factors believed to lead to the housing crisis not mentioned by those in housing crisis: 35% (n=42)  Problem Behaviors: 45% (n=19)  Mental Health Issues31% (n=13)  Physical Health12% (n=5)

15 Results: Barriers to Obtaining Housing What persons in housing crisis need to resolve the crisis:  Financial assistance: 45% (n=41)  Transportation: 25% (n=23)  Advocacy or Resource Information 11% (n=10) Additional factors believed to lead to the housing crisis not mentioned by those in housing crisis: 44% (n=40)  Clinical Services: 53% (n=21)  Transportation: 10% (n=4)  Maintain Cleanliness: 10% (n=4)

16 Results

17 Recommendations Recommendation #1: Continue to pay special attention to the needs of single females and their children in a housing crisis. Recommendation #2: Continue to provide transportation and referrals to funding sources. Recommendation #3: Maintain regular follow-ups with difficult to serve persons in order to prevent re- occurrence of housing crises. Recommendation #4: Identify the needs of difficult to house persons and refer them to the services most needed.

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