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University of Illinois
NERI PROJECT REVIEW NERI Performance of Actinide-Containing Fuel Matrices Under Extreme Radiation and Temperature Environments University of Illinois Brent J. Heuser Panel No. 1 Session 7
Project Objectives Establish UO2 thin film growth capability with controlled microstructure, stoichiometry, and actinide surrogate concentrations. Determine transport properties of actinide surrogates and implanted volatile fission gases under conditions that mimic the fission process in nuclear reactors. Investigate affect of microstructure, stoichiometry, and impurity concentration of transport properties. Develop and apply predictive computational models of transport mechanisms at an atomistic level. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Project Work Scope Task 1—construction of dedicated UO2 thin film growth facility; grow CeO2 surrogate films in the interim. Task 2—perform transport studies of actinide surrogate and fission gases. Task 3—develop computational tools for predictive modeling. Task 4—apply computational models to actinide/fission gas transport. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Project Participants Lead Organization: University of Illinois
PI: Brent J. Heuser CoPIs: J. Stubbins, R. Averback. P. Bellon, J. Eckstein Collaborating Organizations: Georgia Institute of Technology/CoPIs: C. Deo, M. Li University of Michigan/CoPI: L. Wang South Carolina State University/CoPI: M. Danjaji 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Organizational Roles University of Illinois
Provide thin film samples; study transport phenomena; develop computational tools for predictive transport studies based on MC, MD, kMC. Georgia Institute of Technology Perform first-principles and kMC computations of transport phenomena; develop digital microstructure. University of Michigan Perform in situ studies of actinide/fission gas transport. South Carolina State University Participate in experimental studies performed at Illinois via student/faculty exchange. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Task 1 (Film Growth) Progress
Design and construction of dedicated thin film growth facility at Illinois complete. Commissioning of facility underway. MBE capability for CeO2 surrogate thin films with actinide surrogates established. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Crystal Structure Fluorite Structure—anions red, cations white CeO2
Tm=2673 K a= A UO2 Tm=3138 K a=5.466 A 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Molecular Beam Epitaxy
R-plane sapphire + CeO2 or UO2 Lattice mismatch: CeO2 <2% UO2 <1% 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
XRD Analysis of MBE CeO2 film
Sputter Deposition Facility Schematic
CM2 TP2 TP1 Foreline pump FV1 FV2 GV1 GV2 Sample Trans. Arm Primary Chamber Load- lock S1 S2 S3 CG1 IG1 CM1 Thickness Monitor O2 Air Ar1 Ar2 CG2 IG2 VV1 VV2 Mass Spec. SV5 SV2 SV3 SV1 MFC2 SV6 SV4 MFC1 TCG TP—turbo pump GV—gate valve FV—foreline valve VV—vent valve SV—solenoid valve RV—relief valve CG—convectron gauge IG—ion gauge TCG—thermocouple gauge PG—Pirani gauge CM—capacitance manometer MFC—mass flow controller S—sputter gun Sputter Deposition Facility Schematic CM3 RV PG APC
Magnetron Sputtering System at Illinois
Targets: depleted U; Ce; Nd Power Supply: 2 DC; 1 RF Gas Supply: O2: 0 to 10 sccm Ar: 1 to 100 sccm Max. Ts=850 C 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
MBE vs. Reactive Gas Sputtering (RGS) Comparison of SIMS Positive Ion Collection
Berg Model for Reactive Gas Sputtering
Thin Solid Films, 476 (2005) 215 metal mode poison mode 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Poison vs. Metal Modes in Reactive Gas Sputtering
Poison vs. Metal Sputtering Modes
XRD Analysis of Sputtered CeO2 film
Control of RGS Film Microstructure
Task 1 Planned Activities
Thin film growth facility finished—currently growing CeO2 films for benchmarking, commissioning. UO2 films in the next few months. UO2 films with controlled microstructure, actinide surrogate concentration, stoichiometry. CeO2 films via MBE with actinide surrogates to continue. Additional implantation of UO2 and CeO2 films w/Xe. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Task 1 Issues or Concerns
Shutter design of source flange somewhat problematic and may require periodic (~quarterly) adjustment. Debris build up will require the system to be opened occasionally (~quarterly). Do not control MBE system—can expect 1 to 4 samples per month. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Task 2 (Experimental Transport Studies) Progress
Performed RED measurements of cation sublattice in CeO2 with a La marker layer. Performed low-energy Xe implantations in CeO2 at two concentrations for fission gas bubble dissolution experiments. Irradiated Xe-implanted CeO2 samples with Kr. Developed TEM specimen preparation techniques. Performed ex situ TEM analysis of irradiated CeO2 and Xe-implanted CeO2. Performed in situ TEM analysis of Xe-implanted CeO2. Performed EXAFS measurements of Xe implanted (unirradiated) CeO2. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Experimental Facilities at Illinois
Microanalytical: AES, SIMS, RBS, XRD/XRR, TEM, SEM, AFM. Implantation: tandem van de Graaff ( MeV; H, He, Xe, Kr, Ne; ~100 nA) 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
SIMS of Irradiated Single Crystal CeO2
360 A thickness w/1 ML La at centerline 1.8 MeV Kr; 1 ion/A2 at RT 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
La Depth Profiles RT Irradiation 1.8 MeV Kr
Mixing Parameter Analysis in CeO2 at RT 1.8 MeV Kr
x=6 A5/eV 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Radiation-Enhanced Diffusion in CeO2 1.8 MeV Kr at dose of 1 ion/Ã…2
Dth=2.64x10-16 exp( eV/kT) [cm2/sec] DRED=5.25x10-16 exp( eV/kT) [cm2/sec] 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Task 2 Planned Activities
RED investigation of anion sublattice with O-18 in CeO2 and UO2. Further RED investigations on cation sublattice in UO2 and CeO2. Implementation of model based on kinetic rate equations for RED. EXAFS, SAXS, SIMS studies of precipitation of actinide surrogates and Xe. Further in situ and ex situ TEM analysis of actinide surrogate precipitation and Xe bubble formation/dissolution. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Task 2 Issues or Concerns
Availability of ANL in situ TEM facility—Saclay facility available for use via P. Bellon. Supply of samples to L. Wang (U. Mich) delayed—Xe implanted samples, other samples within next month. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Task 3/4 (Development/Application of Computational Tools for Predictive Modeling) Progress
Development of combined MC-MD approach to model UO2 at Illinois complete. Study of Xe bubble homogeneous re-solution in UO2 via MC-MD complete. Study of Xe bubble heterogeneous re-solution in UO2 via MD complete. Development of DFT-kMC capability for UO2 at Georgia Institute of Technology complete. Initial studies of oxygen transport in UO2 using DFT-kMC complete. Development of geometric computational methods for polycrystalline media based on constrained Voronoi tessellation (digital microstructure) complete. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Computational Method Interatomic Interaction Potential
Molecular Dynamics Develop w/DFT Existing DFT short time scales [ps] displacement cascades kMC Em long time scales diffusive motion rate catalog 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
MC-MD Study of Homogeneous Xe Bubble Re-solution in UO2
Xe recoil spectrum from MC. Homogeneous re-solution: Interaction of fission fragment with fission gas atoms in bubble via energetic collisions (ballistic ejection). Heterogeneous re-solutions: Interaction of displacement cascade with entire bubble. Schwen et al., J. Nuclear Materials, 392 (2009) 35. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
MC-MD Study of Homogeneous Xe Bubble Re-solution in UO2
Computational Details MC: BCM, ZBL potential, based TRIM algorithm to treat arbitrary geometries and irradiation conditions (not fixed layer geo.). MD: LAMMPS code Long range Coulomb U-O treated PPPM method. Rigid-ion potential; U-U U-O O-O all Morelon potential in UO2 plus U-O Born-Mayer-Huggins covalent bonding O-O Born-Mayer + polynomial + 1/r6 U-U pure Coulombic 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
MC-MD Study of Homogeneous Xe Bubble Re-solution in UO2
Histogram of displacement lengths of Xe atoms from bubble center. Probability of Xe atoms leaving Bubble vs. Xe PKA energy. Re-solution parameter: 3x10-6 s-1 Xe knock-outs per Xe gas atoms This result is factor of 50 lower than analytical work of Nelson. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Xe atom displacement histograms
Channeling Xe atom displacement histograms MC+MD MC 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
MD Simulations of Heterogeneous Xe Bubble Re-solution in UO2
13 11 Two temperature model coupling electronic and phonon (atom) contributions based on sputtering yield benchmarks. dE/dx=55.4 keV/nm 6 2 Conclusions No Xe re-solution dE/dx<34 keV/nm (ff: keV/nm) ff cross section for interaction w/bubble ~5 nm2 1-5 ff-bubble interactions per ff complete bubble destruction never observed dE/dx=47.0 keV/nm dE/dx=32.8 keV/nm 79 Xe atoms Huang et al., to be submitted 9/2009 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
DFT-kMC Simulations of Oxygen Diffusion in UO2+x
Buckingham Potential for UO2 DFT LDA+U for UO2 di-interstitial mechanism 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Task 3 Planned Activities
Further MC-MD studies of Xe bubble behavior; coupling of computational studies to experimental investigations (EXAFS, SAXS, in situ TEM) of bubble behavior in UO2. Further DFT and kMC studies of transport phenomena in UO2; coupling of computational studies to experimental investigations (RED) of transport behavior in UO2. Application of geometric methods of microstructure to polycrystalline UO2 in MC and MD; coupling of MC polycrystalline models to RED in polycrystalline UO2. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Task 3 Issues or Concerns
None. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Project Milestones Schedule
Milestone Description Planned Start Date Planned Completion Date Status1 Constr. of thin film growth facility; Commissioning of facility 1/2008 1/2009 4/2009 C B Establish MBE capability for CeO2 films 4/2008 9/2008 Experimental studies of transport phenomena in CeO2 1/2010 O Experimental studies of transport phenomena in UO2 1/2011(2) Development of computational tools—MC, MD, kMC, DFT Computational studies of transport phenomena 10/2008 Note 1: Enter ‘C’ if milestone has been completed; ‘O’ if milestone is on schedule for completion; or, ‘B’ if milestone is behind schedule for completion. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Year 1 Planned Vs. Actual Costs
Year 2 Planned Vs. Actual Costs
Year 3 Planned Vs. Anticipated Costs
Project Accomplishments—To Date
Dedicated thin film growth facility completed. Commissioning nearly completed. Control of microstructure (via Ts), stoichiometry (via O2 pressure) and actinide concentration (via gun power level) demonstrated. RED on cation sublattice in CeO2 measured up to 1208 K. Initial in situ TEM analysis of Xe bubble resolution in CeO2 performed. Initial EXAFS measurements of Xe bubble resolution in CeO2 performed. Computational tools in place; initial set of studies (Xe bubble resolution, oxygen diffusion, microstructure modeling via inverse MC) complete. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Project Accomplishments—Anticipated
Demonstrate of UO2 thin film growth with controlled stoichiometry, microstructure, actinide surrogate concentration. RED measurements on cation and anion sublattices in UO2 under different bombardment conditions (T, dose, E). Measurements of Xe and actinide surrogate precipitation behavior in UO2 under different bombardment conditions. Determination of synergistic effect of UO2 microstructure, bombardment conditions, impurity concentrations. Further kMC and MD simulations of transport behavior. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
R&D Programs Benefits Project addresses the nuclear fuel cycle by investigating materials aspects of actinide incorporation into UO2 matrices. Project will provide: Measurements of actinide and fission gas transport properties in UO2. Computational tools for predictive modeling of transport properties. Successful completion of this project will facilitate an improved understanding of fuel behavior within a closed fuel cycle. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Programmatic Contributions
Contribution to NERI Program objectives: Project helps close the fuel cycle by providing data and predictive modeling capabilities that promote better understanding of UO2 containing actinides. Project will advance the state of nuclear technology in the U.S. by 1) aiding in the reduction of waste disposition time scales and 2) increasing fuel efficiency via recovery of major actinide energy content. Project addresses nuclear science and engineering infrastructure through the training of young researches: Illinois: 4 UG, 8 Grad, 2 post-doct. Georgia: 5 Grad Michigan: 1 Grad, 1 post-doct. And the development of capabilities at Illinois and Georgia Tech. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Commercialization Potential
Potential exists through Hitachi GE Nuclear. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
Potential Future R&D Efforts
A dedicated UO2 thin film growth facility at Illinois represents a unique capability; we anticipate studies beyond the current NERI grant within the AFCI. Development of computational tools at Illinois and Georgia Institute of Technology offers potential for further synergistic efforts of collaboration between the two institutions within the AFCI. 4/24/2017 NERI PROJECT NO
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