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Quick Liners If you could take a running jump into a pool filled with any object, liquid, or substance of your choice, what would you want the pool to.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Liners If you could take a running jump into a pool filled with any object, liquid, or substance of your choice, what would you want the pool to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Quick Liners If you could take a running jump into a pool filled with any object, liquid, or substance of your choice, what would you want the pool to be filled with?

3 Quick Liners If, instead of saying “hi,” you had to greet people by making the sound of a farm animal*, which barnyard beast’s sound would be your usual greeting? *If you really want to choose an animal that does not live on a farm, you may.

4 Check out that video about the Roman army

5 How did the 12 months get their names?

6 January Named after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings

7 February The name comes either from the old- Italian god Februus or else from februa, signifying the festivals of purification celebrated in Rome during this month.

8 March It is named after the Roman god of war, Mars.

9 April Called Aprilis, from aperire, “to open.” This may be because it is the month in which the buds begin to open.

10 May The name probably comes from Maiesta, the Roman goddess of honor and reverence.

11 June This month was named in honor of Juno.

12 July It was the month in which Julius Caesar was born, and named Julius in his honor in 44 BCE, the year of his assassination.

13 August Named in honor of the first of the Roman emperors, Augustus (because several fortunate events of his life occurred during this month).

14 September The name comes from septem, “seven.”

15 October The name comes from octo, “eight.”

16 November The name comes from novem, “nine.”

17 December The name comes from decem, “ten.”

18 What did you learn about Augustus Caesar and the Roman Empire yesterday (last night)?

19 The End of the Republic _____________________________ _______________________ (1) __________ (2) ______ (3) ____________

20 The End of the Republic After Caesar’s death, political power passed to another ________ (1) __________ (2) ______ (3) ____________

21 The End of the Republic After Caesar’s death, political power passed to another triumvirate (1) __________ (2) ______ (3) ____________

22 The End of the Republic After Caesar’s death, political power passed to another triumvirate (1) Mark Antony (2) ______ (3) ____________

23 The End of the Republic After Caesar’s death, political power passed to another triumvirate (1) Mark Antony (2) Octavian (3) ____________

24 The End of the Republic After Caesar’s death, political power passed to another triumvirate (1) Mark Antony (2) Octavian (3) Marcus Lepidus

25 Triumvirate ____________________ ______________ (1) 31 BCE – _____________ _______ (2) 27 BCE – _________________ ______________

26 Triumvirate worked for a while - then ______________ (1) 31 BCE – _____________ _______ (2) 27 BCE – _________________ ______________

27 Triumvirate worked for a while - then there were fights (1) 31 BCE – _____________ _______ (2) 27 BCE – _________________ ______________

28 Triumvirate worked for a while – then there were fights (1) 31 BCE – ______ emerged victorious (2) 27 BCE – _________________ ______________

29 Triumvirate worked for a while – then there were fights (1) 31 BCE – Octavian emerged victorious (2) 27 BCE – _________________ ______________

30 Triumvirate worked for a while – then there were fights (1) 31 BCE – Octavian emerged victorious (2) 27 BCE – _______ sole ruler of the Roman Empire

31 Triumvirate worked for a while – then there were fights (1) 31 BCE – Octavian emerged victorious (2) 27 BCE – Octavian sole ruler of the Roman Empire

32 I’m the man!

33 Julia, with first wife Cornelia Cinnilla, born in 76 BCE, his only child in marriage (died in 54 BCE) Caesarion, with Cleopatra VII, born 47 BCE, and killed at age 17 by Caesar's adopted son Octavian Octavian (adopted), his great-nephew by blood, who later became Emperor Augustus Caesar. Marcus Junius Brutus, with his lover, Servilia Caepionis* Junia Tertia, with his lover, Servilia Caepionis* Julius Caesar’s Children

34 63 – 44 BCE - Gaius Octavius Thurinus 44 – 27 BCE - Gaius Julius Caesar 27 BCE -Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus

35 63 – 44 BCE - Gaius Octavius Thurinus “Octavius” 44 – 27 BCE - Gaius Julius Caesar 27 BCE -Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus

36 63 – 44 BCE - Gaius Octavius Thurinus 44 – 27 BCE - Gaius Julius Caesar “Octavian” 27 BCE -Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus

37 63 – 44 BCE - Gaius Octavius Thurinus 44 – 27 BCE - Gaius Julius Caesar 27 BCE -Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus “Augustus”

38 Chapter 15 – The Roman Empire

39 The Roman Empire – Notes (page 1)

40 Augustus Caesar First _____________

41 Augustus Caesar First ______ of Rome

42 Augustus Caesar First emperor of Rome

43 ____________________________ _____

44 Emperor from __ BCE to __ CE (__ years)

45 Emperor from 27 BCE to __ CE (__ years)

46 Emperor from 27 BCE to 14 CE (__ years)

47 Emperor from 27 BCE to 14 CE (41 years)

48 Real name was _______

49 Real name was Octavian

50 __________________________ __________

51 Grandnephew and adopted son of __________

52 Grandnephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar

53 Octavian’s grandmother was Julius Caesar’s sister

54 How Augustus Caesar Became Emperor 42 BCE – __________________ ______ (1) __________________________ _________________________ ______________________ 2

55 How Augustus Caesar Became Emperor 42 BCE – _______________ was created (1) __________________________ _________________________ ______________________ 2

56 How Augustus Caesar Became Emperor 42 BCE – Second Triumvirate was created (1) __________________________ _________________________ ______________________ 2

57 How Augustus Caesar Became Emperor 42 BCE – Second Triumvirate was created (1) Second Triumvirate formed after _________________________ ______________________ 2

58 How Augustus Caesar Became Emperor 42 BCE – Second Triumvirate was created (1) Second Triumvirate formed after Julius Caesar was murdered ___ ______________________ 2

59 How Augustus Caesar Became Emperor 42 BCE – Second Triumvirate was created (1) Second Triumvirate formed after Julius Caesar was murdered (and ______________________ 2

60 How Augustus Caesar Became Emperor 42 BCE – Second Triumvirate was created (1) Second Triumvirate formed after Julius Caesar was murdered (and his assassins were defeated) 2

61 (2) There were ______________ _______________ (a) ______ * ____________________ * _____________

62 (2) There were _ members of the Second Triumvirate (a) ______ * ____________________ * _____________

63 (2) There were 3 members of the Second Triumvirate (a) ______ * ____________________ * _____________

64 (2) There were 3 members of the Second Triumvirate (a) ______ * Julius Caesar’s top officer * controlled Africa


66 (2) There were 3 members of the Second Triumvirate (a) Lepidus * Julius Caesar’s top officer * controlled Africa

67 (b) __________ * _____________________ _____ * ____________________ ___________

68 (b) __________ * Julius Caesar’s general and friend * controlled eastern part of Roman Empire


70 (b) Mark Antony * Julius Caesar’s general and friend * controlled eastern part of Roman Empire

71 (c) _______ * ______________________ * _____________________ ___________

72 (c) _______ * Julius Caesar’s grandnephew * controlled Western part of Roman Empire


74 (c) Octavian * Julius Caesar’s grandnephew * controlled Western part of Roman Empire

75 31 BCE – ____________________ _____________________________ 27 BCE – ___________________ _____________________

76 31 BCE – Second Triumvirate ended after 3 men began to fight – ______ 27 BCE – ___________________ _____________________

77 31 BCE – Second Triumvirate ended after 3 men began to fight – civil war 27 BCE – ___________________ _____________________

78 31 BCE – Second Triumvirate ended after 3 men began to fight – civil war 27 BCE – civil war over - ______ _____________________

79 31 BCE – Second Triumvirate ended after 3 men began to fight – civil war 27 BCE – civil war over - ______ became sole ruler of Rome

80 31 BCE – Second Triumvirate ended after 3 men began to fight – civil war 27 BCE – civil war over – Octavian became sole ruler of Rome

81 31 BCE – Second Triumvirate ended after 3 men began to fight – civil war 27 BCE – civil war over – Octavian became sole ruler of Rome Augustus of Prima Porta

82 Business Tests back at the end of class Check homework Tonight’s homework Augustus Caesar – Roman Emperor

83 Caesars Atlantic City Hotel and Casino

84 propaganda

85 information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view


87 Pop Quiz







94 The Roman Empire – Notes (page 2)

95 63 – 44 BCE - Gaius Octavius Thurinus 44 – 27 BCE - Gaius Julius Caesar 27 BCE -Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus

96 63 – 44 BCE - Gaius Octavius Thurinus “Octavius” 44 – 27 BCE - Gaius Julius Caesar 27 BCE -Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus

97 63 – 44 BCE - Gaius Octavius Thurinus 44 – 27 BCE - Gaius Julius Caesar “Octavian” 27 BCE -Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus

98 63 – 44 BCE - Gaius Octavius Thurinus 44 – 27 BCE - Gaius Julius Caesar 27 BCE -Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus “Augustus”

99 The 1 st Roman Emperor – Augustus Caesar __ BCE – _______ became _________ ____

100 The 1 st Roman Emperor – Augustus Caesar 27 BCE – _______ became _________ ____

101 The 1 st Roman Emperor – Augustus Caesar 27 BCE – _______ became sole ruler of Rome

102 The 1 st Roman Emperor – Augustus Caesar 27 BCE – Octavian became sole ruler of Rome

103 Names given ____________________ (1) ______ – means “_________” (2) ___________ – means “_____ __________” or “________ ________”

104 Names given to Octavian by the Senate (1) ______ – means “_________” (2) ___________ – means “_____ __________” or “________ ________”

105 Names given to Octavian by the Senate (1) ______ – means “First Citizen” (2) ___________ – means “_____ __________” or “________ ________”

106 Names given to Octavian by the Senate (1) ______ – means “First Citizen” (2) ___________ – means “_____ __________” or “________ ________”

107 Names given to Octavian by the Senate (1) Princeps – means “First Citizen” (2) ___________ – means “_____ __________” or “________ ________”

108 Names given to Octavian by the Senate (1) Princeps – means “First Citizen” (2) ___________ – means “Father of all Romans” or “Father of his country”

109 Names given to Octavian by the Senate (1) Princeps – means “First Citizen” (2) ___________ – means “Father of all Romans” or “Father of his country”

110 Names given to Octavian by the Senate (1) Princeps – means “First Citizen” (2) Pater Familias – means “Father of all Romans” or “Father of his country”

111 _______ changed his name to _______ – means “____________”

112 Octavian changed his name to _______ – means “____________”

113 Octavian changed his name to Augustus – means “____________”

114 Octavian changed his name to Augustus – means “the revered one”

115 Why did the Senate “accept” Augustus as sole ruler? (1) Augustus Caesar ________ ____________ (a) he held _______________ ____________________ ______________________ __________________

116 Why did the Senate “accept” Augustus as sole ruler? (1) Augustus Caesar was ____ about his power (a) he held _______________ ____________________ ______________________ __________________

117 Why did the Senate “accept” Augustus as sole ruler? (1) Augustus Caesar was clever about his power (a) he held _______________ ____________________ ______________________ __________________

118 Why did the Senate “accept” Augustus as sole ruler? (1) Augustus Caesar was clever about his power (a) he held many gov’t positions ____________________ ______________________ __________________

119 Why did the Senate “accept” Augustus as sole ruler? (1) Augustus Caesar was clever about his power (a) he held many gov’t positions (consul, senator, tribune, high priest) ____________ __________________

120 Why did the Senate “accept” Augustus as sole ruler? (1) Augustus Caesar was clever about his power (a) he held many gov’t positions (consul, senator, tribune, high priest), but he refused __________________

121 Why did the Senate “accept” Augustus as sole ruler? (1) Augustus Caesar was clever about his power (a) he held many gov’t positions (consul, senator, tribune, high priest), but he refused to be crowned emperor


123 (2) ____________________ _________________________ ___________________________ (3) ____________________________ __________

124 (2) Augustus Caesar kept the _________________________ ___________________________ (3) ____________________________ __________

125 (2) Augustus Caesar kept the assemblies, the Senate, and the other gov’t offices of the Republic (3) ____________________________ __________

126 (2) Augustus Caesar kept the assemblies, the Senate, and the other gov’t offices of the Republic (3) Augustus Caesar made the _______ feel honored

127 (2) Augustus Caesar kept the assemblies, the Senate, and the other gov’t offices of the Republic (3) Augustus Caesar made the Senators feel honored

128 (2) Augustus Caesar kept the assemblies, the Senate, and the other gov’t offices of the Republic (3) Augustus Caesar made the Senators feel honored

129 Great things Augustus did for Rome Reorganized ____________________ ______ Began taking _____________________ _______________

130 Great things Augustus did for Rome Reorganized the government so that it ran well Began taking _____________________ _______________

131 Great things Augustus did for Rome Reorganized the government so that it ran well Began taking a _____ (population count) for taxing purposes

132 Great things Augustus did for Rome Reorganized the government so that it ran well Began taking a census (population count) for taxing purposes

133 Great things Augustus did for Rome Reorganized the government so that it ran well Began taking a census (population count) for taxing purposes Before

134 Great things Augustus did for Rome Reorganized the government so that it ran well Began taking a census (population count) for taxing purposes After

135 Business Go over tests (1 st & 2 nd period grades) Hand-backs Tonight’s homework Augustus Caesar – Roman Emperor SNOWBALL FIGHT!

136 ________ Rome – _________ __________________

137 ________ Rome – restored old temples, built new ones

138 Beautified Rome – restored old temples, built new ones

139 (1) famous quote – “__________ ______________________ ___________.”

140 (1) famous quote – “I found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble.”

141 Passed _____________________ ______ (1) an attempt __________ __________________ ___________________

142 Passed strict laws to govern public behavior (1) an attempt __________ __________________ ___________________

143 Passed strict laws to govern public behavior (1) an attempt to bring back __________________ ___________________

144 Passed strict laws to govern public behavior (1) an attempt to bring back the old Roman values of honor, virtue, patriotism

145 Julia

146 Took care of _____________________ (1) created _______________ _____________________ ______

147 Took care of “the people” ___________ (1) created _______________ _____________________ ______

148 Took care of “the people” (the plebeians) (1) created _______________ _____________________ ______

149 Took care of “the people” (the plebeians) (1) created ___ for the poor - continued huge public works projects

150 Took care of “the people” (the plebeians) (1) created jobs for the poor - continued huge public works projects

151 (2) _________________________ ________________________

152 (2) “bread and circuses” - _______ ________________________

153 (2) “bread and circuses” – free food and entertainment for the poor


155 The Hunger Games takes place in a post-apocalyptic North America now known as Panem. The power and “rich” of Panem lays in a utopian city, called The Capitol, located in the Rocky Mountains. The name Panem comes from the Latin phrase “Panem et Circences” which means “bread and circuses.”

156 Quotes from Mockingjay “Thirteen was used to hardship, whereas in the Capitol, all they’ve known is Panem et Circenses.” - Plutarch Heavensbee, p. 223 “So that’s what the districts are for. To provide bread and circuses.” - Katniss Everdeen, p. 224

157 Established __________________ ____________________

158 Established _________________ – special guard for Emperor

159 Established the Praetorian Guard – special guard for Emperor

160 Made Romans feel __________ _____

161 Made Romans feel patriotic and proud.

162 The Legacy of Augustus Caesar Augustus ___________________ _________________ 27 + __ = __

163 The Legacy of Augustus Caesar Augustus ruled as Emperor for __ years – died in __ CE 27 + __ = __

164 The Legacy of Augustus Caesar Augustus ruled as Emperor for __ years – died in 14 CE 27 + 14 = __

165 The Legacy of Augustus Caesar Augustus ruled as Emperor for 41 years – died in 14 CE 27 + 14 = 41

166 _________ – __________________ _____________ (1) it was begun _____________ _________________ ___________________

167 _________ – 200 years of peace and progress in Rome (1) it was begun _____________ _________________ ___________________

168 Pax Romana – 200 years of peace and progress in Rome (1) it was begun _____________ _________________ ___________________

169 Pax Romana – 200 years of peace and progress in Rome (1) it was begun by Augustus and his ability to ______ ___________________

170 Pax Romana – 200 years of peace and progress in Rome (1) it was begun by Augustus and his ability to organize government and rule well

171 Major changes __________________ (1) ____________ (a) _____________________ ___________

172 Major changes during the Pax Romana (1) ____________ (a) _____________________ ___________

173 Major changes during the Pax Romana (1) ____ increased (a) _____________________ ___________

174 Major changes during the Pax Romana (1) trade increased (a) _____________________ ___________

175 Major changes during the Pax Romana (1) trade increased (a) everyone in the empire used the same ____

176 Major changes during the Pax Romana (1) trade increased (a) everyone in the empire used the same coins

177 (2) ________________________ ______

178 (2) Roman __ went through major changes

179 (2) Roman law went through major changes

180 (a) _________________________ _____________________ * ________________________ * ____________________ * _____________________ _______________

181 (a) principles of law were developed that were ___ to everyone * ________________________ * ____________________ * _____________________ _______________

182 (a) principles of law were developed that were fair to everyone * ________________________ * ____________________ * _____________________ _______________

183 (a) principles of law were developed that were fair to everyone * all people ____ before the law * ____________________ * _____________________ _______________

184 (a) principles of law were developed that were fair to everyone * all people equal before the law * ____________________ * _____________________ _______________

185 (a) principles of law were developed that were fair to everyone * all people equal before the law * ______ until proven guilty * _____________________ _______________

186 (a) principles of law were developed that were fair to everyone * all people equal before the law * innocent until proven guilty * _____________________ _______________

187 (a) principles of law were developed that were fair to everyone * all people equal before the law * innocent until proven guilty * legal procedures ____ in all parts of the empire

188 (a) principles of law were developed that were fair to everyone * all people equal before the law * innocent until proven guilty * legal procedures same in all parts of the empire

189 From _________________________ ______________________________ TiberiusCaligulaClaudiusAugustusNero TrajanHadrianDiocletianConstantine I Romulus Augustulus

190 From __ BCE to ___ CE, __ different emperors would rule the Roman Empire TiberiusCaligulaClaudiusAugustusNero TrajanHadrianDiocletianConstantine I Romulus Augustulus

191 From 27 BCE to ___ CE, __ different emperors would rule the Roman Empire TiberiusCaligulaClaudiusAugustusNero TrajanHadrianDiocletianConstantine I Romulus Augustulus

192 From 27 BCE to 476 CE, __ different emperors would rule the Roman Empire TiberiusCaligulaClaudiusAugustusNero TrajanHadrianDiocletianConstantine I Romulus Augustulus

193 From 27 BCE to 476 CE, 82 different emperors would rule the Roman Empire TiberiusCaligulaClaudiusAugustusNero TrajanHadrianDiocletianConstantine I Romulus Augustulus

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