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Symbols & Dangers.  As you pursue more advanced science and chemistry, you will perform experiments and handle materials, equipment and chemicals. 

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Presentation on theme: "Symbols & Dangers.  As you pursue more advanced science and chemistry, you will perform experiments and handle materials, equipment and chemicals. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Symbols & Dangers

2  As you pursue more advanced science and chemistry, you will perform experiments and handle materials, equipment and chemicals.  It is crucial that you know and follow safety rules and procedures.  ALWAYS:  Read the instructions first before starting anything  Wait for teacher approval to commence  Wear appropriate and protective clothing  Act responsibly  Know your WHMIS symbols

3  VtnI VtnI

4  It was his third day on the job, and a new worker was asked to pour a chemical product from a drum. While he was pouring the liquid, the drum exploded and the worker received third degree burns to 90% of his body. He was rushed to the hospital but he died the next day.

5  What the worker didn't know:  The chemical contained a hazardous material called toluene  Toluene can explode very easily. In this case, it exploded because of the static electricity charge that was created when he poured the material into the drum.  Why did he not know it was a hazardous material?  The container was not marked or labeled.  He had not received any training.  He did not know his rights and responsibilities.

6  CTV news 2012:  “… An 18 year old high school student from Mother Teresa Catholic High School succumbed to injuries he suffered from an explosion in his auto-shop class…. [The student] was not breathing and had no pulse when emergency workers arrived at the scene…. The students were working on a BBQ-related project when the explosion occurred…. It’s believed that fumes from the peppermint oil drum ignited and caused a flash explosion.”

7  Health Canada has published standard rules to ensure individuals’ safety: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System WHMIS  WHMIS symbols help you determine how to handle or dispose of a material safely  You must memorize them


9  Gas at normal room temp and pressure  Contained under pressure (cylinder)  Dangers:  Uncontrolled release  Suffocation  Frostbite  Examples: Oxygen Propane Helium

10  Solids, liquids, and gases capable of catching fire in the presence of a spark or open flame  Dangers:  Fire or Explosion  Examples:  Diesel fuel  Kerosene  Gasoline

11  Chemicals that decompose readily to supply oxygen  Increase risk of fire if they come in contact with flammable or combustible materials  Dangers:  Intensify fires and explosions  Examples:  Ozone  Nitrogen dioxide  Peroxides

12  Div 1. Materials Causing Immediate and Serious Toxic Effects  Materials can cause death or immediate injury when a person is exposed to small amounts  Examples: Carbon monoxide Cyanide Hydrogen sulphide

13  Div 2. Materials Causing Other Toxic Effects  Can cause life-threatening and serious long-term health problems  Less severe but immediate reactions in a person repeatedly exposed to small amounts  Examples: Asbestos Ammonia Mercury

14  Div 3. Biohazardous Infectious Material  Organisms or toxins produced, that cause disease in people or animals Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Parasites  Examples: Hepatitis AIDS/HIV Salmonella

15  Can cause severe burns to skin and other tissues  Effects are permanent  Dangers:  Corrosion of metals  “Burning” human tissue  Examples:  Hydrochloric acid  Sulfuric acid

16  Unstable or highly reactive materials than can undergo extremely hazardous, uncontrolled reactions  Dangers:  Decomposition  Polymerization  Reaction with water  Self-reaction  Examples:  Ethyl acrylate

17  Contains:  WHMIS symbols  Risks  Conditions/Restrictions of the product  First Aid Instructions  Company and company contacts


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