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Dr. Tal Lavian UC Berkeley Engineering, CET Administrative Notes: Week 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Tal Lavian UC Berkeley Engineering, CET Administrative Notes: Week 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Tal Lavian UC Berkeley Engineering, CET Administrative Notes: Week 1

2 About this course 2 This course focuses on the engineering aspects of patents NOT the legal aspects. For the purposes of our class, we will pay special attention to various aspects of the ongoing patent litigation in wireless and mobile devices technologies. The course material will focus on high technology issues and patentable subject matter in the fields of Wireless Mobile Devices. Note this covers electrical engineering, software, communications systems, and Internet technologies.

3 About this course (cont.) 3 This course provides students with the knowledge necessary to understand intellectual property from engineering and business perspectives. The course examines several patent litigation case studies in Wireless Mobile Devices. Technical analysis of these cases will be carried out with an aim of developing the skills necessary to quickly ascertain the protected technical content of patents, and recognizing what intellectual property can do and why it should be protected.

4 What Will This Class Teach You? The basics of intellectual property (IP) How to recognize IP in your own inventions and other products How to determine the patentability of an invention How to avoid infringement of another’s patent How to use patents to make money How to contribute to your organization’s innovations and patents and grow professionally

5 Other Things You Will Learn About Relevant legal jargon  e.g., “claims”, “read on”, “prior art” The Peer To Patent Program The Recent Patent Reform  e.g., what a first-to-file system is and what it means for inventors like YOU The ongoing wireless and mobile device litigation  Excellent example of how businesses leverage their IP against one another in the real world

6 Grading All students starts with A+,  Every week, you can keep it, or reduce it a bit. Students will be graded on  Weekly blogs– 50%  Weekly blog comments comments – 10%  Class participation – 25%  TBD – 15% Participation is required in all classes You can miss one class for a justified reason – please let me know in advance Emphasis is on learning and exploration of new and interesting topics  You will be fine

7 Units Class is designed for 2 units. 3 units – with approval If you registered as 1 or 4 units – please change

8 Field Trip This year’s class will also include an actual visit to a patent litigation trial to witness firsthand patent litigation in court

9 Class Projects Class projects will utilize social media applications, including – Weekly blogging and comments – YouTube clips (for 3-unit students) By Friday, open a blog, and create a profile Update the info on the Google Doc spreadsheet. Blog posts – twice per week Blog comments – four per week

10 Homework for Next Week Assignments: – Start a Blog and set your profile – Add two blog posts per week – The first is about yourself and the second is about the class – 3-unit students – get approval – Go over the class Blogs and do the same on YouTube

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