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ANGLEŠČINA - 5. razred Tema: živali - opis, lokacija ANIMALS

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Presentation on theme: "ANGLEŠČINA - 5. razred Tema: živali - opis, lokacija ANIMALS"— Presentation transcript:

1 ANGLEŠČINA - 5. razred Tema: živali - opis, lokacija ANIMALS
Predstavitev je uporabna v 5. razredu devetletke kot podpora utrjevanju besedišča (živali, pridevniki) ter jezika (predlogi kraja, primerjanje, ednina/množina) Copyright © 2007, Ingrid Zupanc Brečko V skladu z licenco Creative Commons Priznavanje avtorstva – Nekomercialno – Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji – 2.5

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 It’s dangerous. It’s big. It’s brown. Guess the animal!
They are big and dangerous. They are grey. Guess the animals! 3 It’s grey. It’s thinner than an elephant. It lives in sea. 4 It’s a very tall animal. It is thin. It’s yellow and black. It isn’t dangerous. 5 They are smaller than lions. They are funny. They like bananas. 6 They are small. They are green. They can jump. Učenci preberejo iztočnice, ugibajo žival/i. S klikom na podčrtano mesto pridemo do pravilne rešitve.

3 A LION – klikni nanj, da se vrneš k ugibanju

4 ELEPHANTS – klikni na večjega slona, da se vrneš k ugibanju

5 DOLPHIN – klikni nanj, da se vrneš k ugibanju

6 GIRAFFE – klikni nanjo, da se vrneš k ugibanju

7 MONKEYS – klikni na večjo opico, da se vrneš k ugibanju

8 FROGS – klikni na desno žabo, da se vrneš k ugibanju

9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Teacher says: This here shows animal cages in a zoo. Look at them for one minute! Try to remember where the animals are. Which animals are next to, opposite…?

10 How good is your memory? WHERE ARE THE ANIMALS?
Where is the lion? Where is the dolphin? Where are the monkeys? Where are the elephants? Can you answer all four Qs about the animals and their cages?

11 HERE ARE THE ANSWERS: The lion is next to the elephants / opposite the giraffe The dolphin is opposite the frogs / next to the elephants The monkeys are between the giraffe and the frogs The elephants are between the lion and the dolphin 4 correct answers: Excellent memory! 2-3 correct answers: Good memory! 0-1 correct answers: Try better next time!

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