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21st-Century Challenges NB: Generalising about complex situation.

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Presentation on theme: "21st-Century Challenges NB: Generalising about complex situation."— Presentation transcript:

1 21st-Century Challenges NB: Generalising about complex situation

2 Crisis of Authority: Governments in Muslim countries not serving needs of people “Arab Spring” (2010-12), leading to…

3 Concessions (e.g. Jordan) Replacement of ruling regimes (e.g. Egypt) Violent suppression (e.g. Iran) Civil war (e.g. Libya, Syria) Generally not sufficiently addressing needs of common folk

4 Rise of Extremism: Islamic organisations providing for those in need and hence gaining support Violent extremists taking control by force (e.g. Islamic State, in Syria and Iraq, since 2013)

5 Extremist recruiting techniques: Exploiting disaffection with Muslim and western governments Provoking governments in order to make them increase security measures, creating more disaffection Using of media, which is complicit

6 30th January 2006 Gunmen raid EU offices in Gaza demanding apology for cartoons 4th February 2006 Danish Embassy in Damascus stormed and burned by protestors Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons, published 30th September 2005

7 Islamophobia: Fear of what people in the west believe Islam to be like Manifesting in various forms Particularly felt by Muslim immigrant communities Impact on non-Muslims (e.g. Balbir Singh Sodhi, Sikh killed in Phoenix, AZ, on 15th September 2001)

8 Irshad Manji, (b. 1968) Born in Uganda, family fled to Vancouver in 1972 Worked in parliament and media The Trouble with Islam, published 2002 Criticised by extremists, conservatives and both Muslim and non-Muslim academics, praised by popular press and other academics, both Muslim and non-Muslim

9 Solutions? Need for more attention to “moderates” - challenges of diversity and press interest Need for intergovernmental dialogue - challenge of governmental ambitions Still leaves issue of widespread poverty

10 Map Link: Distribution of Muslims in the World Today: < 28Pew_Forum%29.svg28Pew_Forum%29.svg>

11 Allahu A‘lam - God is the Most Knowing

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