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PICO-group SAB presentation, Nov 9, 2006, Jukka Pekola Dr. Alexander Savin senior scientist Dr. Matthias Meschke research scientist Dr. Juha Vartiainen.

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Presentation on theme: "PICO-group SAB presentation, Nov 9, 2006, Jukka Pekola Dr. Alexander Savin senior scientist Dr. Matthias Meschke research scientist Dr. Juha Vartiainen."— Presentation transcript:

1 PICO-group SAB presentation, Nov 9, 2006, Jukka Pekola Dr. Alexander Savin senior scientist Dr. Matthias Meschke research scientist Dr. Juha Vartiainen post doc researcher Dr. Mikko Möttönen post doc researcher (partly at the Laboratory of Physics, TKK) Andrey Timofeev graduate student Tommy Holmqvist graduate student Olli-Pentti Saira diploma student Joonas Peltonen (part time) Laura MacDonald (part time) Kurt Baarman (part time) Antti Kemppinen graduate student (MIKES)

2 Main activities in 2005 - 06 Thermal effects and thermodynamics on a chip Josephson junction detector of noise and FCS [poster by Andrey Timofeev, presentation by Tero Heikkilä, poster by Teemu Ojanen] Cooper pair pumping and Berry phase [partly covered in the presentation of Antti Manninen] High resolution superconducting single flux quantum comparators for sub kelvin temperatures [VTT presentation/poster]

3 Lattice Electrical environment Electron system TODAY

4 Heat transported between two resistors Impedance matching (= channel transmission): Radiative contribution to net heat flow between electrons of 1 and 2: Linear response for small temperature difference  T = T e1 – T e2 :

5 Quantized heat conduction J. Pendry (1983), ”Quantum limits to the flow of information and entropy”: single channel heat conduction limited by G Q (phonons, photons, any carriers) K. Schwab et al. (2000), experiment with phonons D.R. Schmidt et al. (2004), predictions for photon coupling O. Chiatti et al. (2006), measurement with electrons in a 1D wire

6 Experimental set-up

7 Experimental results

8 Research topics for 2007 - 2009 Thermal effects: Influence of Coulomb blockade on electron cooling (2007) Cyclic electronic refrigerator (2007 - 08) Cooling by thermal noise (2007 – 09) Quantized thermal conductance by photons over mm distances (2008 – 09) Noise and full counting statistics using a Josephson junction detector: Asymmetry of shot noise of a tunnel junction at high frequencies, comparison to theories (2007) Noise spectroscopy at 1 - 100 GHz frequencies (2007 – 08) Higher moments of other mesoscopic noise sources (2008 – 09) Pumping of Cooper pairs: Measurement of Berry phase using a Josephson junction detector (2007 – 08) Towards the quantum triangle; improvement of the accuracy of a Cooper pair pump (- 2009) Coulomb Blockade Thermometer to realize LT temperature scale

9 Cyclic cooler whose operation is based on Coulomb blockade and energy filtering in tunneling

10 Cooling out of noise? Heat flows from hot to cold by photon radiation SNIS: cooling of N by a hot resistor

11 Research topics for 2007 - 2009 Thermal effects: Influence of Coulomb blockade on electron cooling (2007) Cyclic electronic refrigerator (2007 - 08) Cooling by thermal noise (2007 – 09) Quantized thermal conductance by photons over mm distances (2008 – 09) Noise and full counting statistics using a Josephson junction detector: Asymmetry of shot noise of a tunnel junction at high frequencies, comparison to theories (2007) Noise spectroscopy at 1 - 100 GHz frequencies (2007 – 08) Higher moments of other mesoscopic noise sources (2008 – 09) Pumping of Cooper pairs: Measurement of Berry phase using a Josephson junction detector (2007 – 08) Towards the quantum triangle; improvement of the accuracy of a Cooper pair pump (- 2009) Coulomb Blockade Thermometer to realize LT temperature scale

12 Implications of the presented effect Previously good thermal isolation at low T has been taken for granted (vanishing electron-phonon rate, superconductivity,...) Increased heat load and noise of micro- bolometers and calorimeters A way to tune thermal coupling (heat switches, optimization of bolometers) Another channel to remove heat from dissipative elements, like shunt resistors of SQUIDs at low T Acts as a mediator of increased decoherence?

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