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Presentation to the BANKSETA Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) with a Focus on RPL in the Workplace Carmel Marock and Candice Harrison-Train 14 March.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the BANKSETA Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) with a Focus on RPL in the Workplace Carmel Marock and Candice Harrison-Train 14 March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the BANKSETA Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) with a Focus on RPL in the Workplace Carmel Marock and Candice Harrison-Train 14 March 2007

2 SAQA: What is RPL? The comparison of the previous learning and experience of a learner, however obtained, against the learning outcomes required for a specified qualification. The qualification may be achieved in whole or in part through the recognition of prior learning, which concept includes but is not limited to learning outcomes achieved through formal, informal, and non-formal learning and work experience

3 Drawing lessons JET RPL Review process Other RPL research undertaken in different sectors

4 Processes that can be Supported by RPL in the Workplace Selection and Recruitment Identification and use of existing employee competencies Access to learning programmes Encouraging life-long learning and new career opportunities Performance review and management In the case of the Banking Sector, RPL could also be used to assist employees to meet new regulatory requirements, such as the Financial Advisory Information Services Act

5 Principles to Consider in the Implementation of RPL Accredited providers should implement RPL processes Workplaces should facilitate and support RPL initiatives Participation in RPL initiatives should be voluntary Employees must understand the full implications of their participation in RPL initiatives

6 Benefits of RPL Candidate Formal recognition of skills Credits for/towards qualifications on the NQF Access to further learning and career pathways Improves individual confidence Workplace Greater understanding of skills profile of employees Ability to use skills more productively and competitively Encourages a culture of continual learning and development in the workplace

7 SAQA Criteria for Effective RPL Practices Institutional policy and environment must be enabling and demonstrate commitment to RPL Service and support for candidates (including pre-assessment and post-assessment support) must be provided The training and registration of assessors and key personnel should be completed The methods and processes of assessment should be guided by the principles that guide all good assessment, with an emphasis on sufficiency, currency, fairness reliability, validity and authenticity Quality management systems must be in place. Moderation, management and reporting procedures are emphasised, as well as the need to adapt or specifically design assessments appropriate to an RPL context The cost of RPL services should be less than a full-time learning programme

8 Who Should be Involved in a Workplace RPL Initiative?         Decision makers such as line managers, managers, etc RPL advisors RPL candidates  RPL Coordinatio n

9 Six Elements of an RPL Process - 1 DEFINING AND COMMUNICATING A CLEAR STATEMENT OF PURPOSE, SCOPE AND TARGET GROUP  A decision has been taken on whether the RPL initiative will be supporting any other human resource management and development processes in the workplace  The target group of the RPL initiative has been identified  The scope of the RPL initiative has been defined  Decisions on the RPL initiative have been communicated in the workplace  There is a policy relating to top-up training and this is this being implemented

10 Six Elements of an RPL Process - 2 PREPARING FOR THE RPL INITIATIVE  The RPL implementation process has been mapped for the workplace  The different functions required for an RPL initiative have been allocated and the individuals assisting with these functions have sufficient capacity  There are assessment guidelines in place  There is an understanding of the training interventions that have taken place in the workplace  A detailed budget is developed and authorised

11 Six Elements of an RPL Process - 3 DEVELOPING AND IMPLEMENTING INDIVIDUAL RPL ASSESSMENT PLANS  There is a plan for engaging with the candidate and this engagement is taking place  There is a plan to assist the candidate to undertake a self-assessment and develop an assessment plan, and these activities are being implemented  There is a plan to support the candidate during the RPL process and this support is being provided

12 But what is RPL Assessment? Challenge test This refers to an RPL process that relies entirely on direct RPL assessment for the purposes of meeting competence in an RPL process. Some candidates may choose not to compile a PoE and may request instead that they receive a direct assessment on all the outcomes required. Such a “challenge test” could either be a written test or examination, a project or specially designed task/assignment, an oral interview or questions relating to an observed performance, a form of demonstration or presentation or a combination of these methods. It is also possible (as stated) to utilise such forms of direct assessment as a way of gathering evidence towards a larger PoE.

13 Six Elements of an RPL Process - 4 AUTHENTICATING THE EVIDENCE AND MAKING AN ASSESSMENT JUDGEMENT  There is a plan to ensure that a registered assessor will authenticate the evidence and make an assessment judgment and this plan is being implemented  There is a plan for moderation, and the evidence is being captured by the registered assessor in a manner that makes moderation (and verification by the ETQA) possible

14 Six Elements of an RPL Process - 5 PROVIDING FEEDBACK TO THE CANDIDATE  There is a process to capture the results of the RPL initiative  There is a plan in place to ensure that the candidate receives feedback about his/her results and that…S/he is assisted to develop a training plan to facilitate further learning (for both candidates that are competent and those that are not yet competent)  Where candidates are competent there a mechanism to forward the plan to the ETQA so that the certificate (or learner record) can be prepared  An appeals process is in place and candidates have access to this appeals process

15 Six Elements of an RPL Process - 6 COMPLETING A MONITORING AND EVALUATION LOOP  There is a mechanism to review the assessment guides and this review is taking place  There is a mechanism to review the standards and qualifications and this review is taking place  There is a mechanism to ensure that the learning from the RPL initiative is feeding into future RPL initiatives and this evaluative process is being undertaken

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