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MIHE Mashal Institute of Higher Education

3 SELECTION Chapter # 04


5 Introduction to Selection
Selection is the process of choosing from a group of applicants those individuals best suited for a particular position. Most managers recognize that employee selection is one of their most difficult, and most important, business decisions. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM


7 Introduction to Selection
This process involves making a judgment -not about the applicant, but about the fit between the applicant and the job by considering knowledge, skills and abilities and other characteristics required to perform the job Selection procedures are not carried out through standard pattern and steps in this. Process can vary from organization to organization some steps performed and considered important by one organization can be skipped by other organization. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM


9 Definition of Selection
“The process of making a “hire” or “no hire” decision regarding each applicant for a job.” OR “Selection can be defined as process of choosing the right person for the right job.” “The process of interviewing and evaluating candidates for a specific job and selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria.” KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

10 Steps of Selection The selection process typically begins with the preliminary interview; next, candidates complete the application for employment. They progress through a series of selection tests, the employment interview, and reference and background checks. The successful applicant receives a company physical examination and is employed if the results are satisfactory. Typically selection process consists of the following steps but it is not necessary that all organization go through all these steps as per requirement of the organization some steps can be skipped while performing the selection process. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM


12 Steps in the selection process:
Selection process having the following steps: Reception Screening interview Application blank Selection tests Selection interview Medical examination Reference check Hiring decision KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

13 Steps of Selection Initial Screening Pre-employment Testing Interview
Background Checks Conditional job offer Medical Exam/Drug Tests Final Selection Decision KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM


15 Steps of Selection KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

16 Steps of Selection Initial Screening
The selection process often begins with an initial screening of applicants to remove individuals who obviously do not meet the position requirements. At this stage, a few straightforward questions are asked. An applicant may obviously be unqualified to fill the advertised position, but be well qualified to work in other open positions. The Purpose of Screening is to decrease the number of applicants being considered for selection. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

17 Steps of Selection KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM


19 Steps of Selection 2. Employment Tests
A personnel testing is a valuable way to measure individual characteristics. Hundreds of tests have been developed to measure various dimensions of behavior. The tests measure mantel abilities, knowledge, physical abilities, personality, interest, temperament, and other attitudes and behaviors. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

20 Mental ability test KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM


22 Steps of Selection 3. Job Interviews
Interview is a goal-oriented conversation in which the interviewer and applicant exchange information. The employment interview is especially significant because the applicants who reach this stage are considered to be the most promising candidates. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM


24 Steps of Selection 4. Background Investigations/Checks
This step is used to check accuracy of application form through former employers and references. Verification of education and legal status to work, Credit history and Criminal records is also made. Personal reference checks may provide additional insight into the information furnished by the applicant and allow verification of its accuracy. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

25 Steps of Selection 5. Conditional Job Offer
After obtaining and evaluating information about the finalists in a job selection process, the manager must take the most critical step of all, making the actual hiring decision. The person whose qualifications most closely conform to the requirements of the open position should be selected. Initially the conditional job letter is offered that is followed by the physical exam/test. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

26 Steps of Selection 6. Physical Examination
After the decision has been made to extend a job offer, the next phase of the selection process involves the completion of a physical examination for the successful applicant. Typically, a job offer is contingent on successfully passing this examination. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

27 Steps of Selection 7. Permanent Job Offer
If physical test/exam proves eligibility of the candidate as per requirement of the job, final offer is made to applicant by the concerned department or supervisor in the concerned department. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

28 How To Avoid Common Interviewing Mistakes
a. Snap Judgments: This is where the interviewer jumps to a conclusion about the candidate during the first few minutes of the interview. b. Negative Emphasis: When an interviewer has received negative information about the candidate, through references or other sources, he or she will almost always view the candidate negatively. If possible, have different people do the reference checks and the interviews and not share the information until afterwards. c. Poor Knowledge of Job: When interviewers do not have a good understanding of the job requirements, they do not make good selections of candidates. All interviewers should clearly understand the jobs and know what is needed for success in those jobs. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

29 How To Avoid Common Interviewing Mistakes
d. Pressure to Hire: Anytime an interviewer is told that he or she must hire a certain number of people within a short time frame, poor selection decisions may be made. This type of pressure should be avoided whenever possible. e. Candidate Order When an adequate candidate is preceded by either an outstanding, or a poor candidate, by contrast he or she looks either less satisfactory or much better. f. Influence of Nonverbal Behavior: Candidates who exhibit stronger nonverbal behavior such as eye contact and energy level are perceived as stronger by the interviewers. g. Personal characteristics---Attractiveness, Gender, Race……… Selecting candidates on the basis of personal characteristics rather than on merit is an interview mistake which must be avoided. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

30 Topic-Selecting Managers
While selecting mangers for the organization, organizations can have three options, which are: I. Hiring Parent Country Nationals (PCN) II. Hiring Host Country Nationals (HCN) III. Hiring third Country Nationals (TCN) KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

31 I. Hiring Parent Country Nationals (PCN)
Parent country nationals are residents of home country. Advantages knowledge of firm’s systems & products Loyalty International experience Foreign image Disadvantages Adaptation to the host country may take a long time PCNs may impose an inappropriate headquarter style Compensation for PCNs and HCNs may differ KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

32 II. Host-Country Nationals
Host country national are residents of the host country. Advantages Language and other barriers are eliminated Hiring costs are reduced No work permit is required Disadvantages Control and Coordination of headquarters may be delayed. Hiring HCN’s limits opportunities for PCN’s to gain overseas experience. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM

33 III. Third-country Nationals (TCN)
Selecting managers not from parent or host country rather from a third country. Advantages knowledge of specific cultures and languages ΠLess costly Disadvantages locals may prefer their own citizens in managerial positions KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM


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