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Mathe III Lecture 5 Mathe III Lecture 5 Mathe III Lecture 5 Mathe III Lecture 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Mathe III Lecture 5 Mathe III Lecture 5 Mathe III Lecture 5 Mathe III Lecture 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathe III Lecture 5 Mathe III Lecture 5 Mathe III Lecture 5 Mathe III Lecture 5

2 2 Stability: In the long run, the solution should be independent of the initial conditions. The general solution of is: if : The system is stable.

3 3 if 1 m The root (s) are in (-1, 1) iff:

4 4 1 m The system is stable iff:

5 5 Differential Equations First Order Differential Equations first order, ordinary equation (single variable) Differential Equations

6 6 x t

7 7 The simplest possible equation: x t

8 8 An approximation: For a given let: we obtain a difference equation, solve it and let or graphically:

9 9 x For t = 0, assume x(0) = x 0 x0x0 t x1x1 x2x2 etc.

10 10 x For t = 0, assume x(0) = x 0 x0x0 t x1x1 x2x2 Now choose a smaller As we approach a curve which solves

11 11

12 12 Separable Differential Equations A formal ‘trick’:

13 13 Is this ‘trick’ valid ???

14 14 This defines x as an implicit function of t

15 15

16 16

17 17

18 18 Separable Differential Equations (again)

19 19 Separable Differential Equations (again)

20 20 Graphic description of the solution

21 21 Graphic description of the solution

22 22 t x Graphic description of the solution

23 23 t x Graphic description of the solution

24 24 t x Graphic description of the solution

25 25

26 26

27 27 This enables us to study how the evolution of capital changes with the parameters

28 28 How does K/L behave in the long run?

29 29 How does K/L behave in the long run?

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