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Freedom of Fluency. Freedom of Fluency, Daly Components –1. Motor Skill Training Deliberate Phonation (humming) Normal Breath Easy Stretch (prolongations.

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Presentation on theme: "Freedom of Fluency. Freedom of Fluency, Daly Components –1. Motor Skill Training Deliberate Phonation (humming) Normal Breath Easy Stretch (prolongations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freedom of Fluency

2 Freedom of Fluency, Daly Components –1. Motor Skill Training Deliberate Phonation (humming) Normal Breath Easy Stretch (prolongations Release (Speech Naturalness) –2. Cognitive Strategies (cassette) Guided Relaxation Mental Imagery Affirmation Training Positive Self-Talk

3 Quotes for Planning Therapy “To offer token therapy is to get a token response.” Van Riper “Monitoring desirable behavior is more effective than monitoring undesirable behavior.” Shames and Florance “Behavioral methods alone are insufficient to produce durable results.” Lazarus “Clinicians must deal with more than the speech of stutterers.” Van Riper “If you wish to accomplish something in reality, first picture yourself achieving it in your imagination.” Lazarus

4 More Quotes “Before a person can change, he must see himself in a new role.” Maltz “If you dream you can begin it--boldness has power, genius and magic in it” Goethe Stuttering clients Come to see us because they are stuck.” Daly “Clients need someone they can trust.” Van Riper “Positive attitude/High Attitude” anonymous If you think you can, you probably will. If you think you can’t, you probably won’t”

5 Mental Imagery Imagination is EVERYTHING!!!! –Imagine it, do it! –See yourself ……….. First get relaxed Second, imagine a scene, recall DETAILS

6 Affirmation Training Jesse Jackson’s “I AM somebody!” I can’t lose! Why? I’ll tell you why. I Have FAITH, COURAGE and ENTHUSIASM! I am successful in I can be more successful in I can be more successful in my speech by….

7 Positive Self-Talk Muma’s Inner Speech Goal of Positive Self-Talk –replace client’s faulty programming with something better –means of consciously reprogramming you sub- conscious mind through the use of specifically worded phrases of self-direction –by describing a ‘new picture’ of ourselves, we can say to our subconscious “This is the me I want you to create, Now let’s get to work on it.” Negative self-talk is common among stutterers

8 Positive Self- talk (continued) These new statements contain the words –“I can” –“I am” –positive and emotionally changed –must be individualized and client written What we think is almost entirely determined by the words we use. –Whenever a stutterer slips back into a negative frame of mind, have him mentally erase the negative idea and immediately think of something positive

9 Positive Self-Talk Examples, (cont) Examples: –I am positive and confident. I know that I can handle any speaking situation by being in control of my speech –Each day I become more in control of my speech: at home, at work, in my mind and in my thoughts –I enjoy saying my name clearly and smoothly when answering the telephone

10 Positive Self Talk Examples (final ones) –I am in complete control of what I think and how I think. I choose to think only those thoughts which are of genuine benefit to me –I have the determination to succeed. My plan is a good one. I am excited about the new person I am becoming

11 Positive Self-Talk Assignment Write a general self-talk statement Write a specific self-talk statement Use one for two weeks and monitor any self-changes

12 Reading References Lazarus,A. In the Mind’s Eye. New York: Guilford Press, 1984 Cousins, N. Head First: The Biology of Hope. 1989 Luttrerman, D. Counseling the Communicatively Disordered and Their Families. Boston, 1984 Siegel, B., Love, Medicine and Miracles, 1986 Siegel, B. Love, Medicine and Healing, 1989

13 References for Positive Self-Talk Porter, K & Foster J. The Mental Athlete: Inner Training for Peak Performance. 1986 Bandler, Using Your Brain for Change: Neurolinguistic Programming, 1985

14 Stuttering Behavior Aspect 1. ELU 2. Fluency Enhancing Behaviors (FEBS) –Fluency shaping approach –Addresses Diaphragmatic breathing Easy onset (laryngeal control) Light contacts and prolongations

15 End of Lecture

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