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Board of Governors 13 February 2008 Robert Luke and Joy McKinnon Place Title Here.

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1 Board of Governors 13 February 2008 Robert Luke and Joy McKinnon Place Title Here

2 IntroductionWhat is applied research? ARO UpdateAccomplishments Presentation Student research team Agenda

3 Problem pull vs. idea push, focusing on  Solving problems  Generating ideas for immediate marketplace application  Developing new and enhanced products and processes  Expanding market opportunities for companies  Building and testing prototypes  Demonstrating proof-of-principle  Carrying out laboratory testing or field studies that have application potential What is applied research?

4 Benefits of applied research  Students get real world, practical experience, often integrated in field studies  Faculty participate in industry innovation, refining their expertise  Industry accesses timely problem solving for immediate industrial problems  Community groups receive support for process innovations  GBC enhances its reputation, strengthens industry and community links, and fosters excellence in teaching and learning Applied Research at GBC

5 Financial viability  External funding secured  A total of $224,883 secured in 2007-08 for six applied research projects  10 applied research proposals were submitted in 2007-08 for a total funding ask of $32,836,563  The Colleges Ontario Network for Industry Innovation (CONII) has funded infrastructure development $90K/year until 2009 ARO Accomplishments

6 Student experience  84 students engaged in projects across all divisions  Launched Applied Research and Innovation seed funding program to provide opportunity for students to engage in applied research  OCE Connections Program  36 students involved in 11 projects (Tech, Hosp., Bus.) ARO Accomplishments

7 Process improvements  Revised the research ethics and integrity policies to conform with the Tri-Council Policy statement  Established internal seed funding application process  Reconfigured project management and accounting process for research projects ARO Accomplishments

8 Staff success  110 faculty in workshops  66 consultations  19 seed funded projects  4 posters, 1 presentation at the Polytechnics Canada Showcase  Professional development  Presentations at national and international conferences. ARO Accomplishments

9 Building the brand  Achieved NSERC eligibility  Hosted Polytechnics Canada Research Showcase  Led all colleges with highest response rate to national faculty survey on attitudes and interest in applied research  Developed success stories profiling GBC applied research  Achieved significant media exposure for applied research  Developed partnerships with industry and academic partners ARO Accomplishments

10 Funding announcements  NSERC College Innovation Program – $48m in 2008  Canada Foundation for Innovation next round to launch  Internal seed funding – second round April 2008  CONII Proof of Principle funds available – up to $10K  Ontario Centres of Excellence – ongoing Opportunities

11 New developments  Continue capacity building – build a network of GBC Research Labs (Health, Hospitality, Technology, Design)  Submit proposals to NSERC CCI and CFI  Launch new program in research and commercialization for Internationally Trained Individuals  Funded by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration  $400K 2008-2010  Expand use of the web to reach industry and funders The way forward

12  Promoting GBC as a provider of applied research services  Identifying opportunities for applied research projects  Assisting with the development of major research proposals by identifying potential industry and community partners How you can help

13 Example of success  Presentation by student researchers:  Elyse Schopp (Culinary Arts)  Kit Zhou (Mechanical Engineering Technology) Students demonstrate success

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