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“I Hear Teachers Don’t Like Common Core”: Enhancing Pre-Service Teacher’s Knowledge, Understanding and Implementation of ELA Common Core Standards May.

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Presentation on theme: "“I Hear Teachers Don’t Like Common Core”: Enhancing Pre-Service Teacher’s Knowledge, Understanding and Implementation of ELA Common Core Standards May."— Presentation transcript:

1 “I Hear Teachers Don’t Like Common Core”: Enhancing Pre-Service Teacher’s Knowledge, Understanding and Implementation of ELA Common Core Standards May 27, 2015 Kathy White, M.S. Ed. Michelle Erklenz-Watts, Ph.D. @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 1

2 Learning Targets 1. I can identify the 10 CCR anchor standards. 2. I can interpret/apply the ELA instructional shifts. 3. I know protocols can be used for a more collaborative learning environment. @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 2

3 Protocol: Notice and Wonder Students record what they notice and wonder about the structure of the text and information shared. One thing one you notice about NYS Common Core Standards (blue post-it) One question you have about NYS Common Core Standards (orange post-it) @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 3

4 What is the architecture of the Common Core? @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 4

5 What is the architecture of the Common Core? English language arts and math were the subjects chosen for the Common Core State Standards because they are areas upon which students build skill sets that are used in other subjects. Students must learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use language effectively in a variety of content areas, so the standards specify the literacy skills and understandings required for college and career readiness in multiple disciplines. @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 5

6 What is the Architecture of the Common Core? (See Packet) 10 Reading Anchor Standards Key Ideas and Details (3) Craft and Structure (3) Integration of Knowledge and Ideas (3) Range and Level of Text Complexity (1) 10 Writing Anchor Standards Literacy/CCRA/W/ Text Types and Purposes Production and Distribution of Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge Range of Writing 6 Speaking and Listening Anchor Standards Literacy/CCRA/SL/ Comprehension and Collaboration Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas 6 Language Anchor Standards Conventions of Standard English Knowledge of Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Use @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 6

7 Key Ideas and Details: (See Packet) CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.7.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 7

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10 Six Shifts in ELA/Literacy (See Packet) Shift 1: Balancing Informational and Literary Text Building Knowledge Shift 2: Knowledge in the Disciplines Building Knowledge Shift 3: Staircase of Complexity Complex Text and Vocabulary Shift 4: Text Based Answers Evidence from Text Shift 5: Writing from Sources Evidence from text Shift 6: Academic Vocabulary Complex Text and Vocabulary shifts.pdf/ @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 10

11 Protocol – Think-Pair-Share: Designed to differentiate instruction by providing students time and structure for thinking on a given topic, enabling them to formulate individual ideas and share these ideas with a peer. Which of the six ELA shifts do you think will be most challenging for your pre-service teachers? Why? 3 Minutes Report Out @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 11

12 Cooperating Teachers  Video Video @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 12

13 Adapt or Adopt NYS Curriculum Vendors Pre-K – 2 : Core Knowledge 3-8 : Expeditionary Learning 9-12 : PCG- Public Consulting Group NYS Common Core Fellows @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 13

14 ENGAGE NY Protocol: Fist to Five To show degree of agreement, readiness for tasks, or comfort with a learning target/concept, students can quickly show their thinking by holding up (or placing a hand near the opposite shoulder) a fist for 0/Disagree or 1-5 fingers for higher levels of confidence or agreement. What is your experience with Engage NY? Engage NY. org is developed and maintained by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to support the implementation of key aspects of the New York State Board of Regents Reform Agenda. This is the official web site for current materials and resources related to the Regents Reform Agenda. @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 14

15 Engage NY Website Common Core Standards, curriculum and instructional resources, bilingual resources, performance tasks and assessment guidelines and materials Teacher/Leader Effectiveness Data Driven Instruction and Inquiry resources Video library featuring Common Core teaching, information on the instructional shifts and highlights from NYSED's Network Team Institutes Professional Development materials Resources for Parents and Families @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 15

16 Expeditionary Learning Learning Targets  @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 16

17 Engage NY Protocols Use of protocols allows for total participation of students. It encourages critical thinking, collaboration, and social construction of knowledge. It also helps students to practice their speaking and listening skills. 3-8-ela-curriculum-appendix-1-protocols-and- resources @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 17

18 Learning Targets 1.I can deconstruct an ELA Common Core standard. 2.I know the 4T’s of curriculum writing. 3.I can bundle ELA Common Core standards. @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 18

19 @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 19

20 @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 20

21 Become a Student of the Standards Look at your standard and answer the following questions (See Packet): 1.What cognitive skills are called out? 2.Which specific words in the standard seem particularly salient in terms of what is required of students? Why? 3.Are there any key words such as and and or that convey what it means to fully master this standard at a given grade level? 4.What is unique to the grade level? (look above and below your grade level) Book Support: pages 87-89. Now, trade your standard with another person and do the same process. Discuss your similarities and differences. @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 21

22 I can deconstruct an ELA Common Core standard. @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 22

23 Become a Student of Curriculum Writing  Topic, Task, Targets, Text (See Packet)  Book Support: p. 92  Become an expert for your element  Complete a SNAP (See Packet)  Book Support: p. 95  Jigsaw with other experts and share your SNAP  Make notes on chart (See Packet)  Watch video Watch video  Debate on which T comes first and/or is most important  You must support your element as the first/important  Have an open discussion on the 4T’s @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 23

24 I know the 4T’s of curriculum writing. @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 24

25 Become a Student of Combining What You Know  Take your standard and partner with someone you haven’t talked with yet today  Discuss how your 2 standards could be coupled/bundled to fit into the 4T’s  Now pair with a pair and discuss how your 4 standards could be coupled/bundled to fit into the 4T’s  Discuss your conclusions about bundling standards @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 25

26 I can bundle ELA Common Core standards. @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 26

27 Protocol - Exit Ticket: (See Packet) At the end of class, students write on note cards or slips of paper an important idea they learned, a question they have, a prediction about what will come next, or a thought about the lesson for the day. Exit Ticket: Strategies To Prepare Our Students Now. How could you change your syllabi/class activities to incorporate more of your learning targets from today? 1. 2. 3. @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 27

28 Thank you for watching and listening. Kathy White, MS.Ed. Michelle Erklenz-Watts, Ph.D. @Michelle Erklenz-Watts and Kathy White, June, 2015 28

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