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Literature Review – why? To better understand your question To determine what is currently/historically known To check alignment or conflict with your.

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Presentation on theme: "Literature Review – why? To better understand your question To determine what is currently/historically known To check alignment or conflict with your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literature Review – why? To better understand your question To determine what is currently/historically known To check alignment or conflict with your hypothesis To identify concepts/practices upon which you will build

2 Literature Review – where? Identify 3 – 5 authors Scan titles, chapter titles, headings, abstracts Scan citations (read backwards) Search keywords Use search engines Scan journals

3 Literature Review – how? Read actual items (books, articles, texts) Choose a variety of perspectives on your topic Choose “old” and “new” views – check year of publication Cite the book (APA format for this class) Write a concise summary of the article Write a brief qualifying statement on the author(s)

4 Annotated literature review Situate the authority/background of the author(s) Identify the intended audience Explain how this work illuminates your topic Compare or contrast this work with another you have cited Compare or contract a current view with an historic one.

5 Example 1 Sociology Department researchers at Brown University (2008) used data from a 10-year longitudinal study of young adults (18 – 24) to test a hypothesis that non-family living by young adults before marriage alters their attitudes, values, plans and marital expectations, moving them away from their beliefs in traditional sex roles.

6 Example 1 (continued) Increased time living away from parents before marriage increased: Individualism self-sufficiency Tolerance for different task/role arrangements. Effects were stronger in women than men. Outcome differs from earlier study by Williams (1980) implicating general change in social attitudes.

7 Example 2 Large-scale investigation into relationship between reaching achievement and methods of teaching. Conducted for National Foundation for Educational Research, known for its rigorous techniques. 8,000 primary children in 60 schools in Kent, England, learning to read in their mother tongue.

8 Example 2 (continued) Students succeeded as independent readers in short, medium and long spans of time. Variety of instructional methods scored equally well. Peer reading support (listening but not correcting) also improved reading scores. Study was corrected for socio-economic differences.

9 APA Get a publication manual or use an online guide Learn the different types of works (books, periodicals, technical reports, electronic media...) Gather some exemplars and COPY them For this work – PUNCTUATION COUNTS!

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