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H Davies, D I Head, J Gray, P Quested

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1 The Application of MTDATA to the Melting/Freezing Points of ITS-90 Metal Fixed-Points
H Davies, D I Head, J Gray, P Quested Engineering and Process Control Division 23 November 2006

2 Contents Thermodynamic modelling introduction Sn-X systems
Data availability for Sn-X Sn-X binary diagrams Influence of X on Tm(Sn) Real Sn compositions and simulations Equilibrium or not ? Al-X systems Data availability for Al-X Non-metals (C, N, O) Al-X binary diagrams Influence of X on Tm(Al) Simulations on freezing of real “pure” Al compositions and doping experiments A Virtual Measurement System for fixed points ? Conclusions

3 How a thermodynamic model works
The equilibrium state of a chemical system at a fixed temperature (T), pressure (P) and overall composition can be calculated by minimising its Gibbs energy (G) with respect to the amounts of individual species (unaries) that could possibly form, either as distinct phases or within solutions Models for the variation of G with T and P for unaries and for the influence of interactions between unaries on G for solutions are needed in order to make such calculations possible G(T) = A + BT + CTlnT + DT2 + ET3 + F/T More complex models describe the pressure dependence of G for unaries and the contribution made by magnetism, if appropriate Other effects such as surface energy (small particles/droplets) and strain can in principle be taken into account

4 Unary data for Sn Sets of coefficients describing G(T,P) must be derived for chemical species in ALL phases (gas, liquid, different crystalline structures) in which they appear. The most stable phase at chemical equilibrium can then be predicted for a chosen T and P as the one with the lowest Gibbs energy

5 Unary data for Sn Just showing stable phases Note diamond phase (grey tin) moving towards stability below room temperature

6 Unary phase diagrams The phase rule: F = C + 2 - P
relates the number of degrees of freedom in a system (F) to the number of components (C) and phases (P). For a one component system in which 3 phases (such as gas, liquid and solid) co-exist the number of degrees of freedom is zero - neither temperature nor pressure can be fixed arbitrarily.

7 Gm(T,x) = Sj xjGj(T) + Gmag + RT Sj xjlnxj + EGm(T,x)
Binary data The molar Gibbs energy of a solution phase (Gm) can be written: Gm(T,x) = Sj xjGj(T) + Gmag + RT Sj xjlnxj + EGm(T,x) where R is the gas constant and Gj is the molar Gibbs energy of component j, present in solution with mole fraction xj. The four terms represent unary contributions, magnetic contributions, ideal entropy contributions and finally additional or excess contributions to the Gibbs energy of the phase resulting from interactions between components during mixing. The Redlich-Kister equation is widely used to model the excess Gibbs energy of mixing: EGm(T,x) = Sj Sk>j xj xk (0Ljk + 1Ljk(xj-xk) + 2Ljk(xj-xk)2 + 3Ljk(xj-xk)3 + …) nLjk are coefficients determined to model the measured mixing properties of the phase in question as closely as possible. nLjk may be temperature dependent but anything more complex than a linear temperature dependence is unusual. Different powers of (xj-xk) in the Redlich-Kister equation allow asymmetry in the Gibbs energy of mixing to be modelled.

8 Binary Gibbs energies Phase equilibria are determined by the relationship between Gibbs energies of phases Temperature is K therefore BCT and LIQUID phase Gibbs energies are identical at pure Sn As Pb concentration increases the Gibbs energy of the FCC phase becomes lower (green line) until eventually the Pb rich FCC solid solution phase precipitates. This is reflected in the phase diagram on the next slide

9 Sn-Pb Full binary phase diagram

10 Where do the solute distribution coefficients come from?
Explicit distribution coefficients are not used in the calculations They can however be deduced from the underlying thermodynamic data Sections of phase diagrams up to 3 wt% solute and associated calculated distribution coefficients are shown to right

11 Sn-X systems

12 C, N, O, Na, Al, Si, S, Cl, Tl, Cu, Ag, Pb
Data availability for Sn-X (impurity elements having thermodynamic data for interaction with Sn are underlined – MTSOL, MTSOLDERS, COST531) Analysed and found above detection limits by NRC using glow discharge mass spectrometry ( ) C, N, O, Na, Al, Si, S, Cl, Tl, Cu, Ag, Pb Metallic elements not found but with high (> 50 ppb) detection limits Co, In, Sb Set of elements indicated from analysis and available for thermodynamic modelling Ag, Al, Cu, In, Ni (as analogue for Co), Pb, Sb, Si Full set of elements available for thermodynamic modelling Ag, Al, Au, Bi, Cu, Ge, In, Ni, Pb, Pd, Sb, Si, Zn


14 Sn-Ag (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb) 1000 ppb 20 ppb

15 Sn-Al (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb)

16 Sn-Au (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb)

17 Sn-Bi (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb)

18 Sn-Cu (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb)

19 Sn-Ge (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb)

20 Sn-In (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb)

21 Sn-Ni (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb)

22 Sn-Pb (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb)

23 Sn-Pd (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb)

24 Sn-Sb (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb) 20 ppb 1000 ppb

25 Sn-Si (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb) NB: No diamond phase considered

26 Sn-Zn (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb)

27 NRC Sn composition simulation
Pb impurity only considered Tm – Tliq = 15 K Tm – T50% liq = 25 K

28 NRC Sn composition simulation
Only analysed levels for Ag, Cu, Pb and Si considered Tm – Tliq = 24 K Tm – T50% liq = 44 K If Si is excluded these values become 15 and 25 K

29 NRC Sn composition simulation
Analysed levels for Ag, Cu, Pb and Si + 50% of limits of detection for others Tm – Tliq = 84 K Tm – T50% liq = 147 K

30 NRC Sn composition simulation
Analysed levels for Ag, Cu, Pb and Si + 100% of limits of detection for others Tm – Tliq = 142 K Tm – T50% liq = 250 K

31 NRC Sn composition simulation
Ideal liquid and BCT phase models Tm – Tliq = 120 K Tm – T50% liq = 214 K

32 NRC Sn composition simulation
Ideal liquid and pure Sn BCT phase models – Raoults Law assumption Tm – Tliq = 180 K Tm – T50% liq = 352 K

33 Summary of NRC analysed Sn composition simulation
(Tm – Tliq) / K (Tm – T50% liq) / K Pb only 15 25 Analysed Cu, Ag, Si and Pb 24 44 Analysed excluding Si Analysed + 50% detection limits 84 147 Analysed + 100% detection limits 142 250 Ideal liquid and BCT solid solution 120 214 Ideal liquid and pure BCT solid 180 352

34 Equilibrium v Non-equilibrium (Scheil)
Sn with 10 ppm Pb MTDATA can do limiting case non-equilibrium solidification simulation by assuming rapid diffusion in liquid and none in solid Scheil solidification shows significant lowering of temperature at higher solid fractions Equilibrium and Scheil are bounds to “true” behaviour ???

35 Pressure = 101.325 kPa + 10 kPa + 20 kPa
Pressure effects Sn with 10 ppm Pb Pressure = kPa + 10 kPa + 20 kPa Pressure dependence of melting is handled naturally by MTDATA Pressures relate to hydrostatic heads of approximately 0 to 29 cm

36 A quick look at look at Al
(1990 JM analysis, including Ti)

37 A quick look at look at Al
(1990 JM analysis, excluding Ti)

38 Al-X systems

39 C, N, O, Mg, Si, P, S, Cl, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu
Data availability for Al-X (impurity elements having thermodynamic data for interaction with Al are underlined – MTAL, MTSOL) Analysed and found above detection limits by NRC using glow discharge mass spectrometry ( ) C, N, O, Mg, Si, P, S, Cl, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu Metallic elements with high (> 50 ppb) detection limits Au Set of elements indicated from analysis and available for thermodynamic modelling C, N, Mg, Si, P, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu Full set of elements available for thermodynamic modelling Ag, C, Ca, Ce, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge, Hg, In, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, N, Nb, Nd, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Si, Sn, Ta, Ti, V, W, Y, Zn, Zr

40 Al-Si Full binary phase diagram

41 Partial binary phase diagram
Al-N Partial binary phase diagram Predicted nitrogen solubility in liquid Al near Tm is greater than the 1800 ppb impurity found in NRC analysis

42 Partial binary phase diagram
Al-C Partial binary phase diagram Predicted carbon solubility in liquid Al near Tm is approx. 0.3 ppb (w/w)



45 Al-N (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb) NRC analysis: 1800 ppb

46 Al-Si (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb) NRC analysis: 420 ppb 1000 ppb

47 Al-Cu (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb) NRC analysis: 230 ppb 1000 ppb

48 Al-Fe (20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb) NRC analysis: 220 ppb 1000 ppb

49 NRC Al composition simulation
Mg, Si, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, P and N impurities considered Tm – Tliq = 2.8 mK Tm – T50% liq = 5.5 mK

50  Scheil simulation results
NRC Al composition simulation (no N) Mg, Si, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, P impurities considered  Scheil simulation results Tm – Tliq = 275 K Tm – T50% liq = 810 K

51 NRC Al composition simulation
Only N impurity considered Tm – Tliq = 2.3 mK Tm – T50% liq = 4.7 mK

52 Summary of NRC analysed Al composition simulations
(Tm – Tliq) / K (Tm – T50% liq) / K Full analysis considered 2800 5500 N excluded 275 810 Only Al-N (1800 ppb N) 2300 4700

53 Impurity dependence of the aluminium point J Ancsin, Metrologia 40 (2003) 36–41
Al-X systems in NRC study based on wt% Al + precise impurity additions Adiabatic calorimeter used to allow fraction melted to be quantified X = Ag, Zn, Cu, Fe, In, Si, Ti, Mn, Cd, Sb, Ca, and Ni MTDATA equilibrium calculations carried out for Ag, Si and Ti

54  J Ancsin, Metrologia 40 (2003) 36–41
Impurity dependence of the aluminium point MTDATA equilibrium simulation Ag impurity  J Ancsin, Metrologia 40 (2003) 36–41 36 ppm of Ag impurity 76 ppm of Ag impurity

55  J Ancsin, Metrologia 40 (2003) 36–41
Impurity dependence of the aluminium point MTDATA equilibrium simulation Si impurity  J Ancsin, Metrologia 40 (2003) 36–41 18.4 ppm of Si impurity 44.1 ppm of Si impurity

56  J Ancsin, Metrologia 40 (2003) 36–41
Impurity dependence of the aluminium point MTDATA equilibrium simulation Ti impurity  J Ancsin, Metrologia 40 (2003) 36–41 2.8 ppm of Ti impurity 7.0 ppm of Ti impurity Experimental data show “wrong” curvature

57 Elevation or reduction of melting point Bi-Sb as a model system
Bi side of diagram acts and as analogue of Al + Ti impurity Sb side acts as an analogue of Al + Si impurity

58 Elevation or reduction of melting point Bi rich system (Al + Ti impurity analogue)

59 Elevation or reduction of melting point Sb rich system (Al + Si impurity analogue)

60 NPL Virtual Measurement system for Al alloys v1.0
(2005 NRC analysis for Mg-Si-Fe-Cu) Analysis / ppb (w/w) Mg 160 Si 420 Fe 220 Cu 230 45 mK abscissa range Note: The current release of this software was designed for commercial Al-alloys and not modified to handle ultra pure metals over very small temperature ranges 11 mK abscissa range


62 MTDATA calculations for pure metals SGTE UNARY Database v4.4
ITS-90 MTDATA Isotech* Tm / K A / K-1 Ga - In Sn Zn Al Ag Au Cu *A is the 1st cryoscopic constant (-fusH/RTm2). Table 2, Isotech Journal of Thermometry, Vol 4, No 2 (1993)

63 Conclusions General Thermodynamic data availability
Equilibrium thermodynamic and limiting case non-equilibrium (Scheil) simulations can help in (a) extrapolating non-constant freezing “plateaux” to true liquidus temperatures and (b) estimating deviations of observed liquidus temperature from true pure element melting point Thermodynamic data availability Much more data available for Al-X than for Sn-X (commercial Al-alloys v solders) Chemical analysis issues The effect of non-metals such as nitrogen is important for Al Uncertainty in sample analysis in terms of the measured concentrations or the chemical state of the elements is a significant problem possibly introducing more uncertainty than thermodynamic modelling assumptions (eg real solutions v ideal) Simulations Results of Scheil simulations only start to deviate from equilibrium above 70% solid Non-equilibrium modelling should be better at determining the liquidus temperature from sub-liquidus experimental data near the end of solidification With the high carbon levels, indicated by the analysis and use of graphite crucibles, the phase Al4C3 should always be present AlN and Al2O3 should also be present in solids with AlN dissolving significantly in liquid Al Equilibrium simulations are in close agreements with NRC doping experiments for Ag and Si. Odd curvature of NRC Ti experimental results cannot be explained

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