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List boxes, combo boxes etc. Please see speaker notes for additional information!

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1 List boxes, combo boxes etc. Please see speaker notes for additional information!

2 PrFacCrs0.vbp This program lets you select a semester and then choose the courses the faculty member will be teaching from the course list.

3 PrFacCrs0.vbp




7 When the menu selection add is clicked it takes the selected item in the combo box and adds it to whatever is already in schedule. It does this using concatenation. It also concatenates the vbCrLf which is carriage control, line feed. When the menu option print is clicked, the the contents of the txtSchedule.Text box is printed.

8 PrFacCrs1.vbp.AddItem puts the element in the list box or combo box. This is an alternative to setting the property list..ListIndex will get you the currently selected/highlighted item in the list. For example, if I highlighted Spring I would see Spring, a blank line and then the contents of the schedule text box.

9 PrFacCrs1.vbp

10 PrFacCrs1a.vbp I selected Spring so the cases appropriate for Spring were put into the combo box. The 1stSemester.ListIndex uses the selected element from the list box called 1stSemester.

11 PrFacCrs2.vbp "CIS11 Introduction to CIS" "CIS12 Introduction to COBOL" "CIS22 Microcomputer Applications" "CIS23 Microcomputer Applications II" "CIS24 Microcomputer Environment" "CIS31 Netware I" "CIS32 Netware II" "CIS33 Networking Technologies" "CIS40 Lotus Notes" "CIS44 Internet User/Developer" "CIS45 Java" "CIS50 Oracle" "CIS51 Advanced COBOL" "CIS52 Programming Development" "CIS54 Systems Analysis and Design" "CIS56 Visual Basic" "CIS61 Database Programming" "CIS63 Introduction to UNIX" "CIS65 Windows NT"

12 "CIS11 Introduction to CIS" "CIS12 Introduction to COBOL" "CIS22 Microcomputer Applications" "CIS23 Microcomputer Applications II" "CIS24 Microcomputer Environment" "CIS31 Netware I" "CIS32 Netware II" "CIS33 Networking Technologies" "CIS40 Lotus Notes" "CIS44 Internet User/Developer" "CIS45 Java" "CIS50 Oracle" "CIS51 Advanced COBOL" "CIS52 Programming Development" "CIS54 Systems Analysis and Design" "CIS56 Visual Basic" "CIS61 Database Programming" "CIS63 Introduction to UNIX" "CIS65 Windows NT" PrFacCrs2.vbp Open "A:\CISCrs.txt" For Input As #1 Do While Not EOF(1) Input #1, CrsInfo cboCrsList.AddItem CrsInfo Loop

13 PrSelFile.vbp





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