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What to do until we all have all the support, resources and direction we wish we had.

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Presentation on theme: "What to do until we all have all the support, resources and direction we wish we had."— Presentation transcript:

1 What to do until we all have all the support, resources and direction we wish we had

2  Willing to fail  Objective for kids & for you ◦ Big picture ◦ Small excuse  Gather resources & allies  Small bites  Lead by example (Brag)  Ask for more

3  Life experience. ◦ Psychiatric Aide – Geriatrics Ward ◦ Purchasing for manufacturing ◦ Financial Services ◦ Poison Control ◦ Sales, Marketing, and Data Processing (VP) ◦ Industrial Computer Sales ◦ And at 43 an educator

4  Computer Skills OJT ◦ Paper tape to a teletype 1969 ◦ Commodore 64 -1983 ◦ Cobol Coding – Late 80s ◦ Personal Computing ◦ Client Server Networking – 1990 ◦ No games or breadboards at home

5  Teaching Experience

6  Social Studies 1994-1995

7  English 1994-1995

8  Long Term Sub Spring 1996  English – Freshmen, Freshmen SpEd, Poetry, Creative Writing

9  Home Office – used LC III  School Lab – Disk & Printer

10  Got the lab whenever we wanted  Did a little troubleshooting, but it basically worked  Writing, and re-writing, and re-re-writing  And rethinking everything I thought I knew about teaching writing

11  District Technology Coordinator 1996-2003

12  140 PCs  70 Macs  5 servers  eMail  Website  District Office  Staff Development  Class in Field Engineering  Tutorial in Poli Sci  Information Systems  Umpire Baseball & Softball

13  State of NH Dep’t of Ed – Co-founder NHEON -  TERC – Mathematics & Science Education

14  2003 Dir Inst Tech High School ◦ Teach Comp Sci ◦ Ass’t Coach Softball  2005 Dir Inst Tech K-12 ◦ Teach Ethics  2007 & Dir Info Systems ◦ Teach Ethics ◦ Remember to breathe

15  Willing to fail  Objective for kids & for you  Gather resources & allies  Small bites  Lead by example (Brag)  Ask for more

16  Not plan to fail ◦ Have Plan B  Choose to teach something you already do pretty well ◦ Don’t pick a central curricular component for your first try  Low stakes

17  Why is this essential?  Why not next year?  Tools of their time ◦ Don’t teach harness making when tractors are cheap  Have a big rationale  Choose a small objective

18  Liberal from Latin liberalis – appropriate for free people  Quadrivium (where 4 roads meet) ◦ Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy  Trivium (where 3 roads meet) ◦ Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic

19  Arithmetic  Geometry  Music  Astronomy

20  Grammar  Rhetoric  Logic

21 Rhetoric Information Technology Logic Computer Science 3 Domains of the New Trivium Grammar Information Literacy

22  Information Literacy ◦ Incorporates Media Literacy ◦ Use the Big 6 ◦ Learn from librarians

23  Algorithmic Thinking  How tools are designed and deployed  Return of what was lost in the 1950’s & 1960’s

24  Laptop one example of a generic tool  Use technology as a tool  Presentation tools  Web tools  Data collections

25 3 Domains of Tech Fluency Information Technology Computer Science Information Literacy Philosophy Logic Problem Solving (Tactical) Innovation

26  For students & for you ◦ For them, so they’ll tell the story ◦ For you, so you’ll have the energy to do it

27  Wetware – people to help you  Software/Applications/Web Tools  Hardware  Read grants  Use district & state resources (often waiting to be asked)

28  People like to be asked ◦ Community ◦ Corporate ◦ Former students ◦ Parents ◦ Other staff

29  Exploit the free resources  Go to the sessions today  Don’t resolve to be an expert

30  Don’t start with the year long portfolio  Know how and where the backups are  Have Plan B

31  Success draws resources  Don’t wait to be discovered  Showcase the kids work  Know your teacher’s room culture  Be willing to brag  Present at conferences

32  Offer to help write grants Send proposals to conferences Read Grants

33  Comes from everywhere  Distributed computing leads to Distributed Learning  Leads to Distributed Leadership


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