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John Ermer AP World History Miami Beach Senior High School.

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1 John Ermer AP World History Miami Beach Senior High School



4   Dutch, French, & English replace Spain & Portugal as main economic and colonizing powers  England & France compete for superiority  Seven Years’ War (1756-1763)  “The Great War For Empire” fought between France & Britain in India & N.A.  Called “French & Indian War”  France ran N.A. colonies like trading area (fur, leather, fish & timber)  British N.A. more populated, wealthier (1750: 1 million people)  Two main areas of fighting:  Gulf of St. Lawrence  Ohio River Valley War, Crisis, & the Enlightenment



7  French & Indian War  British Prime Minister William Pitt, wants to destroy French Empire, replace it with a British Empire  Concentrates British resources on the war in the colonies, not the European theater  France winning at first, but naval losses leave it unable to support army  1759: Britain wins battle of the Plains of Abraham (Quebec) under Gen. Wolfe  British take Montreal, the Great Lakes, and the Ohio River Valley from France  Treaty of Paris: France gives Britain Canada, land east of Mississippi River  As ally of France, Spain gives Britain control of Florida, but get Louisiana from France  1763: Great Britain is world’s greatest colonial power



10  The Enlightenment  New philosophy applies Scientific Revolution to social and governmental problems  John Locke : Gov’t gets legitimacy from the people, individual rights are paramount  Jean-Jacques Rousseau : Same thoughts on legitimacy, but thinks people act collectively due to past shared experiences  Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations —Laissez-Faire Economics  Rene Decartes, Cesare Baccaria, Francis Bacon  Counter Enlightenment breeds conservative & anti- democratic movements  Benjamin Franklin is standard barer for critics of Old World

11   Two policies upset American colonists:  Britain raises taxes on its N. Amer. colonies to mitigate war debt and any future military expenses to defend colonies  The Stamp Act of 1765  Britain closes western frontier from colonial settlement  Sons of Liberty—New English activist organization  Boycotts cut British imports by 2/3  Parliament cuts taxes  Upsets colonists by granting tea monopoly to British E. India Co.  Boston Tea Party & Boston Massacre Rebellion In British N.A.

12   1775: First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia  Fighting erupts in New England (Lexington & Concord)  Assumes power of gov., raises army, issues currency  George Washington chosen to lead army  Declaration of Independence  Constitutional Convention creates democratic republic  Only white, male property owners can vote  Women gain modest influence with independence  Many European powers see helping Americans as way to spite British  France: arms, money, officers for training; king recognizes the United States (1778)  Spain & The Netherlands also offer support  1781: General Cornwallis surrenders to General George Washington at Yorktown  1783: Treaty of Paris ends war, establishes an independent American state The American Revolution



15   French revolution directly challenges the power of monarchies, the Catholic Church, and landed aristocracy  French society divided into three classes (estates):  First Estate: Clergy  Second Estate: Nobility/Aristocracy  Third Estate: merchants, bourgeoisie, peasants  All three estates represented in Estates General, one vote per  Wars almost bankrupt France  Kings Louis XV & XVI issue emergency financial controls  Parliament and local govs unhappy with kings’ power/rule Revolution Spreads


17   King Louis XVI calls first meeting of the Estates-General since 1614 to raise taxes, Third Estate overruled by others  Many priests join Third Estate to form National Assembly  Locked out of Parliament, meeting places, find tennis court  The Tennis Court Oath  July 14, 1789: Storming of the Bastille  Declaration of the Rights of Man  Women storm palace, seizure of church lands, war The French Revolution

18  July 14: Bastille Day

19   New gov. the National Convention to run the war  Jacobin radicals dominate Convention  Girondine: feared mobs, king alive  Mountain: wanted king dead  Maximilien Robspierre  King put to death by guillotine—1793, form republic  Committee of Public Safety (CPS) assumes executive power  40,000 people executed, 300,000 arrested (women & Catholics)  New calendar, Notre Dame converted to “temple of reason”  Robspierre overthrown, executed—July 27, 1794  New government=the Directory The Reign of Terror


21   Directory=dictatorship  1799: Directory overthrown by Napoleon  1803: New war against Britain, Russia, Austria, Sweden and Prussia  Austria, Russia and Prussia quickly defeated  Grand Empire= French Empire, “dependent states” and allies of France  1802-1812: Napoleon is master of Europe  Britain survives because of powerful navy  Naval superiority makes British almost invulnerable  Britain defeats French-Spanish navy at Trafalgar  Napoleon tries to cut British goods from reaching European markets  Other Europeans don’t like being told who to do business with, rebel  British colonies still making it money Napoleon Bonapart



24  Coronation of Napoleon


26  Fall of Napoleon  French revolutionary ideals promote a cultural unity known as Nationalism  1812: Napoleon invades Russia, when they refuse Continental System  Napoleon wants to make example of them  Russians refuse to fight, run for hundreds of miles, burning cities so French can’t use them  French arrive in a burning Moscow  French army heads home in winter, freeze  Other Europeans stand up to Napoleon  Paris captured in March 1814  Napoleon exiled to island of Elba  Bourbon monarchy restored—King Louis XVIII—former king’s brother  King not supported, Napoleon slips back into Fr.  Soldiers sent to arrest Napoleon, they take his side and escort him to Paris in triumph  Battle of Waterloo: Britain & Prussia defeat N

27  Napoleon Leaving Russia

28   Slave rebellion in French colony of Saint Domingue  Army lead by Francois Dominique Toussaint L’Ouverture  Plantations over run, French lose grip on control  Napoleon sends army to reestablish colonial control  1804: Haiti declares independence  Congress of Vienna (1814-15) reestablishes Old Order  Revolutions of 1848  Revolts against the Old Order across Europe, fueled by Nationalism Other Revolutions


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