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Published byKarin Ward Modified over 9 years ago
R.Bailey, January 2008 Procedures Phase A Pilot physics run (43 to 156 bunches) OPLHCCWG Document status January 2008 A.1injection and first turnMagaliBrennanReleased A.2circulating beam, RF captureMagaliGianluigiIn work A.3450 GeV, initial commissioningVerenaRhodriUnder Approval A.4450 GeV, optics measStefanoFrankReleased A.5450 GeV, increase intensityLauretteJanIn work A.6450 GeV, two beam operationWalter/VerenaRalphEngineer check A.7450GeV, collisionsMagaliHelmutIn work A.8snapback and rampReyesMikeIn work A.9top energy checks with beamWalterFrankEngineer check A.10top energy, collisionsReyesHelmutIn work A.11squeezeStefanoMassimoReleased A.12experimental magnetsDelphineHelmutIn work
R.Bailey, January 2008 Getting ready for beam (situation end of 2007) Power tests of the magnet circuits Power tests of the magnet circuits Guess based on latest info from Katy et al SectorCool downPower testsWhen ready 1211 - 1617 - 29July 2308 - 1314 - 24June 3414 - 1920 - 27July 4519 - 2425 - 28July 5605 - 0910 - 21May/June 6708 - 1314 - 21May/June 7804 - 0910 - 21May/June 8106 - 1112 - 24June For the other accelerator systems For the other accelerator systems Finish installation Finish installation Component tests Component tests Individual system tests Individual system tests Integration into operation Integration into operation Readiness reviews Readiness reviews Dry runs Dry runs Machine checkout Machine checkout Take over finished sectors for operational testing Take over finished sectors for operational testing
R.Bailey, January 2008 Injection and first turn / Circulating beam PhaseStepActivityWho (OP +) A.1 A1.1Commission injection region: beam 2, 1 pilotBT BI A1.2Threading around the ring: beam 2BT BI AP A1.3Commission injection region: beam 1BT BI A1.4Threading around the ring: beam 1BT BI AP A1.5Check interleaved threading: beam 1 and beam 2OP PhaseStepActivityWho (OP +) A.2 A2.1Instrumentation and corrector checks (Interleaved)CO BI A2.2Establish closed orbit (One beam at a time)OP A2.3Measurements with few turns (One beam at a time)AP A2.4Offsets between different sectors (Interleaved)OP A2.5RF observation equipment (One beam at a time)RF A2.6SPS-LHC Energy matching (Mostly interleaved)RF A2.7Synch Loop commissioning and beam capture (Interleaved)RF
R.Bailey, January 2008 450 GeV, initial commissioning PhaseStepActivityWho (OP +) A.3 A3.1Final RF commissioning with Pilot IntensityRF A3.2BCTFR and BPM checks with Pilot IntensityBI A3.3First Commissioning of Beam Dumping System (pilot)BT BI ATB A3.4Commission systems with higher intensity (3 x 10 10 )BT BI RF A3.5Establish cycling machine (3 x 10 10 )OP A3.6Lifetime optimisation (3 x 10 10 )OP A3.7Further commissioning of beam instrumentation (3 x 10 10 )BI A3.8Basic optics checks in addition to LOCO Results (3 x 10 10 )AP BI RF A3.9Further commissioning of beam dumping system (3 x 10 10 )BT BI A3.10Commission feedback systems (3 x 10 10 )RF BI A3.11Rough Setting up of the TDI (3 x 10 10 )BT
R.Bailey, January 2008 450 GeV, optics meas PhaseStepActivityWho (OP +) A.4 A4.1Measurement and correction of the closed orbitAP BI A4.2Measurement and correction of the linear opticsAP BI A4.3Measurement and correction of the apertureAP A4.4Detailed RF measurementsRF A4.5Measurement of the momentum apertureAP A4.6Collimators and protection devices for energy rampColl A4.7Measurements of the global non-linear opticsAP A4.8Commissioning of the non-linear correctorsAP A4.9Commissioning of bumps in the IR'sAP A4.10Detailed injection matchingAP BT A4.11Detailed beam loss studiesBI Coll A4.12Tracking errors: measurements and correctionsOP PO
R.Bailey, January 2008 450 GeV, increase intensity PhaseStepActivityWho (OP +) A.5 A5.1Tuning of injection protection (up to 4 bunches, 1e10 p+/bunch)BT BI CO A5.2Commissioning of the beam dumping system (43 bunches)BT BI AP RF A5.3Check Beam Instrumentation and beam parameters (43 bunches)BI A5.4Check MPS functionality of BLM (43 bunches)BI A5.5Setting-up of RF (43 bunches)RF A5.6Setting-up of the ring betatron and momentum collimation (43b)Coll A5.7Re-check and optimize injection settings (43b, 4e10 p+/bunch)BT A5.8Check some of the previous steps with 43b, 4e10 p+/bunchBT BI RF A5.9Check intensity dependence of safe beam flagCO A5.10Check beam load on cryogenics and vacuum systemCryo Vac A5.11Fine tuning of injection (156b, 1e10 p + /bunch to 9e10 p + /bunch)PO A5.12Commission beam dump system (156 bunches)BT BI CO A5.13Check Beam Instrumentation and beam parameters (156b)BT BI AP RF A5.14Setting-up of the RF (156 bunches)RF A5.15Setting-up of the betatron and momentum collimation (156b)Coll A5.16Setting-up of the transfer line collimators (156 bunches)BT Coll
R.Bailey, January 2008 450 GeV, two beam operation / 450GeV collisions PhaseStepActivityWho (OP +) A.6 A6.1PreparationOP A6.2Optimize correctors settingsOP A6.3IR set up: separation bumps, SIS limits (first part)AP A6.4IR set up: aperture measurements with separation onColl A6.5IR set up: separation bumps, SIS limits (second part)AP A6.6IR set up: triplet alignment checks (k modulation)AP A6.7Fine tune RF phase to guarantee collisions at IPAP A6.8Set up of two beam collimators (TCTVB)Coll A6.9Equalize beam characteristicsOP A6.10Multi-bunch operation: initially 12 bunchesAP A6.11Equalize beam characteristicsAP PhaseStepActivityWho (OP +) A.7 A7.1Get Beams into Collision in the X,Y planeOP A7.2Measure and correct longitudinal positionRF A7.3Monitor lifetime, beam losses and keep background low and stableOP A7.4Monitor luminosity during the fill provided by the experimentsOP
R.Bailey, January 2008 Snapback and ramp / Top energy checks PhaseStepActivityWho (OP +) A.8 A8.1Separation scans (simple orthogonal separation for commissioning)AP A8.2Ramp single beam; ring 1MA RF BI A8.3Post Ramp analysisRF AP A8.4Beam at Intermediate IntensityAP BT A8.5IterateOP A8.6Commission collimators in the rampColl A8.7Commission feedback using PLLBI PhaseStepActivityWho (OP +) A.9 A9.1Measure and correct closed orbit after rampAP BI Coll A9.2Measure & correct linear optics, verify reproducibility cycle - cycleAP A9.3Optimize beam extractionAP BT A9.4Check apertures and adjust collimators, including tertiariesAP BI Coll A9.5Characterize & optimize beam conditions: emittances, lifetimesAP A9.6Pre squeeze optics checksAP A9.7Measure & correct global non-linear opticsAP
R.Bailey, January 2008 Top energy, collisions / Squeeze PhaseStepActivityWho (OP +) A.10 A10.1Get Beams into Collision in the X,Y planeOP A10.2Measure and correct longitudinal positionRF A10.3Monitor lifetime, beam losses and keep background low and stableOP A10.4Separation scans (simple orthogonal separation for commissioning)AP A10.5Monitor luminosity during the fill provided by the experimentsOP A10.6Waist measurementAP A10.7Measure b*AP A10.8Optimize Luminosity: beam-beam transfer functionAP A10.9Absolute luminosity determination: beam parametersAP A10.10Absolute luminosity determination: Van de MeerAP PhaseStepActivityWho (OP +) A.11 A11.1Beam-based calibration and settings of collimatorsColl A11.2Load magnet settings into hardwareAP A11.3Running the betatron squeezeAP A11.4Preparation to bring the beams in collisionAP
R.Bailey, January 2008 Experimental magnets PhaseStepActivityWho (OP +) A.12 A12.1Switch ON Alice solenoid with beams circulating at 450Gev A12.2Ramp Alice solenoid to nominal current A12.3Switch ON Atlas solenoid + toroids, beams circulating at 450Gev A12.4Ramp Atlas solenoid and toroids to nominal current A12.5Switch ON CMS solenoid, beams circulating at 450Gev A12.6Ramp CMS to nominal current A12.7The orbit measurement and corrections has to be repeated with the crossing angle ON, in phase B of the beam commissioning : CMS magnet will create an orbit distortion that will not be negligible A12.8Take a reference orbit for both beams A12.9Dump beams in LHC A12.10Switch ON LHCb magnets and the compensators A12.11Switch on ALICE magnets and compensators
R.Bailey, January 2008 Readiness reviews PhaseNeed to check readiness ofMax beamWho (OP +) A.2 Closed orbit system Sector offset tools RF beam observation Energy matching tools RF loops Pilot CO BI AP RF PhaseNeed to check readiness ofMax beamWho (OP +) A.1 Injection region equipment (magnetic and TDI) BTVs Threading BPM Fast BCT Pilot BT BI PhaseNeed to check readiness ofMax beamWho (OP +) A.3 RF systems Beam dump with pilot TDI BCT Tune meter and PLL Wire scanners Synchrotron light Rest Gas Ionisation monitor Multi turn acquisition Feedback systems 3 10 10 RF ATB BI BT
R.Bailey, January 2008 Readiness reviews PhaseNeed to check readiness ofMax beamWho (OP +) A.4 At 450GeV Tune Coupling Beta beating Dispersion Aperture Momentum aperture Q’ Q’’ Non linear correctors Separation bumps Collimators and protection devices for ramp Tracking between sectors 3 10 10 AP BI RF Coll BT PO PhaseNeed to check readiness ofMax beamWho (OP +) A.5 Injection protection devices Machine protection systems Beam dump with multi bunches BI with multi bunches RF with multi bunches Collimation Beam loads on cryogenics Beam loads on vacuum 43 / 156 4 10 10 BT BI MP CO RF Coll Cryo Vac
R.Bailey, January 2008 Readiness reviews PhaseNeed to check readiness ofMax beamWho (OP +) A.6 Injection with 2 beams Separation bumps BI with 2 beams RF with 2 beams Beam dump with 2 beams Aperture 43 / 156 4 10 10 BT BI RF AP Coll PhaseNeed to check readiness ofMax beamWho (OP +) A.7 Beams in collision Longitudinal adjustment 43 / 156 4 10 10 AP RF PhaseNeed to check readiness ofMax beamWho (OP +) A.8 Ramp progressively to intermediate energies tools BI Feedbacks Tracking Beam dump Collimators 43 / 156 4 10 10 AP Fidel team RF BI BT Coll
R.Bailey, January 2008 Readiness reviews PhaseNeed to check readiness ofMax beamWho (OP +) A.9 At top energy Tune Coupling Beta beating Dispersion Aperture Momentum aperture Q’ Q’’ Non linear correctors Separation bumps 43 / 156 4 10 10 AP BI Coll BT PhaseNeed to check readiness ofMax beamWho (OP +) A.10 Beams in collision tools Longitudinal adjustment Luminosity optimisation Waist measurement Beta measurement 43 / 156 4 10 10 RF AP PhaseNeed to check readiness ofMax beamWho (OP +) A.11 Squeeze progressively to lower beta Collimators 43 / 156 4 10 10 Coll AP
R.Bailey, January 2008 Extended LTC Provisionally (RB, PC, OB, SM last week) Provisionally (RB, PC, OB, SM last week) March 3-7 March 3-7 5 principal topics 5 principal topics Issues for injection into part of the machine (Mike) Issues for injection into part of the machine (Mike) Access, interlocks, RP, impact on hwc etc Access, interlocks, RP, impact on hwc etc From hwc to full machine commissioning (Gianluigi) From hwc to full machine commissioning (Gianluigi) Dry runs, machine checkout, overview of beam commissioning plans Dry runs, machine checkout, overview of beam commissioning plans Readiness and beam plans for accelerator systems (Roger) Readiness and beam plans for accelerator systems (Roger) Injection, extraction, RF, collimation etc Injection, extraction, RF, collimation etc Readiness and beam plans for AP and BI systems (Oliver) Readiness and beam plans for AP and BI systems (Oliver) Aperture, beta beating, dispersion, optics etc Aperture, beta beating, dispersion, optics etc Readiness and beam plans for control systems (Jorg) Readiness and beam plans for control systems (Jorg) LSA, logging, post mortem, fixed displays etc LSA, logging, post mortem, fixed displays etc
R.Bailey, January 2008 LHCCWG topics 2008 0 crossing angle filling schemes WernerFeb 12 0 crossing angle filling schemes WernerFeb 12 Parameters and tolerancesMassimo? Parameters and tolerancesMassimo? 75ns (and 25ns) operation?? 75ns (and 25ns) operation??
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