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Online Assessment Development and Implementation Collaborative Conference for Student Achievement April 20, 2011 Jim Kroening Hope Tesh.

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1 Online Assessment Development and Implementation Collaborative Conference for Student Achievement April 20, 2011 Jim Kroening Hope Tesh

2 4/20/11 page 2 Why is NC Transitioning to Online Assessments? 2014-15 - SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Computer-Adaptive tests in grades 3-8 ELA and Mathematics Performance tasks delivered online Interim assessments and formative practices delivered online Professional development delivered online

3 4/20/11 page 3 Current Online Assessment Utilization Over 40,000 student responses written in the Writing Instruction System (WIS) as of 01/14/11 10,297 EOCs administered online as of 01/20/11

4 4/20/11 page 4 How does NC Plan to Transition to Online Assessments? Spring 2011 Online item tryouts Participation in at least one EOC online assessment 2011-12 Online field tests (English II, Biology, grades 5 & 8 Science, NCEXTEND2) Participation in one or more EOC online assessments 2012-13 First operational administrations (English II, Biology, grades 5 & 8 Science, NCEXTEND2)

5 4/20/11 page 5 Benefits of Online Assessments Universal Design Designed for increased accessibility One-item per test page Large font High contrast screen Background color Electronic highlighter, calculator Computer Reads Test Aloud Accommodation

6 Benefits (continued) 4/20/11 page 6 Developed as Online Assessments Student Engagement Technology-Enhanced Items Scheduling/Staffing Flexibility Accommodated Test Administrations Scanning/Scoring Test Security Reporting

7 Online Assessment Tutorial 4/20/11 page 7

8 Technology-Enhanced Item - Biology 4/20/11 page 8

9 4/20/11 page 9 Technology-Enhanced Item – English II

10 NCEXTEND2 Grade 5 Science Item 4/20/11 page 10

11 NCTEST Version 1 4/20/11 page 11 Operational EOC Online assessments 2010-11 PDF Technical requirements: List of Tests that can be accessed with NCTest Registration (NCR) Operational Reporting Technology Information/Requirements (e.g., platform, add ons, javascript, proxy servers, firewalls, pop-up windows, footprint/bandwidth used, wireless networks)

12 NCTest Version 2 Spring 2011 Item Tryouts including the Online Assessment Tutorial Field tests 2011-12 Compatible with personal learning devices Not flash paper based Computer Reads Test Aloud Accommodation 4/20/11 page 12

13 NCTest Version 2 Technical Requirements (Spring 2011 Item Tryouts) Suggested browsers include: IE 7, 8 (IE 6 is NOT supported) Firefox 3.5+ Safari 5+ Screen minimum resolution – 1024 x 768 Adobe Flash 9 or better Updated technical requirements will be available for fall 2011 4/20/11 page 13

14 Challenges Paradigm Shift Partnership Development Funding/Local Infrastructure Short-term and Long-Range Planning Logistics Test administration window Computer lab scheduling Technical Wireless Test security related to personal learnin g devices 4/20/11 page 14

15 Locally: How to Implement? Not a Recipe Leadership Team Effort Organization and Planning Tackle Issues One Step at a Time Competition Help Desk One Toe in the Water Support Each Other 4/20/11 page 15

16 For More Information… ACRE Home Page Assessment (ACRE) Online Assessments Best Practices Guide (Coming Soon!) Resources 4/20/11 page 16

17 Questions? 4/20/11 page 17

18 Contact Information Jim Kroening Testing/Accountability Lead Consultant 919-807-3774 Hope Tesh Testing Policy and Operations Consultant 919-807-3778 4/20/11 page 18

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