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Operationalize Budgeting and Planning with Managementt Dashboards Megan LaPointe, Senior Manager, deFacto Global John Sulka, Senior SE, IBI October 20,

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Presentation on theme: "Operationalize Budgeting and Planning with Managementt Dashboards Megan LaPointe, Senior Manager, deFacto Global John Sulka, Senior SE, IBI October 20,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Operationalize Budgeting and Planning with Managementt Dashboards Megan LaPointe, Senior Manager, deFacto Global John Sulka, Senior SE, IBI October 20, 2010

2 G/L, AP Payroll, HR Patient Acctg Budgets & Plans Patient Flow Planning Budgeting Forecasting Consolidations Eliminations Reporting Analysis Book Publication Dashboards Scorecards Web Analytics UNIFIED Solution Does Tighter Integration between Budgeting and Planning and Operations Make Sense for True HPM?

3 Benefits  We know we need/want  Automated Loading of Budgets into HPM Model  Integrated drill down from high level measures by any dimension  But  Will it actually create better accountability and Improve Operational Performance  Will it make Forecasting and Planning more Accurate  Will it make Adjusting Strategies and Plans to changes in conditions more timely? Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 3

4 Improve Operational Performance  Improved insight into your business leads to improved decision-making processes  With the ability to drill down to details, on any set of dimensions, you can more accurately identify and resolve issues

5 Improve Operational Performance Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 5 The number of procedures related to Medicare collections is lower than expected

6 Improve Operational Performance Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 6 Drill down to identify the Cardiology division is the cause

7 Improve Operational Performance Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 7 Drill down again to review Medicare-related procedures for the Cardiology division

8 Accurate Forecasting and Planning  Forecasting and Planning can be  Collaborative  Automated  Different departments / divisions can participate in the planning process depending on the business needs  Workflows track and secure the data collection process  Calculations can be automated to ensure accuracy, for example:  Revenue can be calculated based on number of procedures by type  Labor can be calculated by number and types of physicians Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 8

9 Accurate Forecasting and Planning Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 9 Assignment is delivered to contributor Contributor opens assignment

10 Accurate Forecasting and Planning Budget data can be calculated based on historical data Number of procedures is calculated based on last year's Actual data plus Global increase indicators

11 Accurate Forecasting and Planning Once the data is submitted, revenue is automatically calculated by Payer Mix based on historical trends Excel calculations can be eliminated

12 Timely Adjustments to Strategies and Plans  With automated calculations, adjustments can be made in moments Change the number of procedures, submit data and refresh

13 We Have Too Little Working Capital (Cash)  We discover that Cash flow is in the Red or trending negative  Denials both in the red or trending negative  Drill down to understand Denials  By Reason  By Payor  By Time Period  By Service Line  Put in place initiative to reduce denials  Some Payors are denying more claims based on “Missing Information” while other Payors are not denying similar claims  Put in place initiative to either renegotiate with payer or improve medical documentation to justify claim  Analyze the impact of this trend on our plan Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 13

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