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Noel ALBERT – WESFORD Business School (Grenoble – France) Imène BECHEUR – WESFORD Business School (Grenoble – France) Dwight MERUNKA – CERGAM/IAE (Aix.

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Presentation on theme: "Noel ALBERT – WESFORD Business School (Grenoble – France) Imène BECHEUR – WESFORD Business School (Grenoble – France) Dwight MERUNKA – CERGAM/IAE (Aix."— Presentation transcript:

1 Noel ALBERT – WESFORD Business School (Grenoble – France) Imène BECHEUR – WESFORD Business School (Grenoble – France) Dwight MERUNKA – CERGAM/IAE (Aix en Provence – France) & Euromed (Marseille – France) Pierre VALETTE-FLORENCE – CERAG/ IAE (Grenoble - France) Passion for the Brand and Consumer Brand Relationships

2 Introduction

3 Only two studies explore the concept of brand passion: Bauer et al (2007) : influence of brand’s characteristics Matzler et al (2007) : influence of consumer’s personality Our objective To establish that consumer brand relationships constructs influence or may be influenced by passion for the brand.

4 Structure 1.Brand Passion Theory - Definitions - Brand Passion Models - Research’s Hypothesis 2.Research methodology and Results -Method -Results 3.Conclusion -Contributions -Limitations -Future Research

5 Brand Passion Brand Passion Theory Methodo & Results Conclusion

6 Brand Passion Definitions Brand passion corresponds to the enthusiasm, the infatuation or even the obsession of a consumer for a brand. Bauer et al (2007, p.2190): “a primarily affective, extremely positive attitude toward a specific brand that leads to emotional attachment and influences relevant behavioural factors” Keh et al (2007, p. 84): “brand passion describes the zeal and enthusiasm features of consumer brand relationship”. Matzler et al. (2007, p.16): “if a consumer is passionate about a brand, he/she will engage in a much more emotional relationship with the brand and even miss the brand or feel loss when the brand is unavailable”.

7 Brand Passion Models Brand Uniqueness Self expressive brand Word of Mouth Prestige of the brand Hedonic Brand Consumer’s extraversion Price Premium Purchase Intention. N.S..028.72.67 BRAND PASSION

8 Brand Passion Models Extraversion Openess Brand Evangelism.34 N.S..66.34 BRAND PASSION

9 Brand Passion Models Extraversion Brand Identification Premium Price Brand Trust Brand Commtiment WOM BRAND PASSION

10 Research’s Hypothesis Brand Identification BRAND PASSION - When a consumer identifies to a brand, he develops feeling for it (Harrison-Walker, 2001) -A object/brand must be part of the consumer identity to be loved (Ahuvia, 1993)

11 Research’s Hypothesis Brand Trust - Brand Trust and Brand Passion have never been associated - Interpersonal context: trust may favorize the apparition of feelings between partners (Larzelere and Huston (1980) -Brand trust may influence Brand Love (Albert et al, 2010), Brand Affect (Chaudhuri et al, 20001) and Brand Attachment BRAND PASSION

12 Research’s Hypothesis Extraversion BRAND PASSION - Existence of a link between interpersonal passion and extreversion (Baumeister et al., 1999; White et al., 2004). - Brand context: two opposite results (Bauer et al, 2007; Matzler et al, 2007)

13 Research’s Hypothesis Brand Commtiment BRAND PASSION -Brand Passion and Brand Commitment have never been associated previously - Affective constructs (love, attachment) may influence the consumer’s attitudinal loyalty (Park et al, 2006).

14 Research’s Hypothesis WOM BRAND PASSION - Dick et al. (1994) indicated that brand affect leads to positive word-of-mouth activity - Brand Passion may influence Word-of-Mouth (Bauer et al, 2007)

15 Research’s Hypothesis Premium Price BRAND PASSION -The more a consumer values a brand, the more he/she will accept a price increase (Aaker, 1991) - Brand passion may influence the consumer’s acceptance of a higher price (Bauer et al, 2007; Thomson et al, 2005)

16 Research’s Hypothesis Extraversion Brand Identification Premium Price Brand Trust Brand Commtiment WOM BRAND PASSION

17 Method and Results Brand Passion Theory Method & Results Conclusion

18  Collect through an oline panel  1505 consumers participated to the survey  Use of a SEM (PLS) Method n% Employee58338,8% Executive19713,1% Other15310,2% Middle level manager1479,8% Student1308,7% Inactive, retired1208,0% Unemployed624,1% Blue collar Worker614,1% Retailer, small business manager442,9% Farmer40,3% Total1 501100,0%

19 Brand Passion Model Extraversion Brand Identification Premium Price Brand Trust Brand Commtiment WOM.722.331 N.S..299.721.556.353 N.S..275.369 BRAND PASSION

20 Brand Passion Model Extraversion Brand Identification Brand Trust.722.331 N.S. BRAND PASSION -R² adjusted: 0.594 - Consumer’s extraversion does not influence Brand Passion (in opposition to Matzler et al., 2007).

21 Brand Passion Model Brand Identification Brand Trust Brand Commtiment.299.275.369 BRAND PASSION - R² adjusted:.756 - Brand Passion influences Commitment with a similar magnitude as Brand Identification and Brand Trust.

22 Brand Passion Model Premium Price Brand Commtiment WOM.721.556.353 N.S. BRAND PASSION - Brand Passion does not influence Willigness to pay more - Influence of Brand Passion on WOM.

23 Brand Passion Model MAIN RESULTS - 1°) Extraversion does not influence Passion - 2°) Brand Trust influences Brand Passion - 3°) Brand Passion influence Brand Commitment - 4°) Brand Passion does not influence significantly Willingness to Pay More Extraversion Brand Identification Premium Price Brand Trust Brand Commtiment WOM.722.331 N.S..299.721.556.353 N.S..275 BRAND PASSION

24 Brand Passion TheoryMethod & Results Conclusion

25 - Studies on Brand Passion are still scarce - Brand Passion may also be linked to Brand Relationship Constructs -No influence of Extraversion on the consumer’s passion - Passionate consumers may not accept everything from their brands (changes of image, price, policy, etc.) Conclusion

26 - Do consumers’, brands or brands relationships’ characteristics impact mostly Brand Passion? - Longitudinal study of Brand Passion - Comparisons of Brand Passion effects with some other affective constructs (Love, Attachment)

27 Noel ALBERT – WESFORD Business School (Grenoble – France) Imène BECHEUR – WESFORD Business School (Grenoble – France) Dwight MERUNKA – CERGAM/IAE (Aix en Provence – France) & Euromed (Marseille – France) Pierre VALETTE-FLORENCE – CERAG/ IAE (Grenoble - France) Passion for the Brand and Consumer Brand Relationships

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