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 Job satisfaction refers to a person's feeling of satisfaction on the job, which acts as a motivation to work. It is not the self- satisfaction, happiness.

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Presentation on theme: " Job satisfaction refers to a person's feeling of satisfaction on the job, which acts as a motivation to work. It is not the self- satisfaction, happiness."— Presentation transcript:


2  Job satisfaction refers to a person's feeling of satisfaction on the job, which acts as a motivation to work. It is not the self- satisfaction, happiness or self- contenment but the satisfaction on the job.

3  Personal Factors  Factors Inherent in the Job  Factor Controlled by the Management  Equitable Rewards  Mentally Challenging  Supportive Working conditions


5  Management is the art of getting things done by others. Getting work is a difficult task. It is related to human bahaviour.The success of any organisation depends upon the behaviour and interest of the employees.The organisational goals are achieved through the right direction of human behaviour in a desired manner. Before guiding or directing the employees, the reasons for such behaviour should be identified. The management can strategically motivates the employees based on such reasons.

6  Beach defines, ”Motivation as a willingness to expand energy to achieve a goal or a reward.”  Scott, ”Motivation means a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals.”

7 1. Unending process 2. A psychological concept 3. The whole individual is motivated 4. Motivation may be financial or non-financial 5. Frustrated man cannot be motivated 6. Goal are motivators 7. Unifying force 8. Motivation can be positive or negative 9. Motivation and job satisfaction are different

8 1. Maximum utilisation of factors of production 2. Willingness to work 3. Reduced absenteeism 4. Reduced labour turnover 5. Availability of right personnel 6. Building of good labour relations 7. Increase in the efficiency and output 8. Sense of belonging

9 9. Basis of co-operation 10. Helps in realising organisational goals 11. Improvement upon skill and knowledge

10 1. Negative motivation 2. Positive motivation 3. Extrinsic motivation 4. Intrinsic motivation 5. Financial motivation 6. Non-financial Motivation

11 Theory X Theory y 1.Workers dislike to work by themselves 1.Workers feel that work is an natural as play. 2.Workers are not ready to accept responsibility. 2.Workers are ready to accept responsibility if proper motivation is available to them. 3.Worker s prefer to be directed by others. 3.Workers are directed by them- selves. 4. Workers are unambitious.4. Workers are ambitious. 5.Workers by nature resist changes and want security. 5.Workers are ready to copy with changes. 6.Workers lack creativity and fail to solve organisational problems. 6.Workers have a high degree of creativity and succeed in solving organisational problems.

12 7.It focuses the lower level needs of workers i.e., physiological and safety. 7.It focuses not only the lower level needs but also higher level needs i.e., social,esteem and self- actualisation of workers 8.Strict control is necessary to achieve organisational objectives. 8. Workers exercise self-control and self-direction to achieve organisational objectives. 9. Authority is not delegated.9. Authority is delegated. 10. Autocratic leadership is followed. 10.Democratic leadership is followed.

13  Basic physiological needs  Safety and security needs  Belonging and social needs  Esteem and status needs  Self-action needs

14 5. Self- Actualisation Needs 4. Esteem and Status Needs 3. Belonging and Social Needs 1. Basic Physiological Needs 2. Safety and Security Needs High Level Lower Level Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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