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Types Clouds.

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Presentation on theme: "Types Clouds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types Clouds

2 Discuss with your partner:
If you were planning a picnic on a cloudy day, what type of clouds would be in the sky? What type of clouds would you observe if it was raining BUT pleasant enough to go for a “walk in the rain”?

3 Making clouds There are two things needed for clouds to form:
Tiny particles (dust, soot, pollen) Moist air that cooled

4 Cirrus High feathery (feather) Look like white feathers or streamers
Slow moving in fair weather Rapid moving usually means a change to come

5 Cumulus Puffy (cotton balls) Fluffy white Fair weather

6 Cumulonimbus Bad weather to come (thunder) Like cumulus but larger
Rain and thunderstorms

7 Stratus Horizontal layers (spread sheet) Grey days Look like fog
Light drizzle or snow

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