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Deloitte Consulting LLP Commonwealth of Massachusetts IT Consolidation Initiative IT Governance Target State Update Briefing for Statewide Working Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Deloitte Consulting LLP Commonwealth of Massachusetts IT Consolidation Initiative IT Governance Target State Update Briefing for Statewide Working Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deloitte Consulting LLP Commonwealth of Massachusetts IT Consolidation Initiative IT Governance Target State Update Briefing for Statewide Working Group June 15, 2009 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY

2 - 1 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Target State High-level IT Governance Model IT Advisory Board (ITAB) CIO Cabinet Executive Department IT Accountability Board Infrastructure Services Board (ISB) Secretariat CIO (SCIO) Secretariat IT Steering Committee Commonwealth-wide Level Secretariat Level Governing Body

3 - 2 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Target State Key Roles and Responsibilities Governing BodyKey Responsibility ITABAdvise CCIO on statewide IT strategic planning and policies Executive Department IT Accountability Board Advise CCIO on IT operations, investments, and infrastructure Manage overall performance of Executive Department IT services CIO Cabinet Oversee IT policies and standards Oversee IT capital investments and projects ISBAdvise the CCIO on IT infrastructure service levels Secretariat IT Steering Committee Advise the SCIO on the key SCIO responsibilities Establish and facilitate alignment of goals and objectives SCIO Lead Secretariat-wide IT planning and budgeting processes Approve Secretariat IT service levels and lead ongoing oversight (via KPIs)

4 - 3 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Target State Governing Body Profile #1: ITAB Governing Body When Who IT Advisory Board (ITAB) Quarterly - 3rd Thursday in September, December, March, and June CIO of the Executive Dept., Legislative Dept., and Judicial Dept. Chairs of both the Senate and House Committees on Science and Technology Two IT experts appointed by the Governor Why To elevate the importance of IT as a strategic enabler across all branches of government What Advise the CCIO on enterprise IT strategic planning and policies Draft, recommend and present annual MOU (due annually by July 1) Develop and submit annual report (due by July 1) How Status update on IT Strategy and top strategic initiatives Status update on key or new IT standards Status update on key or new IT investments

5 - 4 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Target State Governing Body Profile #2: Executive Dept. IT Accountability Board Governing Body When Who Executive Department IT Accountability Board Weekly in CY2009; monthly in CY2010; quarterly in CY2011 Why To monitor and communicate progress and accountability of achievement of IT Consolidation Initiative goals and objectives What Lead the overall performance measurement and management efforts for the IT Consolidation Initiative across 4 Secretariat-level IT services (helpdesk, desktop & LAN, website IA, and application services) How Status update on achievement towards targeted benefits Status update on KPIs Status update on service levels Status update on communication strategies IT Consolidation Transition Team Members (CY2010) Undersecretaries Deputy Auditor for Technology CHROs

6 - 5 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Target State Governing Body Profile #3: CIO Cabinet Governing Body When Who CIO Cabinet Monthly – 2 nd Thursday All 8 SCIOs of Executive Branch Secretariats Why To create a single place of ‘community’ for the SCIOs and the CCIO What Advise the CCIO in the areas of enterprise IT strategic planning, goals and objectives, and IT investments How FY10 Capital Projects Strategic Plan Program Status Plan for Strategic Plan Update Roundtable Updates

7 - 6 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Target State Governing Body Profile #4: ISB Governing Body When Who Infrastructure Services Board (ISB) TBD TBD by the CCIO to be drawn from: ̶ State employees across the Executive Department with knowledge and experience in the field of IT ̶ Additional representatives from the Judicial and Legislative Branches, other constitutional offices or quasi-public authorities whose entities are or will become customers of ITD's Infrastructure Services Why To monitor and communicate progress and accountability of achievement of IT Consolidation Initiative goals and objectives What Lead the overall performance measurement and management efforts for the IT Consolidation Initiative across 4 Secretariat-level IT services (data & telecomm network, data center, website hosting & portal, and shared enterprise services) How Status update on achievement towards targeted benefits Status update on KPIs Status update on service levels Status update on communication strategies

8 - 7 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Target State Governing Body Profile #5: Secretariat IT Steering Committee Governing Body When Who TBD by SCIOs SCIO Agency business leaders selected by the SCIO Agency IT leaders selected by the SCIO Why To enable business-driven IT strategies To achieve alignment between agency priorities and Secretariat IT priorities What Align Secretariat IT resources, investments, and priorities with agency business needs and priorities How Proposed: Status updates per Secretariat Annual IT Plan and Capital Plan, including: ̶ Achievement towards targeted benefits ̶ KPIs (including consolidation KPIs) ̶ Service levels ̶ Communication strategies ̶ Budget and resources Secretariat IT Steering Committee

9 - 8 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Target State Governing Body Profile #6: SCIO Governing Body When Who TBD by Secretariats Secretariat CIO Deputy Secretariat CIO (where applicable) Why To establish a single point of accountability for alignment of agency business priorities with IT resources and investments What Align and plan IT priorities per agency business priorities Determine IT investments and corresponding resource levels Establish and monitor service levels for helpdesk, desktop & LAN, website IA, and select application services Lead communication efforts to the business How See proposed agenda items for Secretariat IT Steering Committee Meetings Secretariat CIO

10 - 9 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Target State Annual IT Governance Cycle JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun Planning Budgeting Service Levels Performance Mgmt Process Time Annual refresh of 3-year rolling plan IT capital funds disbursed to SCIOs Secretariat Budget Requests submitted to ANF Agencies submit Annual Spending Plans Annual Secretariat IT Plans due IT funding disbursed Agencies submit service level needs / requests Service level change approvals Spring Report Fall Report Winter Report Annual Report Updated service levels implemented

11 - 10 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Target State Related IT Governance Appendices Target State Secretariat Organization Chart (draft) Related IT Governance Process Flows (high-level) Template for Secretariat Annual IT Plan (new) Commonwealth Concept Brief for New IT Capital Project Requests Sample Service Level Agreement (SLA) between Agency Business Units and a Secretariat IT Service Three Options for IT Budgeting and Financial Management Governance Sample RACI Accountability Matrix Supporting Guidance from Chapter 8 excerpt entitled, “Continual Service Improvement,” of An Introductory Version of ITIL® v3

12 - 11 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Target State Actions to Implement New IT Governance Model #Key ActivityOwnerTimeline 1Establish Secretariat IT Steering Committee MembersSCIOBy 5/25/2009 2 Conduct IT Consolidation Orientation / Kickoff Session with all members SCIO6/15 – 6/30/2009 3Establish Secretariat IT Governance Model with detailsSCIOBy 7/1/2009 4 Communicate new IT governance model, including processes, communication vehicles, process drivers, etc. Secretariat IT Steering Committee By end of July 2009 5 Complete implementation of new IT governance model and processes SCIOBy end of August 2009 6 Conduct implementation checkpoint highlighting what is working and what needs adjustment / refinement Secretariat IT Steering Committee By end of September 2009 7 Begin standardizing calculation methods around standard KPIs across all Secretariats IT Consolidation Working Group September 2009 8Collect and analyze KPIs for Pilot Quarterly Report IT Consolidation Working Group December 2009

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