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Accounting 2 Syllabus Fall 2010. General Information Instructor: Mrs. Wollborg 4 th Hour Prep / Room 1507 My Website:

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Presentation on theme: "Accounting 2 Syllabus Fall 2010. General Information Instructor: Mrs. Wollborg 4 th Hour Prep / Room 1507 My Website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accounting 2 Syllabus Fall 2010

2 General Information Instructor: Mrs. Wollborg 4 th Hour Prep / Room 1507 E-mail: My Website: –Daily agenda, contact information (e-mail) & uploaded files (notes, assignments, etc.)

3 Supplies & Textbook Text for the class –Accounting Textbook Chapters 1-17 Used all semester Chapters 10-17 in Acct 2 Bring everyday to class unless otherwise noted by me –Accounting General Journal Working Papers Chapter 1-17 Used all semester Chapters 10-17 in Acct 2 Bring everyday to class unless otherwise noted by me –Automated Accounting Textbook Classroom set only Supplies: Small binder or notebook w/ folder slips

4 Rules & Expectations 1.Students are not allowed in the computer lab if I am not in the room 2.Sign up is necessary in order to stay after school in my room to complete work 3.All quizzes & tests will be made up before or after school 4.All work must be turned in on the due date with the exception of an excused absence 5.Tardies will be recorded – be on time

5 Rules & Expectations 6.Be respectful of the computers and classroom –Any damage to your workstation will be your responsibility! 7.Participation points may be given during a class period that we are working on projects & assignments 8.Computers are to be utilized for appropriate classroom assignments ONLY –If games are played, you will lose your privileges 9.iPods, iTouch, etc. usage is at my discretion. They may only be used if I say so at the time. If I hear them or they are disruptive - privileges will be lost.

6 Assignments/Quizzes Expectations Expectations will vary depending on the assignment/quiz/test Expectations, objectives & grading policies for individual areas will be communicated to you Be prepared for the possibility of pop quizzes Homework & projects will be assigned and due dates will be communicated to you Grading Scale: Homework 20%, Automated Accounting 20%, Tests/Quizzes 60%

7 Topics To Be Covered Cycle 2 –Using Special Journals –Posting to General and Subsidiary Ledgers –Preparing Payroll Records –Payroll Accounting Taxes & Reports –Worksheets for a Merchandising Business –Financial Statements for a Partnership –Recording Adjusting and Closing Entries for a Partnership

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