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Published byEmily Norman Modified over 9 years ago
Diabetes Update New Insulins and Insulin Delivery Systems Bruce W. Bode, MD, FACE Atlanta Diabetes Associates Atlanta, Georgia
American Diabetes Association. Facts and Figures. Available at: Accessed January 18, 2000. Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes 0.5 – 1.0 Million Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes 10.3 Million Undiagnosed Diabetes 5.4 Million Prevalence of Diabetes in the US 3
ADA: Clinical Practice Recommendations. 2001. Goals of Intensive Diabetes Management l Near-normal glycemia –HbA1c less than 6.5 to 7.0% l Avoid short-term crisis –Hypoglycemia –Hyperglycemia –DKA l Minimize long-term complications l Improve QOL
ACE / AACE Targets for Glycemic Control HbA 1c < 6.5 % Fasting/preprandial glucose< 110 mg/dL Postprandial glucose< 140 mg/dL ACE / AACE Consensus Conference, Washington DC August 2001
Type 2 Diabetes: Two Principal Defects Reaven GM. Physiol Rev. 1995;75:473-486 Reaven GM. Diabetes/Metabol Rev. 1993;9(Suppl 1):5S-12S; Polonsky KS. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 1999;107 Suppl 4:S124-S127. Insulin resistance -cell dysfunction/ failure ± Environment± IGT Genes Type 2 diabetes Glucose Toxicity Glucose Toxicity
Role of Free Fatty Acids in Hyperglycemia Boden G. Proc Assoc Am Physicians. 1999;111:241-248. MUSCLE LIVER FFA oxidation Gluconeogenesis Glucose utilization Hyperglycemia ADIPOSE TISSUE Lipolysis FFA mobilization Liver insulin resistance Adipose tissue insulin resistance Muscle insulin resistance
HbA 1c in the UKPDS
UKPDS: -Cell Function for the Patients Remaining on Diet for 6 Years Years After Diagnosis -Cell Function (% ) Adapted from UKPDS Group. Diabetes. 1995; 44:1249-1258. N=376
Multiple factors may drive progressive decline of -cell function -cell (genetic background) Hyperglycaemia (glucose toxicity) Protein glycation Amyloid deposition Insulin resistance “lipotoxicity” elevated FFA,TG
*Percent risk reduction per 0.9% decrease in HbA 1C ; UKPDS. Lancet. 1998;352:837-853. Lowering HbA 1C Reduces Risk of Complications Reduction in risk (%)* p=0.029 p=0.0099 p=0.052 p=0.015 p=0.000054 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -12 -25 -16 -34 -21 Any diabetes-related endpoint Microvascular endpoint MI Retinopathy Albuminuria at 12 years United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS)
UKPDS: Benefits of Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Risk reduction over 10 years Any diabetes-related endpoint12% P = 0.029 Microvascular endpoints25% P = 0.0099 Myocardial infarction16% P = 0.052 Cataract extraction24% P = 0.046 Retinopathy at 12 years21% P = 0.015 Microalbuminuria at 12 years33% P < 0.001 UKPDS 33. Lancet. 1998;352:837-853.
Metformin Prevents Heart Attacks and Reduces Deaths in Type 2 Diabetes Incidence (per 1,000 patient years) 39% Reduction P=0.01 50% Reduction P=0.02 Heart AttacksCoronary Deaths ConventionalMetformin Therapy ConventioalMetformin Therapy
Insulin Resistance and -Cell Dysfunction Produce Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes Pancreas Insulin Resistance Liver Hyperglycemia Islet -Cell Degranulation; Reduced Insulin Content Muscle Adipose Tissue Decreased Glucose Transport & Activity (expression) of GLUT4 Increased Lipolysis + - Reduced Plasma Insulin Increased Glucose Output -Cell Dysfunction Elevated Plasma FFA Courtesy of S. Smith, GlaxoSmithKline
Diabetes Prevention Program l 3234 obese patients with IGT l BMI average 34; A1C 5.9%, 55% Caucasion l 4 year study to compare diet and exercise to metformin, troglitazone or control l Troglitazone stopped at 8 months l Study ended after 3 years
Diabetes Prevention Program l 58% prevention with diet (low fat) and exercise (2.5 hours per week) l 31% prevention with metformin (more effective if < 60 years old and obese) l Troglitazone patients equal to metformin group at three years and equal to the diet and exercise group at 8 months.
Management of Type 2 DM Step Therapy l Diet l Exercise l Sulfonylurea or Metformin l Add Alternate Agent l Add hs NPH vs TZD l Switch to Mixed Insulin bid l Switch to Multiple Dose Insulin Utilitarian, Common Sense, Recommended Prone to Failure from Misscheduling and Mismanagement
Management of Type 2 DM Stumble Therapy l WAG Diet l Golf Cart Exercise l Sample of the Week Medication –Interrupted –Not Combined l Poor Understanding of Goals l Poor Monitoring HbA1c >8% (If Seen )
Consider A New Treatment Paradigm l Treatment designed to correct the dual impairments l Vigorous effort to meet glycemic targets l Simultaneous rather than sequential therapy l Combination therapy from the outset l Early step-wise titrations to meet glycemic targets
Goals in Management of Type 2 Diabetes l Fasting BG < 110 mg/dL l Post-meal < 140 mg/dL l HbA1c < 6.5% l Blood Pressure < 130/80 l LDL < 100 mg/dl l HDL > 45 mg/dl
Approach to Combination Oral Therapy
Insulin The most powerful agent we have to control glucose
Comparison of Human Insulins / Analogues Insulin Onset ofDuration of preparations action Peak action Regular30–60 min2–4 h6–10 h Lispro/aspart5–15 min1–2 h 4–6 h NPH/Lente1–2 h4–8 h10–20 h Ultralente2–4 hUnpredictable16–20 h Glargine1–2 hFlat~24 h
400 350 300 250 200 150 100 Meal SC injection 50 0 03060 Time (min) 90120180210150240 Regular Lispro 500 450 400 350 300 250 150 50 200 100 0 050100 Time (min) 150200300250 Plasma insulin (pmol/L) Meal SC injection Heinemann, et al. Diabet Med. 1996;13:625–629; Mudaliar, et al. Diabetes Care. 1999;22:1501–1506. Short-Acting Insulin Analogs Lispro and Aspart Plasma Insulin Profiles Regular Aspart
Limitations of NPH, Lente, and Ultralente l Do not mimic basal insulin profile –Variable absorption –Pronounced peaks –Less than 24-hour duration of action l Cause unpredictable hypoglycemia –Major factor limiting insulin adjustments –More weight gain
15 10 15202530 1 5101520 Asp Gly Arg Extension Substitution Arg Insulin Glargine A New Long-Acting Insulin Analog l Modifications to human insulin chain –Substitution of glycine at position A21 –Addition of 2 arginines at position B30 l Gradual release from injection site l Peakless, long-lasting insulin profile
Lepore, et al. Diabetes. 1999;48(suppl 1):A97. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 010 Time (h) after SC injection End of observation period 2030 Glargine NPH Glucose utilization rate (mg/kg/h) Glargine vs NPH Insulin in Type 1 Diabetes Action Profiles by Glucose Clamp
Glargine Plasma Glucose Time (hours) 220 200 180 160 140 120 12 11 10 9 8 7 04812162024 mg/dL mmol/L Lepore M, et al. Diabetes. 2000;49:2142–2148. n = 20 T1DM Mean ± SEM SC insulin NPH Ultralente CSII
Overall Summary: Glargine l Insulin glargine has the following clinical benefits –Once-daily dosing because of its prolonged duration of action and smooth, peakless time- action profile (23.5 hours on repeat injections) –Comparable or better glycemic control (FBG) –Lower risk of nocturnal hypoglycemic events –Safety profile similar to that of human insulin
Type 2 Diabetes … A Progressive Disease Over time, most patients will need insulin to control glucose
Insulin Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes Indications l Significant hyperglycemia at presentation l Hyperglycemia on maximal doses of oral agents l Decompensation –Acute injury, stress, infection, myocardial ischemia –Severe hyperglycemia with ketonemia and/or ketonuria –Uncontrolled weight loss –Use of diabetogenic medications (eg, corticosteroids) l Surgery l Pregnancy l Renal or hepatic disease
Mimicking Nature The Basal/Bolus Insulin Concept 6-16
The Basal/Bolus Insulin Concept l Basal insulin –Suppresses glucose production between meals and overnight –40% to 50% of daily needs l Bolus insulin (mealtime) –Limits hyperglycemia after meals –Immediate rise and sharp peak at 1 hour –10% to 20% of total daily insulin requirement at each meal
Basal vs Mealtime Hyperglycemia in Diabetes Riddle. Diabetes Care. 1990;13:676-686. Plasma Glucose (mg/dL) 200 100 0 06001200 Time of Day 18002400 Type 2 Diabetes 0600 150 250 50 Basal hyperglycemiaMealtime hyperglycemia 6-18 Normal AUC from normal basal >1875 mgm/dL. hr; Est HbA1 c >8.7%
When Basal Corrected Plasma Glucose (mg/dL) 200 100 0 06001200 Time of Day 180024000600 150 250 50 Basal hyperglycemiaMealtime hyperglycemia 6-18 Normal Basal vs Mealtime Hyperglycemia in Diabetes AUC from normal basal 900 mgm/dL. hr; Est HbA1 c 7.2%
When Mealtime Hyperglycemia Corrected Plasma Glucose (mg/dL) 200 100 0 06001200 Time of Day 180024000600 150 250 50 Basal hyperglycemiaMealtime hyperglycemia 6-18 Normal Basal vs Mealtime Hyperglycemia in Diabetes AUC from normal basal 1425 mgm/dL. hr; Est HbA1 c 7.9
When Both Basal & Mealtime Hyperglycemia Corrected Plasma Glucose (mg/dL) 200 100 0 06001200 Time of Day 180024000600 150 250 50 Basal hyperglycemiaMealtime hyperglycemia 6-18 Normal Basal vs Mealtime Hyperglycemia in Diabetes AUC from normal basal 225 mgm/dL. hr; Est HbA1 c 6.4%
MIMICKING NATURE WITH INSULIN THERAPY Over time, most patients will need both basal and mealtime insulin to control glucose 6-19
Starting With Basal Insulin Advantages l 1 injection with no mixing l Insulin pens for increased acceptance l Slow, safe, and simple titration l Low dosage l Effective improvement in glycemic control l Limited weight gain 6-37
Treat to Target Study: Glargine vs NPH Added to Oral Therapy of Type 2 Diabetes l Type 2 DM on 1 or 2 oral agents (SU, MET, TZD) l Age 30 to 70 l BMI 26 to 40 l A1C 7.5 to 10% and FPG > 140 mg/dL l Anti GAD negative l Willing to enter a 24 week randomized, open labeled study Riddle et al, Diabetes June 2002, Abstract 457-p
Treat to Target Study: Glargine vs NPH Added to Oral Therapy of Type 2 Diabetes l Add 10 units Basal insulin at bedtime (NPH or Glargine) l Continue current oral agents l Titrate insulin weekly to fasting BG < 100 mg/dL - if 100-120 mg/dL, increase 2 units - if 120-140 mg/dL, increase 4 units - if 140-160 mg/dL, increase 6 units - if 160-180 mg/dL, increase 8 units Riddle et al, Diabetes June 2002, Abstract 457-p
Treat to Target Study; A1C Decrease Riddle et al, Diabetes June 2002, Abstract 457-p
Treat to Target Study: Patients in Target (A1C < 7%) Riddle et al, Diabetes June 2002, Abstract 457-p
Treat to Target Study: Glargine vs NPH Added to Oral Therapy of Type 2 Diabetes l Nocturnal Hypoglycemia reduced by 40% in the Glargine group (532 events) vs NPH group (886 events) Riddle et al, Diabetes June 2002, Abstract 457-p
Advancing Basal/Bolus Insulin l Indicated when FBG acceptable but –HbA1c > 7% or > 6.5% and/or –SMBG before dinner > 140 mg/dL l Insulin options –To glargine or NPH, add mealtime aspart / lispro –To suppertime 70/30, add morning 70/30 –Consider insulin pump therapy l Oral agent options –Usually stop sulfonylurea –Continue metformin for weight control –Continue glitazone for glycemic stability?
Case #1: DM 2 on SU with infection l 49 year old white male l DM 2 onset age 43, wt 180 lbs, Ht 70 inches l On glimepiride (Amaryl) 4 mg/day, HbA1c 7.3% (intolerant to metformin) l Infection in colostomy pouch (ulcerative colitis) glucose up to 300 mg/dL plus l SBGM 3 times per day
Case #1: DM 2 on SU with infection l Started on MDI; starting dose 0.2 x wgt. in lbs. l Wgt. 180 lbs which = 36 units l Bolus dose (lispro/aspart) = 20% of starting dose at each meal, which = 7 units ac (tid) l Basal dose (glargine) = 40% of starting dose at HS, which = 14 units at HS l Correction bolus = (BG - 100)/ SF, where SF = 1500/total daily dose = 1500/36 = 40
Correction Bolus Formula Example: –Current BG:220 mg/dl –Ideal BG: 100 mg/dl –Glucose Correction Factor: 40 mg/dl Current BG - Ideal BG Glucose Correction factor 220 - 100 40 =3.0u
Case #1: DM 2 on SU with infection l Started on MDI l Did well, average BG 138 mg/dL at 1 month and 117 mg/dL at 2 months post episode with HbA1c 6.1%
Strategies to Improve Glycemic Control: Type 2 Diabetes l Monitor glycemic targets – Fasting and postprandial glucose, HbA 1c l Self-monitoring of blood glucose is essential l Nutrition and activity are cornerstones of therapy l Combinations of pharmacologic agents are often necessary to achieve glycemic targets
Intensive Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes l Careful balance of food, activity, and insulin l Daily self-monitoring BG l Patient trained to vary insulin and food l Define target BG levels (individualized) l Frequent contact of patient and diabetes team l Monitoring HbA 1c l Basal / Bolus insulin regimen
Options in Insulin Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes l Current –Multiple injections –Insulin pump (CSII) l Future –Implant (artificial pancreas) –Transplant (pancreas; islet cells)
1.0 0.8 0.6 0 Insulin Time Multiple Injection Therapy Intermediate & Short-Acting Insulin Pre-Meal
Injections 1.0 0.8 0.6 0 Insulin Time Multiple Injection Therapy Intermediate & Short-Acting Insulin Pre-Meal
Injections 1.0 0.8 0.6 0 Insulin Time Multiple Injection Therapy Intermediate & Short-Acting Insulin Pre-Meal
Injections 1.0 0.8 0.6 0 Insulin Time Multiple Injection Therapy Glargine & Short-Acting Insulin Pre-Meal
Case #2: DM 1 on MDI l 46 year old white male power line supervisor l DM 1 age 40 l On MDI: 10 u lispro pre-meal, 20 u NPH HS l HbA1c 7.4% l SMBG avg 124 mg/dL based on 1.9 tests/day (fasting 171 mg/dL, noon 105 mg/dL, pm 125 mg/dL, HS 75 mg/dL)
Case #2: DM 1 on MDI l Lantus (glargine) 20 u HS added in place of NPH l No change in behavior (diet, SMBG frequency) l Seen three months later (8-16-01) l HbA1c 6.3% l SMBG average 104 mg/dL (fasting BG 91 mg/dL, noon 126 mg/dL, pm 116 mg/dL, HS 126 mg/dL l NO HYPOGLYCEMIA l HAPPY
Insulin Pens
InDuo™ - Integration Feature l Combined insulin doser and blood glucose monitor
InDuo™ - Compact Size Feature l Compact, discreet design Benefit l Allows discreet testing and injecting anywhere, anytime
InDuo™ - Doser Remembers Feature l Remembers amount of insulin delivered and time since last dose Benefit l Helps people inject the right amount of insulin at the right time
Pump Therapy Basal & Bolus Short-Acting Insulin
l Combined with SMBG, physiologic insulin requirements can be achieved more closely l Flexibility in lifestyle
History of Pumps
PARADIGM PUMP Paradigm. Simple. Easy.
Metabolic Advantages with CSII l Improved glycemic control l Better pharmacokinetic delivery of insulin –Less hypoglycemia –Less insulin required l Improved quality of life
If HbA 1c is Not to Goal l SMBG frequency and recording l Diet practiced –Do they know what they are eating? –Do they bolus for all food and snacks? l l Infusion site areas –Are they in areas of lipohypertrophy? l l Other factors: –Fear of low BG –Overtreatment of low BG Must look at:
Future of Diabetes Management
Improvements in Insulin & Delivery l Insulin analogs and inhaled insulin l External pumps l Internal pumps l Continuous glucose sensors l Closed-loop systems
Pulmonary Insulin
Oral Agents + Mealtime Inhaled Insulin Effect on HbA 1c *P <.001 Weiss, et al. Diabetes. 1999;48(suppl 1):A12. 10 9 8 7 5 Baseline (0) Follow-up (12) Oral Agents + Inhaled Insulin Oral Agents Alone Baseline (0) Follow-up (12) 2.3% * Weeks 6 HbA 1c (%) 6-55
Implantable Pump l Average HbA 1c 7.1% l Hypoglycemic events reduce to 4 episodes per 100 pt-years
MiniMed 2007 System Implantable Insulin Pump Placement
Long-Term Glucose Sensor
LONG TERM IMPLANTABLE SYSTEM Source: Medical Research Group, Inc. Human Clinical Trial
Combine Pump and Sensor Technology + LTSS => Long Term Sensor System (“Open Loop Control”) Using an RF Telemetry Link…...
Medtronic MiniMed’s Implantable Biomechanical Beta Cell
Today’s Reality Open-Loop Glucose Control Sensor # - 6347
Source: Medical Research Group, Inc. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 16 Wed17 Thu18 Fri19 Sat20 Sun21 Mon22 Tue23 Wed August 2000 Glucose (mg/dL) LONG TERM IMPLANTABLE SYSTEM Automatic Glucose Regulation in a Fully Pancreatectomized Canine CLOSED LOOP CONTROL Manual Control Manual Control Automatic Control Begins Control Terminated
Summary l Insulin remains the most powerful agent we have to control diabetes l When used appropriately in a basal/bolus format, near-normal glycemia can be achieved l Newer insulins and insulin delivery devices along with glucose sensors will revolutionize our care of diabetes
Conclusion Intensive therapy is the best way to treat patients with diabetes
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