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New Reactors: Licensing Basis and Configuration Mgmt Challenges June 22, 2010 David B. Matthews Director Division of New Reactor Licensing Office of New.

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Presentation on theme: "New Reactors: Licensing Basis and Configuration Mgmt Challenges June 22, 2010 David B. Matthews Director Division of New Reactor Licensing Office of New."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Reactors: Licensing Basis and Configuration Mgmt Challenges June 22, 2010 David B. Matthews Director Division of New Reactor Licensing Office of New Reactors

2 2 Completion Times for the Current Fleet Avg = 5.6 yrsAvg = 11.1 yrs

3 3 10 CFR Part 52 Licensing Processes Licensing Processes in 10 CFR Part 52: –Subpart A: Early Site Permit (ESP) Limited Work Authorization (LWA) under 52.27 and 50.10 –Subpart B: Design Certification (DC) –Subpart C: Combined License (COL) Provide a predictable licensing process Resolve safety and environmental issues before authorizing construction Provide for timely & meaningful public participation Encourage standardization of nuclear plant designs Provide regulatory stability to nuclear plant licensees

4 4 Part 52 - Fitting the Pieces Together Licensing decisions finalized before major construction begins Inspections w/ITAAC (Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria) to verify construction Limited work may be authorized before COL issuance Pre-Construction Construction Verification Early Site Permit Standard Design Certification Combined License Review, Hearing, and Decision Verification of Regulations with ITAAC Reactor Operation Decision Optional Pre-Application Review LWA

5 5 Early Site Permits Allows Early Resolution of Siting Issues and “Banking” of a Site for 10 – 20 Years Review Areas Include: –Site safety –Environmental impact –Emergency preparedness An applicant for an ESP may concurrently apply for a LWA under 52.27 and 50.10

6 6 Design Certifications Allows an applicant to obtain approval of a standard nuclear plant design Essentially complete design Final design information Site design parameters Interface requirements Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC)

7 7 Combined License Applications Combined construction permit and operating license for a nuclear power plant May reference an early site permit, a standard design certification, both, or neither Objective is to resolve all safety & environmental issues before authorizing construction Prior to fuel load, must verify the facility has been constructed in accordance with the certified design The combined license process in Part 52 is fundamental for providing regulatory stability for companies building nuclear power plants


9 9 Completed New Reactor Actions 4 Early Site Permits Approved –Clinton, North Anna, Grand Gulf, and Vogtle 4 Designs Certified –Westinghouse AP600 and AP1000 –GE Advanced Boiling Water Reactor –C-E System 80+ 1 Limited Work Authorization (LWA)

10 10 New Reactor Applications Under Review 13 Combined License Applications –18 received, 4 suspended, 1 converted to an ESP application –One includes a 2 nd request for a Limited Work Authorization (Vogtle) 3 Design Certification (DC) Applications –General Electric Economic and Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) –AREVA U.S. EPR –Mitsubishi U.S. Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (US APWR) 1 Amended DC Application –Westinghouse AP1000 Certification Amendment 1 DC Rule Amendment 2 ESP Applications

11 11 Rulemaking DC Review One Issue/One Review/One Decision Subsequent COL 1 (SCOL) Hearings* Reference COL (RCOL) Hearings* Subsequent COL 2 (SCOL) Subsequent COL 3 (SCOL) *The process for a COL includes an opportunity for a contested hearing by the ASLB and also a mandatory hearing that is uncontested before the Commission.

12 12 Licensing Basis Maintenance Combined License (COL) NRO/NRC “getting ready” for potential COL issuance Issued a Generic COL (SECY-00-0092, dated April 20, 2000) Preparing update to the Generic COL (SECY in 2010 w/generic license conditions) ISG-11: Licensing Basis Freeze Point

13 13 Potential Post-COL Licensing Actions Combined License process allows for a range of post-COL licensing actions Post-COL License Amendments for: –Proposed changes to License ( i.e., technical specification changes to include as-built or as-procured information during construction) –Proposed changes to Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) Design Certifications (DCs) and COLs changes to DC ITAAC also require an exemption under 52.63(b)(1) - Proposed changes to FSAR or Tier 2 that exceed the threshold in the 50.59 or 50.59-like change process

14 14 Post-COL Change Processes Changes to and departures from Tier 1 information –Generic changes to Tier 1 information (DCR - VIII.A.1) –Departures from Tier 1 require exemptions (DCR – VIII.A.4) Changes to and departures from Tier 2 information –Generic changes to Tier 2 information (DCR - VIII.B.1) –Departures from Tier 2 information (DCR, VIII.B.5 – 50.59-like) Departures from Tier 2* material require prior NRC approval via a license amendment –i.e., new nuclear fuel designs

15 15 Conclusions Regulatory processes are in place to handle the expected licensing actions in the near future. NRC is working to address the known workload in FY 2011 and beyond. Early communication with the NRC is important to post-COL licensing actions planning and scheduling for FY 2012 and beyond.

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