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Published byDelilah Carson Modified over 9 years ago
1 st quarter – 2014/2015
1. aesthetic Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms artistic sublime picturesque displeasing ugly unattractive (adjective) of or relating to art or beauty adverb – aesthetically noun – aestheticism
Although planting trees is practical for environmental reasons, many plant trees for aesthetic reasons – to beautify their yards.
2. catalyst Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms impetus motivator stimulant block hindrance preventer (noun) an agent that provokes significant change or action; a substance that allows a chemical reaction to proceed at a faster rate or under different conditions adjective – catalytic adverb – catalytically
The bombing of Pearl Harbor was the catalyst for World War II.
3. disparage Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms belittle deride degrade commend exalt flatter (verb) to lower in rank or reputation; to speak slightingly about disparaged, disparaging noun – disparager noun – disparagement adjective – disparaging adverb - disparagingly
Many voters do not like political advertisements wherein the opponents disparage each other. They would prefer if each candidate would offer a list of personal accomplishments – something that would give them reason to vote for him/her.
4. ingratiate Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms flatter charm kowtow offend repulse deter (verb) to gain favor or approval for yourself by doing or saying things that people like ingratiated, ingratiating noun – ingratiation adjective – ingratiatory
Many aspiring politicians ingratiate themselves with community leaders, in hopes of improving their chances of acceptance and success.
5. insipid Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms banal bland lifeless original sharp tasty (adjective) not interesting or exciting; dull or boring; lacking strong flavor noun – insipidity, insipidness adverb – insipidly
School lunches, in my opinion due to a lack of salt, tend to taste rather insipid.
6. peerless Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms unequaled nonpareil unsurpassed imperfect mediocre average (adjective) having no equal; better than all the others adverb – peerlessly noun – peerlessness
Many people yearn to be peerless in their fields of study; they hope to invent or create something that surpasses anything that prior generations have been able to do.
7. propriety Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms decorum rectitude respectability unsuitableness inappropriateness misconduct (noun) behavior that is accepted as socially or morally correct and proper NA
When attending a funeral, there are certain proprieties that should be observed; for example, most people offer their condolences to the grieving family.
8. virtuoso Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms prodigy ace champion amateur novice rookie (noun) a person who has great skill at some endeavor, esp. the arts plural – virtuosos/virtuosi adjective – virtuosic/virtuoso adverb – virtuosically
A real virtuoso in the kitchen, Chef Alex receives accolades from the critics who visit his five-star restaurant.
9. vitriolic Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms biting offensive scathing kind pleasant complimentary (adjective) filled with bitter criticism and malice noun – vitriol adverb – vitriolically
Bitter because of his own misfortune, the critic’s reviews were often filled with vitriolic pronouncements.
10. whimsical Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms playful fanciful fickle sensible common steadfast (adjective) unusual in a playful or amusing way; not serious noun – whimsicality noun – whimsicalness adverb – whimsically
Catherine has a whimsical sense of humor; she laughs at the silliest and oddest things.
11. amicable Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms neighborly conciliatory harmonious disagreeable belligerent hostile (adjective) showing a polite and friendly desire to avoid disagreement and argument noun – amicableness, amicability adverb – amicably
The contract negotiations between the nurses and UPMC were hardly amicable; in fact, the nurses had to strike because the UPMC representatives refused to compromise.
12. devious Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms crafty calculating shady ingenuous honest open (adjective) willing to lie and trick people to get what is wanted; not straightforward and direct; having many twists and turns adverb – deviously noun – deviousness
The dishonest and devious politician lied to his constituents to get them to vote for him. Growing up in the area and knowing it extremely well, John was able to take a devious route to bypass the construction and traffic.
13. dissonance Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms conflict cacophony discord consonance peacefulness harmony (noun) inconsistency between one’s beliefs or one’s beliefs and actions; a mingling of discordant sound adjective – dissonant adverb – dissonantly
Employee morale was low because there was an obvious dissonance between what they were told and what they were seeing with their own eyes. The dissonance created by the new power plant upset the nearby residents who were unable to sleep with all of the noise.
14. efface Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms delete obliterate wipe out build construct restore (verb) to cause something to fade, disappear, or wear away; to make oneself (shyly) inconspicuous effaces, effaced, effacing adjective – effaceable noun – effacer, effacement
After fifty years and several tragedies, the carefree early years of her marriage became nothing more than memories effaced by time. Sophie couldn’t even remember how Mark proposed.
15. garrulous Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms chatty loquacious gossipy withdrawn taciturn reticent (adjective) pointlessly or annoyingly talkative; given to rambling noun – garrulousness adverb – garrulously
After my garrulous nephew talked incessantly for three hours, my husband asked him if his mouth ever got tired.
16. immutable Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms enduring inflexible unchangeable alterable flexible variable (adjective) not capable of or susceptible to change noun – immutability noun – immutableness adverb – immutably
Because aging is one of the immutable laws of nature, people should embrace the advantages rather than mourn the changes.
17. ponderous Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms monotonous tedious unwieldy engaging gripping buoyant (adjective) very boring or dull; slow or awkward because of weight and size adverb – ponderously noun – ponderousness noun – ponderosity
The students struggled to stay awake during the ponderous lecture.
18. predecessor Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms forerunner precursor prototype derivative successor descendant (noun) something that comes before something else NA
Today’s computers are much faster and more user-friendly than their predecessors, the typewriter and word processors.
19. rebuff Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms rebuke reject snub welcome endorse accept (verb) to refuse something (ie. an offer or a suggestion) in a rude way rebuffs, rebuffed, rebuffing noun – rebuff
Because the prospective buyers’ offer was far below the appraised value of the house, the homeowners rebuffed the bid.
20. static Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms inert stagnant stationary mobile movable changeable (adjective) showing little or no change, action, or progress adjective – statical adverb – statically
The static population of the small town resulted in a tight-knit community very wary of newcomers.
21. acquiesce Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms accede comply conform oppose refuse resist (verb) to accept, agree, or allow something to happen by staying silent or by not arguing adjective – acquiescent adverb – acquiescently
Although her parents offered the refugee a place to stay, Gabby was not so quick to acquiesce to the idea of sharing her room with a stranger.
22. articulate Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms eloquent fluent well-spoken ineloquent garbled misrepresented (adjective) able to express ideas clearly and effectively in speech and writing adverb – articulately noun – articulateness
Unlike the gibberish typical of babies, toddlers are able to form articulate words and phrases.
23. belittle Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms bad-mouth disparage depreciate acclaim extol praise (verb) to speak slightingly of belittles, belittled, belittling noun – belittlement noun – belittler
Because her boss continually belittles her efforts, Sophie is looking for a new job.
24. bombastic Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms pompous histrionic highfalutin humble reserved restrained (adjective) typical of speech or writing that is meant to sound important or impressive but is not sincere or meaningful adverb – bombastically noun – bombast
Jerry thought he could write the paper without reading the assigned novel; however, he received a D- because his bombastic paper lacked substance.
25. conciliatory Synonyms Antonyms Definition Other Forms appeasing assuaging mollifying antagonistic fighting stubborn (adjective) intended to placate or reconcile verb – conciliate noun – conciliation, conciliator adjective – conciliative
Despite the manager’s conciliatory speech, the angry workers refused to sign the proposed contract. They insisted that management offered minor perks but continued to ignore major issues like salary and health care.
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