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BLIND SPOT John 21:15-19 Intro: Did you ever come to ask why horse’s eyes are covered?

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2 BLIND SPOT John 21:15-19 Intro: Did you ever come to ask why horse’s eyes are covered?



5 Horses also are unable to focus their eyes the way humans and most animals can. Have you ever seen a horse raising and lowering its head as it looks at an object? It does that to adjust the focal length, moving until the object comes into focus on its retina. Also, since the horse’s field of vision doesn’t overlap—the right eye sees what’s happening on the right side of its body, and the same on the left—it’s amazing that the horse isn’t confused all the time by two images that don’t match up at all. The horse’s eyes also act something like a human’s bifocals. If the horse lowers its head and looks up, gazing through the upper portion of the eye, it can focus on the horizon. However, if it needs to look at something closer, it will raise its head to regard the object through the lower portion of the eye, where it can focus more clearly.

6 Aim: For us to fix our eyes on Jesus by being blind to spots that distracts us. I. Peter’s love being examined-v 15 He didn’t confront Peter until they had finished eating He already had seen how sorry Peter was about it But He wasn’t called Peter this time but Simon son of Jonah, why? He lost his credit if his strength and stability He was asked if he love Jesus more than those? -It could refer to the pleasure of fishing -It could refer to his occupation

7 -It could refer to anything that steals our time in serving Him -It could also mean more than other disciples’ love- Matthew 26:33 He answered, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love you”. We could fake others how we love the Lord but there was an awareness in him of God’s omniscience. Jesus wouldn’t entrust his flock to a loveless shepherds One way to check our love for God is by the way we feed his flock He first told Peter to feed His lambs (young/weak)

8 II. Do you love Me the 2 nd time-v 16 This time was focused on Jesus He doesn’t want us to compare with others Tend His sheep (Grown ups) To nurture, minister to, look after, guard, care for III. Do you love me the 3 rd time-v 17 This time it grieved Peter This time he added, “You know all things” Feed my sheep

9 IV. Prediction of Peter’s death-v 18-19 When we were young-we girded and walked where we wish When we become old or mature in Him -We will stretch out our hands -Another will gird us -Carry us where we do not wish -To encircle with a belt or band. To fasten or secure (clothing, for example) His death was to glorify God And then he was told to “Follow Him”

10 V. Peter’s should be 2 nd blind spot-v 20-21 His first blind was his death in following Jesus Peter turned around into his blind spot He saw John whom Jesus loved He tend to compare God’s favour to others He started to ask a question What he was saying was “If I die for you, he should die as well”. This tends us to see unfairness of treatment or differences of circumstances

11 VI. Jesus’ challenge to our blind spot-v 22-23 If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? It’s none of your business dude We should not dare to look at it This is one of the reasons why He told us to fix our eyes on Him-Heb 12:2 He was told the second time to follow Jesus Even if you die, even if He favours others than yourself “FOLLOW HIM”

12 VII. For us to do that-Heb 12:2 Fix your eyes unto Jesus He is the author and finisher of our faith Remember that there’s joy set before us Despise your shame Hebrew 12:3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.Hebrew 12:3 Hbr 12:4 In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.Hbr 12:4

13 Challenge: What are your blind spots? Didn’t you turned around on it? Are you comparing yourself to others? Are you fixing your eyes on HIM? Will you still follow HIM? Conclusion: Hebrew 12:2Hebrew 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

14 You're all I want, You're all I need, oh Jesus Take more of me So I can be more like You Jesus And I'll hold onto You Whatever I'll go through You're here with me My saviour, my King Me everything, Oh Jesus You are The reason I live, forever I'll give My all to you Open my eyes so I can see who You really are Open my ears so I can hear Your tender voice And I'll trust in You, whatever I'll go through You guide my path, each step that take You lead me Lord, in Your arms I'll stay.

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