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Review, Reflection, and Renewal MSCHE and NJCU Decennial Self-Study SELF-STUDY FALL 2009 SITE VISIT SPRING 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Review, Reflection, and Renewal MSCHE and NJCU Decennial Self-Study SELF-STUDY FALL 2009 SITE VISIT SPRING 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review, Reflection, and Renewal MSCHE and NJCU Decennial Self-Study SELF-STUDY FALL 2009 SITE VISIT SPRING 2010

2 Context for Self-Study

3 Transparency and Accountability  Recurring theme  Federal to state to local  Spellings to SCI  Constituencies—students, faculty, public, external reviewer, federal programs  Outcomes—learner, service, and institutional  Data driven - decisions and resource allocations/reallocations

4 Integrating Forces Impacting Accreditation Internally  Vision 2010  Program Reviews  Program Accreditations—NASAD, NASM, NCATE, NLN, NASP, ACBSP  Center for Teaching and Learning  University Committee for Assessment of Student Learning  University Senate  AFT/CWA  Four Division Leadership – Collaborative

5 Accreditation History  Last self-study and visit—1999  Fifty years of MSCHE accreditation—1959-2009  Last Periodic Review Report—June 2005  Recent MSCHE Actions: June 2006—Online Degree Offerings June 2007—Harborside

6 2007 2006 2005 1999-2000 1998 1994 1958 1935 2015 1929 1927 2009-10 1959

7 Introduction to the Review Process MSCHE states “accreditation is the educational community’s means of self-regulation through quality assurance and integrity of higher education, making it worthy of public confidence.”

8 Recurring MSCHE Themes  Culture of inquiry and evidence  Emphasis on student learning outcomes on course and program levels (not plans, but outcomes)  Emphasis on institutional outcomes that arise out of the academic core  Resource allocation and reallocation

9 Standards at a Glance Fourteen Standards:  First seven define institutional context, e.g. mission, governance, resources, institutional assessment.  Second seven define educational effectiveness, e.g. student support, faculty, programs, student learning assessment.

10 Structure

11 Steering Committee Members Maria Lynn, Co-Chair Grisel Lopez Diaz, Co-Chair Regina AdesanyaArthur Kramer Alberto BarugelPeter Ljutic Deborah BennettErik Morales Basanti ChakrabortyFran Moran David ChiabiCarmen Panlilio Min Chou Catherine Raissiguier Marilyn Ettinger Bill Soo Hoo William FellenbergPhyllis Szani Kerri Giordano Ellen Wayman-Gordon Demond Hargrove Student Government Representative Brian Hurwitz

12 Charge to Steering Committee February 28, 2008  Oversee working groups  Edit analytical reports  Produce a draft  Serve as campus leaders  Develop and implement tasks  Ensure communication  Distribute final report

13 Comprehensive Self-Study Model Reordering Standards  Mission, Goals, and Integrity—Stds. 1, 6  Planning, Resources, and Institutional Renewal—Stds. 2, 3  Leadership, Governance, and Administration—Stds. 4, 5  Student Admissions and Support Services—Stds. 8, 9  Faculty—Std. 10  Educational Offerings—Std. 11  General Education and Related Educational Activities— Stds. 12, 13 Stds. 12, 13  Institutional Assessment and Student Learning Assessment— Stds. 7, 14 Stds. 7, 14 EIGHT WORKING GROUPS

14 Self-Study Timeline Summer 2008 and Fall 2008  Working Groups Collect data/conduct research data/conduct research  Working Groups Begin Drafting Reports Reports Spring 2010  Mid-April Site Visit Summer 2010  Written Response from MSCHE Evaluation Team Evaluation Team Spring 2009 and Summer 2009  Drafts from Working Groups Submitted Submitted  Steering Committee Develops Draft Self-Study Report Draft Self-Study Report Fall 2009  Draft Review by Campus Community and Board of Trustees Community and Board of Trustees  Final Report Completed Spring 2008  President to Charge Steering Committee (February 28. 2008) (February 28. 2008)  Senate Presentation—March 17, 2008  Working Groups Established  Write Proposal and Finalize by April 15, 2008 2008  MSCHE Staff Liaison Conducts Preliminary Visit, April 28, 2008 Visit, April 28, 2008  Presentation to Board at Retreat, June 9, 2008 2008 Spring 2009  Copy of Self-Study Design Sent to Team Chair Team Chair

15 Self-Study Resources  NJCU Self-Study: / /  NJCU Institutional Research:  MSCHE:  NJ Commission on Higher Ed:

16 To transform NJCU into a revitalized learning organization where all contribute to learning by continuous review and reflection. Goal for Self-Study: Goal for Self-Study:

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